33 min

Sunday Gathering – Genesis – Big Questions about God – Chris Simpson Sermons | Meadowhead Christian Fellowship

    • Cristianismo

Summary of Sermon: Big Questions About God

This sermon explores the story of Abraham and Sarah from Genesis 18, focusing on the themes of faith, prayer, and God's character.

The passage: Abraham is visited by three strangers who turn out to be angels. They tell him Sarah will have a son despite her old age. Sarah laughs in disbelief, but God hears her and questions her lack of faith.

Key Points:

God's Immensity:

- We can't limit God by our understanding.

- Even when things seem impossible, God can do more than we imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

Truth and Grace:

- God desires truthfulness, but He also offers forgiveness (shown by Sarah's lie and God's continued presence).

Imposter Syndrome and God's Love:

- We may feel like frauds, but God's love is unconditional.

Prayer as Invitation:

- Prayer is a conversation, an opportunity to participate in God's plans.

- Like a parent including a child in a task, God invites us to be involved.

Abraham's Intercession:

- Abraham prays for Sodom and Gomorrah, arguing for justice and the preservation of the righteous.

- This act highlights the power of prayer and our ability to intercede for others.

God's Justice and Mercy:

- The story raises the question: Can God be both Just and Merciful?

- The sermon suggests the answer is found in Jesus, who satisfies both by paying the penalty for our sins.

Does Prayer Change God's Mind?:

- The sermon argues that prayer doesn't change God's ultimate plan, but it can change how He accomplishes it.

- In this case, God rescues Lot from Sodom showing a different, better outcome than Abraham anticipated.


The sermon concludes with a prayer thanking God for His love and mercy,

acknowledging Jesus' sacrifice,

and asking for the continued work of God's word in the listener's life.


I'm going to read the first part now then I'll talk about it and then she'll come back

and read the second part.

And I'm reading from the New Living Translation.

The Lord appeared again to Abraham near the Oak Grove belonging to Marmory.

On Sunday Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest part of the

day and he looked up and he noticed three men standing nearby.

Well when he saw them he ran to meet them and welcomed them bowing low to the ground.

My Lord he said, if it pleases you stop here awhile rest in the shade of this tree while

water is brought to wash your feet and since you've honoured your servant with this visit

let me prepare some food to refresh you before you continue on your journey.

All right he said, do as you have said.

So Abraham ran back to the tent and he said to Sarah,

hurry get three large measures of your best flour, knead it into dough and bake some bread.

Then Abraham ran out to the herd and chose a tender calf and gave it to his servant who

quickly prepared it and when the food was ready Abraham took some yogurt and milk

and the roasted meat and he served it to the men and as they ate Abraham waited on them

in the shade of the trees.

Where is your, Sarah your wife the visitors asked. Oh she's inside the tent Abraham replied

and then one of them said, I will return to you about this time next year

and your wife Sarah will have a son.

Well Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent and Abraham and Sarah were both

very old by this time and Sarah was long past the age of having children

so she laughed silently to herself and said, how could a worn out woman like me

enjoy such pleasure especially when my master my husband is also so old

and then the Lord said to Abraham, why did Sarah laugh?

Why did she say can an old woman like me have a baby?

Is anything too hard for the Lord and I will return about this time next year

and Sarah will have a son and Sarah was afraid so she denied it saying, I didn't laugh

but the Lord said, no you did laugh.

Thank you and let's have the first slide up about it, we can go on to the second slide.

I don't know if som

Summary of Sermon: Big Questions About God

This sermon explores the story of Abraham and Sarah from Genesis 18, focusing on the themes of faith, prayer, and God's character.

The passage: Abraham is visited by three strangers who turn out to be angels. They tell him Sarah will have a son despite her old age. Sarah laughs in disbelief, but God hears her and questions her lack of faith.

Key Points:

God's Immensity:

- We can't limit God by our understanding.

- Even when things seem impossible, God can do more than we imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

Truth and Grace:

- God desires truthfulness, but He also offers forgiveness (shown by Sarah's lie and God's continued presence).

Imposter Syndrome and God's Love:

- We may feel like frauds, but God's love is unconditional.

Prayer as Invitation:

- Prayer is a conversation, an opportunity to participate in God's plans.

- Like a parent including a child in a task, God invites us to be involved.

Abraham's Intercession:

- Abraham prays for Sodom and Gomorrah, arguing for justice and the preservation of the righteous.

- This act highlights the power of prayer and our ability to intercede for others.

God's Justice and Mercy:

- The story raises the question: Can God be both Just and Merciful?

- The sermon suggests the answer is found in Jesus, who satisfies both by paying the penalty for our sins.

Does Prayer Change God's Mind?:

- The sermon argues that prayer doesn't change God's ultimate plan, but it can change how He accomplishes it.

- In this case, God rescues Lot from Sodom showing a different, better outcome than Abraham anticipated.


The sermon concludes with a prayer thanking God for His love and mercy,

acknowledging Jesus' sacrifice,

and asking for the continued work of God's word in the listener's life.


I'm going to read the first part now then I'll talk about it and then she'll come back

and read the second part.

And I'm reading from the New Living Translation.

The Lord appeared again to Abraham near the Oak Grove belonging to Marmory.

On Sunday Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest part of the

day and he looked up and he noticed three men standing nearby.

Well when he saw them he ran to meet them and welcomed them bowing low to the ground.

My Lord he said, if it pleases you stop here awhile rest in the shade of this tree while

water is brought to wash your feet and since you've honoured your servant with this visit

let me prepare some food to refresh you before you continue on your journey.

All right he said, do as you have said.

So Abraham ran back to the tent and he said to Sarah,

hurry get three large measures of your best flour, knead it into dough and bake some bread.

Then Abraham ran out to the herd and chose a tender calf and gave it to his servant who

quickly prepared it and when the food was ready Abraham took some yogurt and milk

and the roasted meat and he served it to the men and as they ate Abraham waited on them

in the shade of the trees.

Where is your, Sarah your wife the visitors asked. Oh she's inside the tent Abraham replied

and then one of them said, I will return to you about this time next year

and your wife Sarah will have a son.

Well Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent and Abraham and Sarah were both

very old by this time and Sarah was long past the age of having children

so she laughed silently to herself and said, how could a worn out woman like me

enjoy such pleasure especially when my master my husband is also so old

and then the Lord said to Abraham, why did Sarah laugh?

Why did she say can an old woman like me have a baby?

Is anything too hard for the Lord and I will return about this time next year

and Sarah will have a son and Sarah was afraid so she denied it saying, I didn't laugh

but the Lord said, no you did laugh.

Thank you and let's have the first slide up about it, we can go on to the second slide.

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33 min