Episode 34 – Reluctant Networkers Unite Work Mom Says®, Don't Be An Idiot!

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Hate networking? You’ve come to the right place! In the latest episode, join Work Mom Lori Jo Vest for a conversation with the Reluctant Networker Greg Peters. They discuss all the ways you can get the most out of networking for business, even if you’re a serious introvert.

Themes discussed in this episode

How Greg became the Reluctant Networker

Networking has become the family business

In-person vs online networking

3 components of networking

How to properly network online

How to properly network in person

Intergenerational networking is the best!

LinkedIn networking

Networking is about human connection

Featured Guest

Expert Guest: Greg Peter

Title: The Reluctant Networker

What He Does: Greg Peters coaches individuals, trains staff, and presents to associations and other groups on developing skills and systems to build better connections and stronger networks. 

Connect: You can find him on LinkedIn. Learn more on his website. Check out his book, Hello and a Handshake.

Episode Highlights

Timestamped inflection points from the show

5:00 – Reluctant Networker Origin Story: Greg built his web development business by becoming a successful networker. When he decided to change careers, a friend encouraged him to teach people how he grew his business! And the Reluctant Networker was born!6:00 – Family business: Greg’s primary role is speaking engagements, while his mom brings the training aspect.7:00 – In-person vs. online networking: Virtual networking allows you to connect with people all over the world, but we still lose a bit of that connection when we aren’t in person.9:30 – Partner Networking: If done correctly, partner networking is HIGHLY effective.11:00 – The 3 Components of Networking: 1. Know who you are and what you do. 2. Develop your relationships. 3. Be prepared when people want to help you19:00 – Online networking: When you’re put into networking breakout rooms, act like you’re the host. Others will be grateful that you took charge.22:00 – Networking in person: Have a specific goal when you walk in.28:00 – LinkedIn networking: You have to participate and engage. Limit the number of groups you’re in because you can only actively invest in three at the most. Otherwise, you’re not making quality connections.33:40 – Networking across generations: You don’t network with a group. You network with individuals. So even if they’re a different generation, social status, or gender, treat everyone like a fellow human being and it’ll be that much easier.

Top Quotes

5:00 – Lori: If you create a career for yourself and 20 years later decide you don’t want to do it anymore, it’s allowed. You can make a change.8:00 – Greg: That little bit of a connection loss is more than made up for by all the benefits we gain from being able to connect with people all over the world.10:00: Greg – A lot of people have this misconception that, okay, I’m going to show up with my friend Lori and the two of us are going to talk. But that’s not effective. If you’re going to do that, just go to a coffee shop. Don’t go to a networking event. You are there to support each other. And there are different techniques and strategies you can use. But at the very minimum, walking around together and then having one introduce the other, just makes things so much smoother.14:30—Greg: If we make it about us, the people we’re talking with will feel it. They’ll know they’re being sized up. But if you make it about them, about being of service to them, about developing that longer-term relationship, that’s where the strength of a network is. It’s in building those connections over time.16:00 – Lori: Don’t make people burn a lot of mental calories trying to figure out what you do and who you serve.17:00 – Greg: You might keep it as simple as, hey, I would

Hate networking? You’ve come to the right place! In the latest episode, join Work Mom Lori Jo Vest for a conversation with the Reluctant Networker Greg Peters. They discuss all the ways you can get the most out of networking for business, even if you’re a serious introvert.

Themes discussed in this episode

How Greg became the Reluctant Networker

Networking has become the family business

In-person vs online networking

3 components of networking

How to properly network online

How to properly network in person

Intergenerational networking is the best!

LinkedIn networking

Networking is about human connection

Featured Guest

Expert Guest: Greg Peter

Title: The Reluctant Networker

What He Does: Greg Peters coaches individuals, trains staff, and presents to associations and other groups on developing skills and systems to build better connections and stronger networks. 

Connect: You can find him on LinkedIn. Learn more on his website. Check out his book, Hello and a Handshake.

Episode Highlights

Timestamped inflection points from the show

5:00 – Reluctant Networker Origin Story: Greg built his web development business by becoming a successful networker. When he decided to change careers, a friend encouraged him to teach people how he grew his business! And the Reluctant Networker was born!6:00 – Family business: Greg’s primary role is speaking engagements, while his mom brings the training aspect.7:00 – In-person vs. online networking: Virtual networking allows you to connect with people all over the world, but we still lose a bit of that connection when we aren’t in person.9:30 – Partner Networking: If done correctly, partner networking is HIGHLY effective.11:00 – The 3 Components of Networking: 1. Know who you are and what you do. 2. Develop your relationships. 3. Be prepared when people want to help you19:00 – Online networking: When you’re put into networking breakout rooms, act like you’re the host. Others will be grateful that you took charge.22:00 – Networking in person: Have a specific goal when you walk in.28:00 – LinkedIn networking: You have to participate and engage. Limit the number of groups you’re in because you can only actively invest in three at the most. Otherwise, you’re not making quality connections.33:40 – Networking across generations: You don’t network with a group. You network with individuals. So even if they’re a different generation, social status, or gender, treat everyone like a fellow human being and it’ll be that much easier.

Top Quotes

5:00 – Lori: If you create a career for yourself and 20 years later decide you don’t want to do it anymore, it’s allowed. You can make a change.8:00 – Greg: That little bit of a connection loss is more than made up for by all the benefits we gain from being able to connect with people all over the world.10:00: Greg – A lot of people have this misconception that, okay, I’m going to show up with my friend Lori and the two of us are going to talk. But that’s not effective. If you’re going to do that, just go to a coffee shop. Don’t go to a networking event. You are there to support each other. And there are different techniques and strategies you can use. But at the very minimum, walking around together and then having one introduce the other, just makes things so much smoother.14:30—Greg: If we make it about us, the people we’re talking with will feel it. They’ll know they’re being sized up. But if you make it about them, about being of service to them, about developing that longer-term relationship, that’s where the strength of a network is. It’s in building those connections over time.16:00 – Lori: Don’t make people burn a lot of mental calories trying to figure out what you do and who you serve.17:00 – Greg: You might keep it as simple as, hey, I would