29 min

S01-E07 Tough Love and Grace Hope Through Exile

    • Cristianismo

Hope through Exile is a new podcast that desires to provide a different message from what is present in modern society.  In our world, hope is wrongly placed on politicians, law, media, social justice activism, doctors and psychologists, and more. True Hope can only be found in Jesus. As part of that Hope, we as Christians must be exiled from the world’s way and believe that through Jesus we now are citizens of Heaven. This citizenship is guaranteed because Christ has already proclaimed victory. 

Hope through Exile is a new podcast that desires to provide a different message from what is present in modern society.  In our world, hope is wrongly placed on politicians, law, media, social justice activism, doctors and psychologists, and more. True Hope can only be found in Jesus. As part of that Hope, we as Christians must be exiled from the world’s way and believe that through Jesus we now are citizens of Heaven. This citizenship is guaranteed because Christ has already proclaimed victory. 

29 min