Can’t make any promises Xtra Xtra Presented By VDG Sports [Clips]

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Probably the hardest nonthreatening ‘it is what it is” there ever were and will be. I can’t make any promises. These are the type of things that happens when misery makes an appearance. Seriously, who called? Well, misery wants company again! Don’t worry we stay ready.

Someone put the other side out of their misery #NORMUN— Vince D Gregory (@vincedgregory) May 7, 2016

Probably the hardest nonthreatening ‘it is what it is” there ever were and will be. I can’t make any promises. These are the type of things that happens when misery makes an appearance. Seriously, who called? Well, misery wants company again! Don’t worry we stay ready.

Someone put the other side out of their misery #NORMUN— Vince D Gregory (@vincedgregory) May 7, 2016