42 episodios

Retro Pop Culture, Toy and game reviews, theme parks, arcade attractions, amusements and much more!


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Retro Pop Culture, Toy and game reviews, theme parks, arcade attractions, amusements and much more!

    GREEDY GRANNY - Unboxing, Setup, Game Play and Review!

    GREEDY GRANNY - Unboxing, Setup, Game Play and Review!

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    Do you have a fat, stingy grandma? Have you ever wanted one? Well today's your lucky day because on this episode of the Dandy Fun House we're going to unbox, assemble and play none other than the game of GREEDY GRANNY! Let's step into the Fun House!

    Hello and welcome to the Dandy Fun House video show, podcast and blog! This is where we hoard all the retro pop culture, toys and games and all the fun stuff we can find!

    I'm your host, Neil Dandy and today we're going to get into a game that's been around since about 2018 and started off as a Toys R Us exclusive. Obviously Toys R Us isn't around anymore but now this game can be found just about everywhere and the fact that it's had the staying power to endure on the toy and game aisle shelves for this long is a testament to it's appeal. I'm talking about the game of GREEDY GRANNY by Goliath Games (try saying THAT ten times fast!) from Deutschland.


    But first I want to show you these awesome DANDY FUN HOUSE T-SHIRTS! They come with a front AND a back so you don't get cold and we even cut 4 holes in them! One to crawl your body into, one to stick your head out of and two to poke your arms through! Find them at our website https://www.dandyfunhouse.com !

    And while you're there, check out our brand new NO ROBOTS! T-Shirt and tell Cyberdyne where to stick it!


    The history of Goliath Games is actually a love story about two people named Adi and Margreeth Golad who fell head over heels for each other over a game of Rummikub while visiting the Israeli desert. We don't know if it was the moon or the Manischevitz but in addition to their passion for one-another, they also found a burning passion for the game of Rummikub.

    Margreeth soon returned home to the Netherlands where she shared this game with her family who also became consumed with an unquenchable passion for the game of Rummikub.

    Margreeth and Adi soon connected back up and decided to not only join together to pursue a business desire to bring Rummikub to the world but also join together in holy matrimony and in 1980 founded GOLIATH GAMES.

    Adi left his mechanical engineering career and traded in his car for 500 games of Rummikub which he sold on the streets of the Netherlands, obviously not out of the trunk of his car. I guess he set them out on a blanket and probably started a lot of conversations with "Psst buddy!"

    There were challenges along the way, but when they were hungry, Rummikub kept them alive (Hey, I think that's and Eagles song!). Nonetheless, Adi and Margreeth persisted on their all-out Rummikub rampage and proceeded to build the game into the iconic, multi-generational classic that it is today. In fact, the game eventually became so popular that it set the world record as the most number of games played per capita in a single year. Goliath Games and Rummikub still hold this record to this day!

    Together, Adi and Margreeth built the foundation of Goliath Games and nurtured it into a leading global manufacturer of toys and games in over a dozen countries around the world. Their slogan? "Clever Together."

    Adi and Margreeth Golad, The Dandy Fun House video show, podcast and blog salutes you!

    Now let's get into this game of GREEDY GRANNY!

    For a game that's been around since 2018, I found surprisingly little information on the backstory or origins of this game while researching for this episode...

    • 21 min
    The Story of CRAZY MAGAZINE!

    The Story of CRAZY MAGAZINE!

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    Hey there! It’s me, your old pal Obnoxio the Clown. I know it’s been a while but I couldn’t help but crawl out of my clown hole once I heard what the Dandy Fun House had planned for this episode of their show! Not only that, but they also made the incredibly bad decision to ask ME, your old pal Obnoxio to host!They would have asked the Nebbish, but he doesn’t really talk so much. Ok, by now I have to imagine about two of you are really excited but most of you are really confused, so let me bring you up to speed. I used to be the mascot for CRAZY Magazine and I’m here to tell you the story of this wacky little rag that had a pretty good run back in the 70’s and 80’s! So without further ado, Let’s step into the Fart House! What? Oh the Fun House! Yeah that’s it!

    Hello and welcome to the Dandy Flop House, Fun House or whatever they call it! Video Show, Podcast and Blog! I’m your old long-lost pal, Obnoxio the Clown and I’m here to tell you the story of an obnoxious humor magazine that existed from 1973 to 1983 which yours truly was honored to be the mascot for during it’s final few years.

    But first, let me show you these crazy new t-shirts from the Dandy Fun House (did I say it right this time?) now available in the Dandy Fun SHOP! It’s got a front AND a back so you don’t get too cold and comes with 4 holes in it. One to crawl your body into, one to stick your head out of and two to poke yer arms through! You can find it at the Dandy Fun House website at http://www.dandyfunhouse.com or go directly to the store at http://www.dandyfunshop.com . Now back to this glorious freaking episode!

