9 episodios

Khawla Art & Cultural Foundation is a cultural and arts center established by Her Highness as a non-profit organization that promotes public interest in classical arts of all kinds with special emphasis on the revival of Arabic calligraphy of all schools and trends.

Khawla Art & Culture’s Podcast Khawla Art and Culture

    • Arte

Khawla Art & Cultural Foundation is a cultural and arts center established by Her Highness as a non-profit organization that promotes public interest in classical arts of all kinds with special emphasis on the revival of Arabic calligraphy of all schools and trends.



    Brandon” Article written by HH Sheikha Khawla Bint Ahmed Al Suwaidi.

    For around 20 years, Brandon never left this island. The island that he once came to as a visitor.. And here we are now, with this unique opportunity, visiting him. Brandon..A British soldier who first set foot on this island fifty years ago, searching for spiritual freedom after his suffering during the wars. Onboard the armored vehicle that was taking him to the airport to return home, a breeze of fresh air unleashed passed his face bringing back life to his heavily worried heart. A breeze that made him realize what he is missing. And a similar breeze blows on his face on the shores of Seychelles, specifically on the Mahe Island..
    He goes to its shore and right by the beach, a little local boy comes to him and asks : { “Do you want to own an island in Seychelles?” “Yes, how did you know?” I answered playfully. I was just joking. He said “Let me take you to your island.” And here he is, taking me while we face each other and talk in his small boat to Moyenne.. Once I set my foot in that island, that same breeze passed through me, the breeze that visited me in my previous days when I was a soldier dreaming of freedom. Taking a deep breath, I said to myself : “This is my island. I will own it one day.” And that is what actually happened, I bought it from its owner and lived with my friend Charlie who shares the same hobbies as mine, and helped me sow my beautiful land. I lived and am still living a beautiful life here; I never felt loneliness like I did when I used to sleep alone in the camps as a soldier when my colleagues go home to their families at the weekends. In Moyenne Island, I am surrounded by nature, we tend to chat in times of loneliness ..
    And from the one hundred twenty five turtles, the oldest of which is almost seventy years old; I get my source of living.. tourists from around the world come to see them and to meet me. }
    He is eighty seven year old. However, in spite of some slight bow of old age, he still has a straight figure that tells of pride and struggle. He walks slowly as if he is counting his steps. What got my attention was his long fingers.. almost double the length of his palm, with frozen ends, as if it was a spading fork used to plow the land of his Island, Moyenne, in which he said he planted twelve thousand trees and plants.. Before that it was a semi waste land with no people and no greenery.
    I was also taken aback by the size of his feet, that were bigger than normal human feet, with diverging fingers as he was often barefoot, using these fingers to cling to the rough land of which he was an integral part. The last three fingers in his feet seem as if they were merged into one, with skin grown in between like the wings of Seychelles bats. Brandon starts his speech very gracefully and tactfully after I greeted him on behalf of my colleagues and asked him to talk about himself. He moves from one subject to another without any interruption. He goes on about rich memories full of events. “I have a mango tree planted by Ms. Mary who used to own the island one hundred years before me,” he said.. “And Here I am now, picking its fruits that will be ripe next February. Whenever I enjoy their taste, I talk Mary’s spirit and tell her how I wish she was enjoying the fruits as well. Whenever its fruits are ripe, almost a thousand bats come attacking it and drinking it’s mellow juice..

    To read the Article related to this post, kindly visit our website www.khawlaartandculture.com

    • 9 min
    This is ’FEZ’..

    This is ’FEZ’..

    We left a kiss on its cheeks
    We passed through its narrow streets
    We smelt its aroma
    We visited its curvy pathways,
    This is FEZ ..
    Past years have been folded to tell the story of today

    And the era of (Fatima Al-Fihriya)..
    Did she know then that we will once visit the legacies she left behind?
    That we will visit the dawn she ushered, the minarets, mosques and schools?
    The useful knowledge that has been around for one thousand one hundred years or more..

    Did she know, when she pledged to build the Al Qarawiyyin mosque , and fasted daily throughout its construction
    That pilgrims will visit its grounds a thousand years later?
    Is it your vow, Fihriya?
    And your pure, sincere intention?

    We visit your courtyards filled with worshipers,
    and the rose water fountains to perform ablution,
    We visit the sundial, obelisk and the marine chromometer clocks
    which were placed in your corners
    in a beautiful tower overlooking the main courtyard.

