173 episodes

#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness

How many people do you know who struggle with their health? Chances are, whether they show it or not, most of the people in your life do. And chances are, you’re one of them — whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, endometriosis, pcos, acne, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune, thyroid conditions, lyme disease, brain fog, or fatigue. You’re far from alone. Living with symptoms has become the new normal.

Much of the time, people coexist with their ailments, accepting them and never questioning why science and research hasn’t offered answers, as suffering has become the status quo. Sometimes though — an increasing amount of the time now — people’s symptoms start to impede their quality of life. They start to lose joys and privileges. They join the hidden army of those stuck at home or even in the hospital with mystery health issues. As they consult doctor after doctor and expert after expert and have trouble functioning on a day to day basis, their spark starts to go. They lose hope.

No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in today’s world and what that’s doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they won’t develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. This knowledge is not about living in fear. It’s about not living in denial.

Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness.

If you want to keep the wool over your eyes, this podcast isn’t for you.

Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium Book Series, including his newest book Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with advanced medical information that’s ahead of research and science. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases.

Medical Medium Podcast Anthony William

    • Health & Fitness
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#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness

How many people do you know who struggle with their health? Chances are, whether they show it or not, most of the people in your life do. And chances are, you’re one of them — whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, endometriosis, pcos, acne, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune, thyroid conditions, lyme disease, brain fog, or fatigue. You’re far from alone. Living with symptoms has become the new normal.

Much of the time, people coexist with their ailments, accepting them and never questioning why science and research hasn’t offered answers, as suffering has become the status quo. Sometimes though — an increasing amount of the time now — people’s symptoms start to impede their quality of life. They start to lose joys and privileges. They join the hidden army of those stuck at home or even in the hospital with mystery health issues. As they consult doctor after doctor and expert after expert and have trouble functioning on a day to day basis, their spark starts to go. They lose hope.

No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in today’s world and what that’s doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they won’t develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. This knowledge is not about living in fear. It’s about not living in denial.

Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness.

If you want to keep the wool over your eyes, this podcast isn’t for you.

Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium Book Series, including his newest book Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with advanced medical information that’s ahead of research and science. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases.

    054 How Sick Are You: Are You Just Managing Your Symptoms

    054 How Sick Are You: Are You Just Managing Your Symptoms

    There are two worlds in chronic illness. One world is the Not So Sick, and that world is defined by people who haven’t been totally exhausted from doctor shopping or trying everything interesting in the alternative health world while still keeping an optimistic approach. The Not So Sick still have a passion for managing their mild bloating, mild weight gain, mild acne, mild fatigue and so many other varieties of symptoms that don’t get completely in the way of their quality of life. It can be exciting trying another new trend to combat the mild intermittent complaints.

    And then there’s the sick, the chronically ill, the ones that have been to many conventional doctors and alternative doctors; they have been seasoned by experience and have seen so much in the health space. They’ve been in their darkest hour or are still in there now, struggling and feeling a loss of faith and hope. They’ve tried just about everything out there and know what keeps them going and what sends them backwards. The Not So Sick don’t know what it’s like to be on their hands and knees, praying to God because they don’t know if they are going to live or die today.

    It’s these two worlds that are so far apart, but at the same time collide with the new social media doctor that doesn’t want to work on people in the office anymore, or the influencer health gurus with very little experience who want quick glory for peddling bio hacks and shock and awe.

    In this intense, enlightening episode you will learn critical information on the new world around us that will help you navigate through the games, lies, manipulations, gaslighting and bullying of the chronically ill.

    In this episode…
    • Learn what the healing journey entails and what it takes to stay strong and keep the faith to heal.
    • Uncover the difference between new and old dietitians, and what new dietitians are doing differently that you need to know.
    • Discover what health coaches and nutritionists tell their clients and why that may not be the most sound advice for the chronically ill.
    • Learn how everyone out there seems to know what they’re talking about when it comes to health, how they all seem to be an expert and all have credentials, and how this overwhelm of dietitians, coaches, influencers and practitioners seems, at first glance, a great thing for all these newly sick individuals out there.
    • Discover how many years on the health scene some of these practitioners and coaches really have.
    • Learn what these health coaches are actually marketing to the chronically ill and how the coaches themselves may not be as healthy as they seem to be.
    • Learn how people who are sick can end up being “experiments” for these influencers.
    • Discover how dangerous it is to treat the health industry like other industries out there, such as fashion or design.
    • Learn how the chronically ill are becoming the funders of these health influencers who are living their best lives.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 37 min
    053 Epstein-Barr Virus: It's Out Of Control