    Ok, CRAZY MAGAZINE! We were published by Marvel Comics believe it or not and were sort of in the vein of Mad Magazine, Cracked, Sick Magazine and National Lampoon.

    In the beginning back in 1953, Marvel Comics was actually called Atlas Comics and they decided to try their hand at competing with the behemoth of all novelty mags, MAD Magazine. So they published 7 issues of a comic book called CRAZY! Which skewered pop culture and included gags galore. It was a nice trial balloon, but didn’t exactly take the world by storm so they shelved the idea of publishing a satire for the next TWENTY YEARS until 1973 when it was revived for the purpose of republishing some of Marvel’s more wacky bits from their late-60’s comic called “Not Brand Echh.” What the heck kind of a name is “NOT BRAND ECHH!?”




    For some reason they decided to give the old CRAZY Magazine another crack at success and kept things rolling under the guiding hand of the Marvel man, myth and legend himself… Stan Lee along with Co-Editor Marv Wolfman. Lee wanted to go for a straight up Mad Magazine and Cracked Magazine vibe while Wolfman wanted something more along the lines of National Lampoon. They came to an agreement somewhere in the middle and this gave CRAZY its own unique flavor. Kind of like sardine ala mode!

    It was decided that CRAZY needed a mascot, and so kicked around ideas until they came up with a small, buggy looking guy in a floppy hat and some sort of black cape-looking trench coat thing and they called this guy “The Nebbish.” Later they gave him the more proper name of “Irving Nebbish.” This Nebbish guy served as the mascot for CRAZY Magazine for seven solid years and he did a fine job I must say. I mean, I eventually STOLE his job but no hard feelings Nebby! That’s show biz!


    Wolfman wasn’t the only editor Crazy Magazine had.

    • 10 min
    PIGS ON TRAMPOLINES Game Review, Unboxing and How to Play

    PIGS ON TRAMPOLINES Game Review, Unboxing and How to Play

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    If there's one thing in this world I am a sucker for it's snouts, fat bellies and squiggly little tails! It's great in real life, but it's even better when it comes in the form of a TWAG! What's a TWAG you ask? It means Toy With A Game... TWAG!

    In this episode number 40 of the Dandy Fun House we're gonna make pigs fly! And we're not just gonna make 'em fly, we're gonna make 'em bounce too as I review the TWAG known as PIGS ON TRAMPOLINES! Let's step into the Fun House!

    Hello and welcome to the Dandy Fun House Video Show, Podcast and Blog where we use our delicate snouts to sniff out the very best in retro pop culture, toys and games and all the fun stuff!

    I'm your host Neil Dandy and before we begin I want to acknowledge a milestone! Since this is just a monthly show (other than the fact that I do post daily snippets online), there are some that have expressed to me that if this show were to reach 40 episodes... then pigs will have flown!

    Well, not only has the Dandy Fun House Video Show, Podcast and Blog Officially reached 40 episodes as of the episode you're currently consuming, but we're going to celebrate by making pigs fly or at least bounce because I'm gonna unbox, assemble, play and review an awesome looking game from PlayMonster called PIGS ON TRAMPOLINES!

    But first I want to let you know that the brand new DANDY FUN SHOP online merchandise store has officially launched!

    You can find it on the Dandy Fun House website at dandyfunhouse.com and just click on "SHOP." You may also visit it directly at dandyfunshop.com .

    As of now you'll find the all-new awesome looking DANDY FUN HOUSE t-shirt with both a front and a back (because we don't Want you to get cold) which I'm real proud of! I think it came out looking great. You'll also find some other novelty designs I've created not necessarily Connected to the show just some crazy designs I like to make when I'm not cranking out these episodes.

    I'm hoping that as the shop grows, it will help promote this show and this show will help promote the shop in what we in the Industry refer to as cross promotion.

    But enough about me! Let's learn a little bit more about the company behind PIGS ON TRAMPOLINES, PlayMonster!


    Now I don't really recall hearing of this company before, but with a game called PIGS ON TRAMPOLINES bouncing out at me from the Walmart shelf, how could I not get this game and learn more about this company?

    So I log on to their website at playmonster.com and before I can even see or do anything I'm instantly disrupted by this horrible pop-up right in my face asking for my name and email address so they can add me to their mailing list before I even don't anything about them! It's like an over eager first date and I'm in my nice prom dress. (You know what I'm talking about).

    I don't know who at PlayMonster marketing needs to hear this but PlayMonster we need to talk. Come here...

    (soft music plays)

    We just met and you're already asking for all my personal information. It's just too much too fast I'm not ready for that type of commitment at this place in my life. Let's get to know each other a little first. We'll take a walk down the beach maybe to the park. It doesn't need to be all on you either. I can pack a nice lunch for two and we can just sit a...