    I was there, Fahriya

    We prayed for your pure soul,
    The soul that built this everlasting monument.
    You were entitled as Um Al-Banin (Mother of Children), a title reflecting your lenience towards people.
    What a great legacy you’ve left!

    We have passed by the tombs of kings who are gone and forgotten
    However, what you built was preserved and still lingers: The school of “Marinids”
    You built knowledge for students, “The Qarawiyyin”..
    As a path that leads to dreamy heights..

    Pillars of white marble.. stained by knowledge and memories that merged to the color of Earth.
    From it, their prayers rise..

    And with the humming of their writings’ throughout its galleries ..
    Stacked rooms, full of competing ambitions and craving for knowledge.
    Given a piece of bread and a cup of olive oil, they spend their day discussing and learning.

    Each room does not exceed two meters and a half
    Some of whose windows overlook the domes of Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque..

    The Mosque’s library, a warm and welcoming reception and a set of morals prettier than silk and brocade,
    displaying over four thousand manuscripts, featuring “Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun” where he signed his name on its margin.
    In addition to thousand years old manuscripts of the Holy Quran, written in “Kufi” and “Moroccan Kufi” fonts.
    “Jazal” a book by “Ibn Tufail” where he summed up remedies to cure a person from head to toe.

    We passed through the brass artisans and carpenters’ square
    We had lunch in the special Fez way in the carpenters’ restaurant,
    And ate the delicious and mouth-watering Pastilla “prepared in a special way by a local lady”; as the waiter said.
    And aren’t women the ones who master the cooking of traditional, and authentic dishes?

    As we pass by the Tannery Courtyard,
    With the scent of mint welcoming us..
    Being the fragrance of the beautiful scenery ..
    From above, we capture a view
    A view of beauty which photographers seek to seize..

    The heart of a King and his love for his people
    You can see it overflowing from their eyes and warm welcome.
    God bless you, Your Majesty.....

    To read the Article related to this post, kindly visit our website www.khawlaartandculture.com

    • 5 min
    The Greek Old Man

    The Greek Old Man

    “The Greek Old Man” Article written by HH Sheikha Khawla Bint Ahmed Al Suwaidi.

    We met Mr. Ellios, the Greek old man who didn’t disappoint us when we asked to meet him to tap his life experience in this warm, beautiful country which extends a huge, welcoming hand of its people of all ages to welcome us, we strangers, as if we are family members.
    The Greek Ellios strikes you with his expressions and furrows left on his face by years of misery and hard work; with his rough, darkened nails that have been used to dig out and weed his land. I can’t forget his insistence when he invited us to his farm and how he was jumping as if he was in his twenties rather than nineties. He used his bare hands in the soil, landscaping the small heaps around the vine that is greatly respected in Greece, and which grows circularly, embracing its earth and bending irresistibly with the wind. The movement of his hands to help him explain his words, his resonant voice, his strong arms, all make him an example of a strong Greek man. I asked him, “what is the secret of your happiness and the smile that persists since we met you?” “That’s because I don’t need anyone.” He answered. “I can do everything with these hands,” he continued as he raised his hands and tapping on his wide chest. “If I want a home, I am adept in construction, and I have built the house of my little family. If I need food, I resort to the land and plant whatever I need using my own hands. If I wanted seafood, I am a skilled, persistent fisherman. I am also a good hunter. So, the secret of my happiness is that I don’t need any human being, except my mind and hands. I am a self-reliant person who needs no one,” he went on. He went on to say that life has previously been full of high values and that the motto of the Greeks was integrity and honesty. “Oh, if only I had a son. My production would have been four times more than now. But the Lord had blessed me with two daughters only,” he continued. “Sir, I want from you an advice that you would like to give to your children and grandchildren,” I demanded. He sighed deeply, pondered for a while and then said, “Buy as much land as you can because land is a precious asset and a source of pride. Build a house that meets your requirements, not too big and demanding in terms of maintenance and not too small to squeeze your life up. For even if your land is too big to be cultivated, the Lord will fill it with grass for cattle to feed on as a divine source of life,” he said.
    “We all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. The earth always gives you double what you give it......
    To read the full Article related to this post, kindly visit our website www.khawlaartandculture.com