    053 Epstein-Barr Virus: It's Out Of Control

    Chronic mystery illness isn’t just about the ten cases a year of an unexplainable, random and confusing onset of symptoms after staying on a cruise ship somewhere near a remote island. Chronic mystery illness is everywhere, every day and rampant. There’s not a person on this planet that won’t eventually experience it at some point in their lifetime, even if it’s just in their last years here. Why is everyone getting sick? There are a lot of factors for each individual and a lot of variations and differences. The list is large: fragrances, Toxic Metals, dead drinking water, chemicals, chem trails, fungicides and stress, just to name a few. There is one group of exposures over the years in modern times that has pushed people’s health to the edge and its pathogens. Pathogen exposure is at the top of causes of mystery chronic illness and pathogens love to thrive when the body is weakened by metals, a variety of toxins and even unknowingly poor choices of foods. One of the leading top pathogens causing a considerably large amount of chronic illness is EBV—Epstein-Barr Virus. Medical Medium information brought to light that the Epstein-Barr Virus caused a host of different numerological symptoms, ones that can be even debilitating for so many. EBV is partly responsible for the suffering womenkind have endured throughout the past hundred years. Just scratching the surface, everything from Lupus, chronic fatigue, hot flashes, thyroid conditions, PCOS, Fibromyalgia, MS, tingles, numbness, Tinnitus, vertigo, anxiety, Lyme disease and so much more. EBV has dominated greatly in the health and wellness of not just millions but billions of people in the world at this point in time who are challenged with at least one symptom caused by the Epstein Barr Virus, not to mention the trillions of dollars over time it has and will cost in the health care industry.

    In this episode…
    • Learn about how EBV and EBV symptoms are skyrocketing right now, and how these symptoms are seemingly illogical to doctors.
    • Discover how people have been conditioned to view a symptom or condition as the problem itself, when really there is an underlying cause.
    • Discover that before Medical Medium information, everyone thought EBV only caused Mono, and not the other conditions it causes as well.
    • Uncover the initial “dormant” period that the EBV goes through as it floats around in the bloodstream.
    • Learn how the EBV actually has inhuman patience and waits for the opportune time to strike.
    • Learn about the different stages of EBV, such as stages 2, 3, and 4, and what occurs during each of these stages.
    • Uncover how betrayal can actually lower the immune system and how this can affect EBV.
    • Learn what stage of EBV is Mononucleosis.
    • Discover the power of the immune system.
    • Learn about the different foods that the EBV thrives off of.
    • Uncover the goal of EBV and how you can empower yourself and your body against viral and pathogen attacks.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 22 min
    052 The Power Of Healing: Your Body Is Fighting For You

    052 The Power Of Healing: Your Body Is Fighting For You

    When we get sick and are not healing and others in our life are doubting us, a whisper down the lane can come and haunt us. It’s a whisper that sounds like this: “YOU HAVE A FEAR OF HEALING.” This is a phrase that has become popular over the years—popular because no one really knows truly why anyone is sick. Sure, there are lots of theories and ideas, but in the end, when someone is not healing, everyone gets confused and the blame can be placed on the sick person. That blame is, “you have a fear of healing,” “you are afraid to heal” and “you are scared to heal so you stay sick on purpose.” The problem with this understanding is that it’s not true—far from it. No one has a fear of healing and no one wants to be sick or stay sick.

    So many who become ill and stay sick for a long time lose the ability to believe they deserve to heal. They beat themselves up and don’t feel worthy enough to heal and this comes after a long-standing sickness or chronic illness and losing faith and going through a lot during the course of being sick. This is when PTSD can erupt, along with the feeling of not being deserving of healing.

    Everyone deserves to heal. Everyone has the God-given right to heal and no one is afraid of healing, they are instead fearful of getting sicker.

