54 min

92 - Kenneth Anger Part two History Lessons for Misanthropes

    • Historia

This is the second part of the story of Kenneth Anger. 
The episode begins after Kenneth parts ways with Bobby Beausoleil, and decided to leave San Francisco. His time in England was spent wooing rock stars and socialites, and establishing himself as a man of mystery, magick, and LSD. All the while he was making films and chasing the fame he refused to bend for.
We also think this is the first episode we've done about someone still living- if we're wrong let us know!
music by V►LH►LL

This is the second part of the story of Kenneth Anger. 
The episode begins after Kenneth parts ways with Bobby Beausoleil, and decided to leave San Francisco. His time in England was spent wooing rock stars and socialites, and establishing himself as a man of mystery, magick, and LSD. All the while he was making films and chasing the fame he refused to bend for.
We also think this is the first episode we've done about someone still living- if we're wrong let us know!
music by V►LH►LL

54 min

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