33 min

Diana Körner on sustainable tourism and island collaboration o Pacific Toks

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Ia Ora Na everyone and welcome to this new episode of Pacific Toks season 2 . I’m your host Philipe and in this podcast I engage in active conversations with my guests to talk about global challenges through an island perspective. 

Today we’re continuing our special series dedicated to the speakers of the Virtual Island Summit 2022 organized by Island Innovation, of which were are official media partner. 

For this episode I shared a conversation with Diana Koërner, Sustainable Tourism Consultant and Co-Founder, Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

Ia Ora Na everyone and welcome to this new episode of Pacific Toks season 2 . I’m your host Philipe and in this podcast I engage in active conversations with my guests to talk about global challenges through an island perspective. 

Today we’re continuing our special series dedicated to the speakers of the Virtual Island Summit 2022 organized by Island Innovation, of which were are official media partner. 

For this episode I shared a conversation with Diana Koërner, Sustainable Tourism Consultant and Co-Founder, Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

33 min