    Our bodies want to heal and are working for us every day and loves us unconditionally. Your body is fighting for you and there is always a way to heal, there is always a path to heal. You can heal.

    In this episode…
    • Discover what so many people have lived through.
    • Learn what can happen when you think all is lost and there is no hope.
    • Discover the powerful words of “your body loves you unconditionally” and the strength that those words hold.
    • Learn about who people blame when they are sick, and whether that is the truth or not.
    • Uncover if you are sick because you are a bad person, did something wrong or are lazy.
    • Learn about the strong light that is inside of you that can never be taken away.
    • Discover what people have been told is the reason for their sickness.
    • Learn about if your body will ever turn against you.
    • Discover what happens when you access your healing powers.
    • Uncover what is always there and awaiting you.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 16 min
    051 The Taste Demon: Stopping You From Healing

    051 The Taste Demon: Stopping You From Healing

    One of the biggest hills to climb when healing is getting past taste. What food tastes like can have a huge influence on a person taking the correct steps to reverse their symptoms and conditions. Even if the foods truly taste delicious, it doesn’t change the programming someone has adapted to for most or all of their life. This challenge is even far above that of comfort foods and soothing foods used to offset stress in someone’s life. The challenge can simply be just taste for many. Taste can get in the way of healing, period. People say they like apples, but after an apple or two a day, they give up on it. People say they love oranges, but after one or two oranges, they quit. People say they love salads, but as time goes on, the salad shape shifts into an entirely different meal that isn’t as healing as the one they started out with. Even something as universal as berries can be difficult for so many if the berries aren’t being drowned out with peanut butter and yogurt. One might think yogurt is healthy, but yogurt in most cases is dairy, and what if someone is sensitive to dairy products and it is in their best interest to avoid dairy in order to heal? Eating berries on their own or with other fruits can be challenging for most people, especially if they need to eat them every day to get the most out of the berries versus just once a week or once a month.

    Fruits, leafy greens, wild foods, herbs, vegetables, tubers, roots, shoots, rhizomes and sea vegetables aren’t the most fun or easiest foods to eat when someone is used to grilled cheese for lunch, pizza for dinner and coffee and bagels in the morning. The Taste Demon can get in the way and thwart someone’s chances of healing or even getting to the finish line. People often forget the present moment as well, and instead think back on a time they were healthier for a moment in their life, but in reality, they haven’t been that way in months or years. These flash backs shape our reality when the truth is we haven’t eaten that well for a longer period of time than we believe. How someone enjoys what they are eating also shapes how far they will go to eat to heal. Everyone has a different threshold and palate.

    In this episode…
    • Discover how a person’s taste for food has more control over them than they would ever think.
    • Learn about what people like to indulge in and what power these addictions have over a person’s health.
    • Uncover the emotional injuries people have around food and how that plays a role in their eating habits.
    • Learn the infamous phrase that can change people’s perception of food in a damaging way.
    • Discover how a person’s specific level of toxins, poisons and exposures can affect their brain and alter how that person sees and tastes food.
    • Learn how no two people taste food the same and what that has to do with their brains.
    • Learn about the electrical impulses and signals traveling between cranial nerves and how toxic heavy metals, MSG, pesticides, herbicides and more can block or alter the brain’s messaging, and how this all plays into food.
    • Uncover The Taste Demon and how it can be the ultimate controller of whether or not you heal.
    • Discover why you may not like the taste of different fruits or leafy greens.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 29 min
    050 STIs & STDs: Are On The Rise

    050 STIs & STDs: Are On The Rise

    STIs and STDs are increasing substantially over the last few years, but that’s not the only concern. The greater concern is why, especially since people having sex has not substantially increased. At the beginning of the Covid lockdown, people who were on the dating scene or sexually active were halted and forced into a dry spell, and the world of finding partners slowed down greatly. Then, when the lockdowns were over, people went into high gear, searching for partners and making up for lost time. All this did was rebalance the previous lockdown dry spell. Meanwhile, worldwide sexual activity stayed relativity the same on the average. So why the rapidly increasing STIs and STDs?

    The crash of the antibiotic and anti-viral era.

