22 min

Get up and Obey For my GOOD and for his Glory

    • Cristianismo

When God tells you to get up you get up and obey you never now if you might be missing out on the most important message of your life and if you don’t don’t know if it’s form God then ask your self do I fell fear if the answer is yes then that’s not from God because if it is it would not scare you God is love, hope, and light. God bless you all and have a nice day

When God tells you to get up you get up and obey you never now if you might be missing out on the most important message of your life and if you don’t don’t know if it’s form God then ask your self do I fell fear if the answer is yes then that’s not from God because if it is it would not scare you God is love, hope, and light. God bless you all and have a nice day

22 min