    • 4 min
    المعمر اليوناني

    المعمر اليوناني

    ونلتقي بالسيد ellios المعمر اليوناني الذي لم يخذل طلبنا للقائه لنستمد منه خبرة الحياة في هذه البلد الجميلة الدافئة يمد يده الكبيرة بشيبها وشبابها مصافحا لنا كغرباء مرحبا بنا كأهل.. ميز اليوس اليوناني تلك التعابير والاخاديد التي حفرتها سنون الشقاء والكد على وجهه.. تلك الاظافر الخشنة بسوادها لكثر استخدامها كمعول لحرث ارضه... لا انسى عزمه حين دعانا لمزرعته كيف كان يقفز كشاب في العشرين وهو في سن التسعين.. حرث الطين باصابعه حافرا لها منسقا تلالها الصغيرة المحاذية لنبتة العنب المبجلة لديهم التي تنبت بشكل دائري معانقة لارضها وذلك لاستجابتها للرياح التي تتلوى معها دون مقاومة.. حركات يديه والتلويح بها لشرح كلماته وصوته الجهوري ساعداه وقوتهما.. انه مثال الرجل اليوناني القوي.. سألته ما سر سعادتك وسر ابتسامتك التي لا تفارقك مذ التقيناك؟.. رد: عدم حاجتي للغير فأنا استطيع ان اعمل كل شيء بكلتا يدي هاتين رافعا لهما داقا على صدره العريض.. انا ان اردت منزلا فأنا اتقن فن البناء وانا من قمت ببناء منزل اسرتي الصغيرة.. وان اردت لقمة عيش فها انا ازرعها بيديا واحرثها.. وان اردت رزق البحر فاني صياد ماهر لا يكل ولا يتعب متقنا لفن الصيد برا وبحرا..اذا سر سعادتي هي انني لا احتاج لبشر سوى عقلي وساعديا.. فأنا مستقل بذاتي لا احتاج أحد.. إستطرد بالحديث قائلا كانت الحياة من قبل بها من المعاني السامية الكثير وكان شعار اليونانيين هو الطهارة والصدق... آآآآخ قال وهو يتأوه لو كان عندي ابنا ذكرا لكان انتاجي اليوم اربع اضعاف فانا رزقني الرب بابنتين.. سألته يا سيدي اريد منك نصيحه تنصح بها من هم احفادك وابناؤك.. تنهد طويلا واطرق قائلا: اشتر ما استطعت من الاراضي فهي عز وثروة وإبنِ بيتا قدر احتياجاتك ليس بالكبير الذي تحمل عبء صيانته ولا بالصغير الضيق الذي يضيق عليك عيشك.. فإن الارض إن لم تزرعها أو تستغلها فإن الرب يخرج منها عشبا ترعى الاغنام والابل منه فيكون بها موردا ربانيا... وقال: الارض نحن منها واليها نعود اذا اعطيتها فهي تعود عليك بالنفع بقدر ما بذلت وأعطيت.. أتذكر حين ودعناه قال ارجو أن تقبلوا دعوتي إلى اراضيا الزراعية فأنا قد لبيت كل ما أردتم فلبوا لي دعوتي ... وعندما حاولت الاعتذار انني ذاهبة لأطفالي حمق مني وقال أطفالك يجب أن تنتظر كما إنتظرت وانتم ضيوفنا يجب ان تلبوا دعوتنا كما لبينا دعوتكم...
    سبحان ربي كان يختصر بتصرفاته وطيبته وكرمه اخلاق اليونانيين فهم شعب في غاية الذوق والطيب والكرم... اصناف الاطباق اليونانية التي وضعت امامنا وبالاخص الديك الذي كان فخذه مصدر استغرابي من ذاك الحجم الكبير وكنت جاهدة باحثة لان ارى الدي

    • 6 min
    تِلْكَ هيَ فاس ..

    تِلْكَ هيَ فاس ..