    • 19 min


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    The humble toaster pastry. It's been our molten, tongue burning sweet little friend since the 60s. It's a quick little pick me up when we need a tasty treat. Sometimes it's breakfast on the run and in all the world, one little toaster named Milton reigns supreme with his empire of handheld, sugary rectangles known as Pop-Tarts. In this episode of the Dandy Fun House, we're going to give three off-brand toaster pastry underdogs a chance to dethrone the mighty Milton and claim the title TOASTER PASTRY CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! For this is the Strawberry Toaster Pastry Showdown! Let's step into the Fun House!

    Hello and welcome to the Dandy Fun House Video Show, Podcast and Blog! This is where we cook up the very tastiest in retro pop culture, toys and games and all the fun stuff. I'm your host, Neil Dandy, and by pop-tartular demand, this episode is going to cook!

    And yes, I'm coming to you straight from the Dandy Fun House Studios Kitchens, where today we're going to have the showdown of the century! I have here before me the four most popular toaster pastries in America… Alright, they're the only four different types of toaster pastries I could find after visiting four different grocery stores, but you get the idea, right? OK, here we go!


    Upon conducting my search, scouring grocery store shelves for toaster pastries to pit against one another, I discovered that strawberry is apparently the most common flavor amongst all toaster pastries. So that's the flavor we're going to test today.

    Here we have Millville Toaster Tarts, which is the Aldi brand. We have Toaster Treats, which is the Kroger brand. We have Frosted Strawberry Toaster Pastries by Great Value, which is the Walmart brand. And last but certainly not least, we have the reigning toaster pastry champion of the world, Pop Tarts.

    I want to be really careful to not rip off Matt Mitchell's Bless Your Rank, which I absolutely love. So instead of lining up these four contenders to the strawberry toaster pastry throne, I'm instead going to conduct this contest like a boxing match with an undercard and a main event, after which I will pit the winner of the undercard against the winner of the main event to give the underdog a shot at the title!

    I will be judging on packaging, the look of the pastry and of course how they taste both untoasted and toasted.


    I will not actually be swallowing any of these toxic treats. I'll instead be taking a bite from the best corner of the pastry, chewing it, allowing it to roll around my palate for a moment, and then spitting it out while swishing my mouth with water between bites. I feel this is the most fair method of conducting this contest, and you deserve no less than the best!


    I think we can all agree that Pop Tarts is the 900 pound gorilla in the room as far as worldwide popularity, followed most likely by Great Value, the Walmart brand. And that's going to leave Millville Toaster Tarts and Kroger's Frosted Toaster Treats as our undercard.

    You guys ready? Come on, LET’S GET READY TO CRUMBLE!

    Okay, here before me, we have our undercard match. We have Millville Toaster Tarts from Aldi, and we have Frosted Toaster Treats from Kroger.

    Looking at the packaging… they both have pretty good packaging, I must say. I'm not crazy about the Millville logo. It doesn't sound very appetizing, but then again, neither does Kroger to me. So I'm going to give it a tie on the packaging.

    • 30 min


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    Two Canadian brothers born in the early 1900s, sons of a clock salesman, they found a mutual love for puppeteering which led them on an amazing journey of a lifetime through the Land of the Lost, Sea Monsters, Bugaloos, Pufnstuf, Banana Splits and much much more. In this episode of the Dandy Fun House, I proudly bring you the story of the Yolas brothers, but you might remember them better as... Sid and Marty Krofft! Let's step into the Fun House!

    Hello and welcome to the Dandy Fun House, video show, podcast and blog! This is where we get lost in the land of retro pop culture, toys and games and all the fun stuff. I'm your host, Neil Dandy and in today's episode, this is one I've been wanting to do for a while, but I sort of got held up wrapping up the year 2023. Now that that's all behind us, I figured I'd kick off 2024 with a bang and bring you the story of the amazing creators of some of the most timeless kids shows of the 70s and 80s, Sid and Marty Krofft!

    If you don't know who Sid and Marty Krofft are, (I being in my mid-50's find this almost unfathomable, but there might be some younger viewers, listeners and readers who have never heard of them and I want to be welcoming if you might fit this description.) these guys created iconic TV shows like Land of the Lost, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, The Bugaloos, H.R. Pufnstuf, The Banana Splits and a whole lot more.

    A lot of their work was kinda like Muppets before the Muppets were a thing, but more fantasy type. I hope that made sense. Together, the Krofft Brothers' resume boasts a whopping 26 television series and 21 specials! But to really get an idea of who these guys were, I think we need to start back farther...MUCH FARTHER!!!!!!!!!

