33 min

Episode 21 with Kayla Musselman (Firefighter out of Ottawa Fire‪)‬ OpsFitness Podcast

    • Health & Fitness

1. Tell me a little about yourself and how long have you or served behind the front line for? In What capacity?
I first fell in love with firefighting in 2006 after I enrolled in the Pre-Service Fire Program at the college in my hometown. From there I took the Paramedic Program, then became a volunteer firefighter. I was a volunteer for over four years and worked as a 911 Dispatcher in Timmins, Ontario, dispatching police, fire, and ambulance. I followed this up with a few years working as a personal trainer and dispatching for other services (namely police and fire in Ottawa). I'm now a career firefighter in Ottawa, Ontario and have been for three years.
2. What was the hardest time of your life? What tools did you use to get through it?
I went through a period in my life where I felt lost. I was unhappy with my job, divorced, and had no solid direction (which is frustrating for a goal-oriented person). I had to look internally and refocus myself. I spent time changing my mindset, worked hard physically, mentally and spiritually, and came out on top and happier than ever.
3. What are your greatest successes?
My greatest success would be my life as a whole. I have an amazing daughter, a great partner, a career that I have a passion for, I'm surrounded by incredible people that I love, and I truly enjoy my life.
4. Now that you have experienced life a little, what would you tell your 20-year- old self?
I would tell myself not to worry because everything is going to workout exactly the way it’s supposed to. I’m happy with the way I’ve lived my life so far and wouldn’t change anything as it would mean changing who I am now.
5. Who is your greatest role model and why?
I would say that I am my own greatest role model. I am the one person that I can control and be exactly who I want in a person. I am always evolving and striving to be better but staying true to myself and trying to be someone that I can be proud of.
6. Any particular stories that stand out from your days serving behind the front line? How has fitness played a role in it?
I feel like fitness has played a role in every single experience I have serving behind the front line. Whether it's in full gear at a working fire, hauling hose, climbing stairs, assisting people, climbing ladders, being a reliant crew member, having enough stamina for a busy 24-hour shift, my fitness is absolutely paramount. I am always striving to make myself better for my crew, the public we're serving and myself by working out hard in a functional way. I need to continue to work on being strong, having cardiovascular endurance, being explosive, etc. I wouldn't be able to effectively do my job without constantly working on my fitness.
7. What is your favourite failure that has led to success?
My favourite failures would be the firefighting jobs I applied for out of college and didn't get. It taught me to work my ass off to get what I want. In the time between my first applications and getting hired, I ended up having amazing experiences, met fantastic people and built up my resume. I'm so thankful for that, and it's made me a better person.
8. What do you feel most proud of?
I'm most proud of my daughter. I'm working hard every day to ensure that I'm the best mom, a good role model and give her the best life I can possibly give her.
10. What do you want your tombstone to say?
"She lived a full life full of love and passion" It should also say "Kayla MusselWOMAN" haha.
11. How do you spend your free time?
Mostly with my daughter, husband, and dog enjoying family time. I also love to workout, be outdoors, read and watch The Bachelor.
12. Who do you admire the most in life and why?
I have a lot of people that I admire. My grandparents have always been people I look up to. But, someone I feel I can relate to and parallel much of my life on is my aunt. She decided to completely change careers and become a police officer. She worked so

1. Tell me a little about yourself and how long have you or served behind the front line for? In What capacity?
I first fell in love with firefighting in 2006 after I enrolled in the Pre-Service Fire Program at the college in my hometown. From there I took the Paramedic Program, then became a volunteer firefighter. I was a volunteer for over four years and worked as a 911 Dispatcher in Timmins, Ontario, dispatching police, fire, and ambulance. I followed this up with a few years working as a personal trainer and dispatching for other services (namely police and fire in Ottawa). I'm now a career firefighter in Ottawa, Ontario and have been for three years.
2. What was the hardest time of your life? What tools did you use to get through it?
I went through a period in my life where I felt lost. I was unhappy with my job, divorced, and had no solid direction (which is frustrating for a goal-oriented person). I had to look internally and refocus myself. I spent time changing my mindset, worked hard physically, mentally and spiritually, and came out on top and happier than ever.
3. What are your greatest successes?
My greatest success would be my life as a whole. I have an amazing daughter, a great partner, a career that I have a passion for, I'm surrounded by incredible people that I love, and I truly enjoy my life.
4. Now that you have experienced life a little, what would you tell your 20-year- old self?
I would tell myself not to worry because everything is going to workout exactly the way it’s supposed to. I’m happy with the way I’ve lived my life so far and wouldn’t change anything as it would mean changing who I am now.
5. Who is your greatest role model and why?
I would say that I am my own greatest role model. I am the one person that I can control and be exactly who I want in a person. I am always evolving and striving to be better but staying true to myself and trying to be someone that I can be proud of.
6. Any particular stories that stand out from your days serving behind the front line? How has fitness played a role in it?
I feel like fitness has played a role in every single experience I have serving behind the front line. Whether it's in full gear at a working fire, hauling hose, climbing stairs, assisting people, climbing ladders, being a reliant crew member, having enough stamina for a busy 24-hour shift, my fitness is absolutely paramount. I am always striving to make myself better for my crew, the public we're serving and myself by working out hard in a functional way. I need to continue to work on being strong, having cardiovascular endurance, being explosive, etc. I wouldn't be able to effectively do my job without constantly working on my fitness.
7. What is your favourite failure that has led to success?
My favourite failures would be the firefighting jobs I applied for out of college and didn't get. It taught me to work my ass off to get what I want. In the time between my first applications and getting hired, I ended up having amazing experiences, met fantastic people and built up my resume. I'm so thankful for that, and it's made me a better person.
8. What do you feel most proud of?
I'm most proud of my daughter. I'm working hard every day to ensure that I'm the best mom, a good role model and give her the best life I can possibly give her.
10. What do you want your tombstone to say?
"She lived a full life full of love and passion" It should also say "Kayla MusselWOMAN" haha.
11. How do you spend your free time?
Mostly with my daughter, husband, and dog enjoying family time. I also love to workout, be outdoors, read and watch The Bachelor.
12. Who do you admire the most in life and why?
I have a lot of people that I admire. My grandparents have always been people I look up to. But, someone I feel I can relate to and parallel much of my life on is my aunt. She decided to completely change careers and become a police officer. She worked so

33 min

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