    مقالة الشيخة خولة بنت أحمد خليفة السويدي عن مدينة "فاس"..
    وَ طَـبَـعْـنَـا قُـبْـلَـةً عَـلى وَجْـنَـتَـيْهـا
    وَ مَـرَرْنَـا بِـأزِقَّـتِهَـا
    وَ شَـمَـمْـنَـا عَـبَـقَـهَـا
    وَ زُرْنَـا حَـنَـايَـاهَـا

    تِـلْـكَ هِـيَ [ فَـاسُ ]
    وَ انْـطـوَتْ سِـنـينُ الأمْـسِ ، تَـرْوي حِـكَـايَـةَ اليَـوْمِ

    وَ عَـهْـدُ [ فَـاطِـمَـةَ الـفِـهَـريَّـةِ ]
    فَـهَـلْ عَـلِـمَـتْ
    أنَّـنَـا سَـنَـزورُ : مَـا خَـلَّـدَتْ
    مِـنْ حَـضَـارَةِ عَـهْـدٍ
    وَ بُـزُوغِ فَـجْـرٍ
    وَ مَـآذِنَ وَ مَـسَـاجِـدَ وَ دورِ عِـلْـمٍ
    وَ عِـلْـمٌ يُـنْـتَـفَـعُ بِـهِ ألْـفَ عَـامٍ وَ مَـائَـةٍ ، أوْ يَـزيْـدُ

    هَـلْ عَـلِـمَـتْ حِـيْـنَ نَـذَرَتْ بِنَـاء مَـسْـجِـدِ [ الـقَـرَويّـيـنَ ]
    وَ صَـامَـتْ طِـيـلَـةَ مُـدَّةِ بِنَـائِـهِ
    أنَّ الـخَـلائِـقَ سَـوْفَ تَـحُـجُّ إلَـيْـهِ بَـعْـدَ ألْـفِ عَـامِ وَ مَـا تَـلاَهَـا
    أهُـوَ نَـذْرُكِ يَـا [ فِـهَـريَّـةُ ] ؟ !
    وَ نِـيَّـتُـكِ الصَـافِـيَةِ الـخَـالِـصَـةِ?

    نَـحُجُّ إلـى سَـاحَاتِـكِ الـتي افْـتَـرَشَـهَـا الـمُـصَـلُّـونَ
    وَ نَـوافـيـرِ مِـيَـاهِ الـوَرْدِ للـوُضُـوءِ
    وَ الـسَـاعَـةِ الـشَـمْـسِـيَّـةِ وَ الـظِـلِّـيَّـةِ
    وَ الـسَـاعَـةِ الـمَـاريـنِـيَّـةِ
    الـتـي أُضِـيْـفَـتْ لِـزَوايَـاكِ
    فَـي بُـرْجٍ جَـمـيـلٍ يُـطِـلُّ عَـلى سَـاحَـتَـكِ الـرَئِـيـسِـيَّـةِ
    كُـنْـتُ هُـنَـاكَ يَـا [ فِـهَـريَّـةُ ]

    دَعَـوْنَـا لِـنَـفْـسِـكِ الطـاهِـرَةِ ، الـتـي بَـنَـتْ بِـنَـاءً دَامَ
    [ أمَّ الـبَـنـينِ ] ، هَـذا لَـقَـبُـكِ لِـحُـنُـوَّكِ عَـلى أرواحِ النَـاسِ
    مَـا أعْـظَـمَ مَـا خَـلَّـدْتِ !!!!

    وَ إنْ كُـنَّـا مَـرَرْنَـا عَـلى قُـبُـورٍ لِـمُـلـوكٍ انْـتَـهـوا
    وَ انْـتَـهَـى مَـا كَـانـوا فـيـهِ
    أمَّـا أنْـتِ ، فَـقَـدْ خَـلَّـدْتِ مَـدْرَسَـةَ [ الـمَـاريـنـييـنَ ]
    وَ قَـدْ بَـنَـيْـتِ لِـطُـلاَّبِ عِـلْـمٍ ، [ الـقَـرَويّـيـنَ ]
    سَـلالِـمَ تَـأخُـذُنـا لِـعُـلُـوٍّ حَـالِـمٍ

    أعْـمِـدَةُ رُخَـامٍ بَـيْضَـاءَ
    عَـتَّـقَـهَـا الـعِـلْـمُ وَ الـذِكْـرُ فَـمَـالَـتْ لِـلَـوْنِ الأرْضِ
    تَـنْـبَـعِـثُ مِـنْهَـا صَـلَـواتُهُـمْ
    وَ هَـمْـهَـمَةُ كِـتَـابَـاتِـهِـمْ بَـيْنَ أرْوِقَـتِـهَـا
    غُـرَفٌ مُـتَـراصَّـةٌ بِـزِحَـامِ الـهِـمَـمِ وَ النَـهَـمِ لِـلْـعِـلْـمِ
    يُـزَوِّدونَـهُـمْ بِـخُـبْـزَةٍ وَ كُـوبِ زَيْـتِ زَيْـتُـونِ
    وَ يَـقْـضُـونَ يَـوْمَـهُـمْ يَـتَـدارَسُـونَ وَ يَـتَـعَـلَّـمُـونَ