    Two Canadian brothers, Sid and Marty Yolas of Greek and Hungarian descent were born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1929 and 1937. Sons of a clock salesman, Peter Yolas, their family emigrated to the US in the early 1940s, landing in Rhode Island but eventually settling in New York City, assuming the more American last name of Krofft.

    The father, Peter, in addition to his profession of clock salesmanship, also enjoyed the theatre and producing plays. Sid discovered a love for puppeteering and he performed some of his earliest work debuting in one of his dad's stage plays, an adaptation of Snow White. From there, Sid had the puppet bug and went into the world of vaudeville as a teenager before running away with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, which billed him as the world's youngest puppeteer!

    This allowed Sid to take his one-man show called The Unusual Artistry of Sid Krofft International and parlayed his newfound circus notoriety into being the opening act for iconic performers like Judy Garland and Liberace.

    Meanwhile back in New York, Sid's younger brother Marty started putting his older brother's second-hand puppets to work, earning some money with local stage performances and honing his own set of skills and more importantly, business acumen.

    His business smarts attracted the attention of older brother Sid, who eventually asked him to team up in an effort to bring his visions for bigger, better and more spectacular productions to life.

    In 1957 they did just that, developing their first show together, a mature audience production entitled Les Poupees de Paris. They ran this production for several years, earning acclaim worldwide, performing for over 9 million people collectively while also providing more family themed productions for Six Flags amusement parks.

    • 13 min
    MURFREESBORO*OPOLY Game Review and HOT MOVIES COMING IN 2024 – Dandy Fun House episode 37

    MURFREESBORO*OPOLY Game Review and HOT MOVIES COMING IN 2024 – Dandy Fun House episode 37

     see video below!


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    In this episode of the Dandy Fun House, I'm going to self-indulge just a bit and pay a bit of homage to the town I live in and love: MURFREESBORO, TENNESSEE! And I'm going to do it in the only way that I can actually make it relevant to this show and that's with a game review! Now for those of you who don't live in Murfreesboro and couldn't possibly care less about my town, I know you're asking yourself right now why you would ever care about a game review involving the town of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Here's why: because the company that makes the game I'm about to review also makes this exact same game customized special for individual cities and towns all over the world, most likely including yours and this episode will hopefully give you a sneak peek at what you might expect if you were to purchase this particular game for where YOU LIVE! NOW do I have your attention? I hope so because I've been looking for an excuse to buy this game for a long time now for THIS is the game of... MURFREESBORO*OPOLY! Let's step into the Fun House!

    Hello and welcome to the Dandy Fun House! This is where we unwrap the very best in retro pop culture, toys and games and all the fun stuff! I'm your host Neil Dandy and in this year-end extravaganza I'm going to unbox, set up and show you how to play the Monopoly spinoff game - MURFREESBORO*OPOLY! And at the end of the show, I'm going to do a quick rundown of some of the best movies I enjoyed from the year 2023 and ones I'm looking forward to in 2024! Let's get to it!

    This game appears to be made by a company out of Cincinnati, Ohio called Late For The Sky. That's a pretty odd name for a toy and game manufacturer. But let's see what we can find out about them.

    Looking over their website it appears their entire business model is solely making specialized versions of the game Monopoly and boy do they have a lot of them! They have versions for different colleges, alcoholic beverages, Shark*Opoly, Zombie*Opoly. Educational versions like America*Opoly, Dino*Opoly, Space*Opoly, Bible*Opoly, Boooo*Opoly, Christmas*Opoly, Farm, Fishing, Hunting, Rodeo, Cat, Horse, Ocean, Penguin, and 18 DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DOGS OPOLY! Sheesh!

    There was only ONE GAME on their entire website that was not a version of Monopoly that I found and that game was and is THE MAN GAME! Which includes: flick football (you know like that triangular folded piece of paper you would try to flick between your friends' finger goal posts while you were goofing off in school?), a ball for cup pong, a tape measure to see which guy has the biggest uhhh... bicep! Yes bicep! Rope for sailor knots and a regulation deck of playing cards along with poker chips. No wagering please!

    Apparently their business concept started with MIAMI*OPOLY because their founder and president whom they don't give the name of was a graduate of Miami University. They grew their college line of games to over 80 different titles and just kept going from there. No mention of any licensing deal with the makers of Monopoly although I'm sure there must be one. Just ask the makers of Ghetto*Opoly who got unceremoniously shut down after just a few months on the market. Hey! I just happen to have Ghetto*Opoly right here! I can't review it on this show because we're strctly family-friendly but in recent years, I have noticed it for sale again in various places. I don't believe Late For The Sky has anything to do with the re-release of Ghetto*Opoly however so moving right along....

    Apparently, you can hire them to customize a game for you as well. This seems to be more of a corporate offering where companies can have a game created highlighting speci...

    • 29 min

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