    Antibiotics and anti-virals are weakening and the sexually transmitted bacteria and viruses are strengthening, and lately the bacteria is making a strong comeback. Antibiotics are not holding their title as being the cure all for bacterial infections. Sepsis is also on the rise from bacterial infections taking over and attacking blood, lymph and organs. Bacteria is getting smarter, and not just Chlamydia and Syphilis, but all bacteria such as Strep. The Industry has bombarded the sickness world with epic amounts of antibiotics for every illness without the understanding or caution towards what this can—and has—led to. Stubborn sexually transmitted bacteria that doesn’t respond well to antibiotics is starting to lead the way to ongoing, long-term, low-grade STIs that can easily spread and deep root themselves in the body. At this point in time, all bacteria and viruses are on the upsurge and can easily pass from one person to another. What’s needed is the understanding of how the body’s immune system works and what the best immune system supporting options are. The best quality Propolis and Goldenseal are extremely helpful for Sexually Transmitted Infections, alongside your doctor’s protocols and guidance. Propolis and Goldenseal are key foundations to the bacterial and viral pathogenic war humankind is up against. It isn’t just failure of the antibiotics and the strengthening of the pathogen mutations, it’s the failure and weakening of our immune systems as well, plus the overall immune system consciousness needs to heal. It’s more than possible to flip the direction into less STDs, STIs and less viral and bacterial infections that aren’t STIs or STDs, but all-around pathogens that are transmitted and contracted through bodily contact and bodily fluids.

    In this episode…
    • Learn how the pharmaceutical industry and hierarchy doesn’t want anyone wise about STIs and STDs, and wants people to believe that all sexually transmitted bugs are the same.
    • Learn about antibiotics when it comes to STIs & STDs, how they are passed around like candy, and how they are changing the structure of bacteria.
    • Discover the difference between low-grade and high-grade bacteria, and how STDs can present themselves differently in men and women.
    • Learn about what menstruation and ovulation have to do with a woman’s immune system, and how that plays a part in more women getting diagnosed with STDs than men.
    • Uncover how antibiotics can strengthen bacteria.
    • Discover how one STD bug can be passed down through the centuries and what history that bug may have.
    • Learn why STD breakouts still occur despite the barrage of antibiotics out there (hint: it has to do with the hierarchy and the industry).
    • Discover why it’s not about avoiding the doctor, but knowing how to protect yourself along the way.
    • Uncover what specific supplements are a poison to STD and STI bacteria and viruses.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 41 min
    049 Food Poisoning: Underreported & Underrated

    049 Food Poisoning: Underreported & Underrated

    Illness and disease are getting their spotlight out there in mainstream and alternative medicine lately and media outlets are finally touching upon how people are getting sick. There is still a lack of information and a lack of understanding for the chronically ill and it’s possible this will never change for the better to the degree it needs to. One thing that never goes on the map or gets the attention it well deserves is food poisoning. Why should anyone care about food borne illness? Why should anyone care about food poisoning? It’s because it has maimed, injured, destroyed, and even killed the lives of many, including tearing families and friends apart. I’ve seen it all too often over the years, a simple meal at a restaurant or meal made at home become a horrible experience that led to hospitalizations, death, and even more often, a trigger for chronic illness. Food poisoning has led to digestive problems and long-term intestinal tract issues for so many, long after the infection dissipates.

    In this episode…
    • Learn how food poisoning goes underreported, underrated, ignored, under respected, and how it can be passed off as something other than what it is.
    • Discover how most Type 1 Diabetics out there have developed their condition due to food poisoning.
    • Learn about life-long bloating issues that people struggle with and how it can be overlooked.
    • Discover how food poisoning leads to H. Pylori, Epstein-Barr, shingles and many other pathogens, bugs and conditions.
    • Learn what the old diagnosis of gastritis used to mean, compared to what a diagnosis of gastritis means today.
    • Uncover why almost all appendicitis cases are birthed from food poisoning cases, and learn about unnecessary appendix surgeries that occur.
    • Learn why sushi is a big red flag when it comes to food poisoning, and what other problems it could cause.
    • Discover what few things a hospital can offer for food poisoning relief, which can be life-saving and pain-relieving practices, but don’t address the underlying causes and future problems down the road.
    • Learn how recovery is possible when it comes to food poisoning.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 39 min

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