    • 5 min


    لم يخرج براندون من جزيرته كزائر منذ ما يقارب العشرين عاما وها نحن نحضى بزيارته الفريدة من نوعها . براندون ذلك الجندي الانجليزي الذي وطأت اقدامه هذه الجزيره قبل خمسين عاما عندما أتاها سائحا باحثا عن الحرية الروحية بعد ما قاساه من حروب.. من على ظهر مدرعة الجيش التي تقله للمطار عائدا لاوطانه تهب عليه نسمة أحيت صدره المثقل بالهموم.. أحسّ أنّ هذه النسمة هي ما يتوق اليه.. وتهبُّ عليه توأمُ تلك النسمة على شواطئ سيشل وبالأخص جزيرة ماهي.. يذهب لشواطئها.. فيدنو منه على شاطئها ذلك الطفل السيشيلي قائلاً : أنت تريد أن تمتلك جزيرة في سيشل؟ أجبته بقصد الدعابة نعم كيف عرفت وكان جوابي عن طريق الدعابة وليس غير. قال هلم بنا أخذك لجزيرتك.. وها هو يأخذني كما كان يحدثنا وجهاً لوجه بقاربه الصغير الى مويين.. وأضع عليها قدمي وتهب علي تلك النسمة التي زارتني في أيامي السابقة، وأنا جندي حالم بالحرية.. استنشقتها وقلت: هذي هي جزيرتي سأتملّكها يوماً ما.. وبالفعل إشتريتها من صاحبها.. وعشت مع صديقي تشارلي الذي شاركني كل هواياتي وحرث الأرض معي وزرعها.. عشت عمراً جميلاً وما زلت أعيشه.. لم أحس يوماً بالوحدة إلا عندما كنت أنام وانا جندي في المعسكرات وحيدا حين يذهب الرفاق في نهاية الأسبوع إلى ذويهم.. أما في جزيرة مويي فأنا محاط بالطبيعة التي تحاكيني وأحاكيها..
    وبالسلاحف المائة وخمسة وعشرون سلحفاة أكبرها سناً عمرها يضاهي السبعين عاماً.. وهي مصدر رزقي من الزوّار السائحين الذين يأتون لمشاهدتها ولقائي.. يبلغ من العمر السابعة والثمانين... قوامه مازال منصوباً به من الشموخ والكفاح..ولو أن أعوجاج الكِبَر قد زار ظهره.. كان يمشي الهوينى و لكأنه يحسب خطاه.. لفتت انتباهي أصابعه الطويلة، ضِعف الطول الحقيقي لحجم يده وهي متجمدة أطرافها، وكأنها أطراف مِعوَل استخدمه الدهر لحرث أرض جزيرته مويين، التي غرس فيها كما قال لنا اثنتي عشر ألف نبتة ..حيث انها كانت عبارة عن جزيرة شبه قاحلة من البشر والنبات... هابني كِبرُ أقدامهِ التي تضاعف الحجم الطبيعي للبشر وقد بدت أصابعه منفرجة عن بعضها لشدة ما أستخدمها حافية للتشبث بتراب الأرض الوعرة التي هي منه وهو منها.. اما أصابعه الثلاثة الأخيرة في القدم فقد بدت ملتحمة مع بعضها فكونت جلداً ملتصقاً كأنه جناح وطاويط السيشل.. براندون يبدأ حديثه وهو في غاية اللباقة والذوق الرفيع.. يبدأ حديثه بعدما حييته نيابة عن الرفاق، وطلبت منه الحديث عن نفسه.. كان يقطع الحديث وينتقل من حديث لآخر دون أن اقاطعه، ليسترسل في وصفه وذاكرته الخصبة المليئة بالذكريات.. قال: عندي شجرة مانجو زرعتها السيدة(ماري ) التي كانت تملك الجزيرة ق

    • 12 min

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