8 επεισόδια

A weekly tech news overview

Null News Now Marek Counts

    • Ειδήσεις

A weekly tech news overview

    Tech News - Battle of the Zero Trust Providers! attack on Trickbot and a opensource rant.

    Tech News - Battle of the Zero Trust Providers! attack on Trickbot and a opensource rant.

    Sorry in advance for the catocalypse, They had to be in my office. will try to get them used to the rest of the house and out of the office as soon as I can!  Here are some links to the most interesting things covered here!  

    OIN: https://openinventionnetwork.com/open... 

    cloudflare one https://blog.cloudflare.com/introduci...  

    Nice Trickbot article: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/10/m... 

    Github: https://github.blog/2020-10-14-how-we... 

    Hashicorp: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashic... 

    GCP: https://cloud.google.com/blog/product... 

    The lol nginx service mesh: https://www.nginx.com/blog/introducin...

    • 51 λεπ.
    Tech news oct 10! Rancher 2.5 | Nvidia Jetson nano?

    Tech news oct 10! Rancher 2.5 | Nvidia Jetson nano?

    In the news this week!  https://github.com/apple/swift-algorithms  https://knative.dev/  https://github.com/storax/kubedoom   https://rancher.com/products/rancher/2.5  https://www.digitalocean.com/blog/introducing-digitalocean-app-platform-reimagining-paas-to-make-it-simpler-for-you-to-build-deploy-and-scale-apps  https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/autonomous-machines/embedded-systems/jetson-nano/?ncid=afm-chs-44270&ranMID=44270&ranEAID=msYS1Nvjv4c&ranSiteID=msYS1Nvjv4c-YYhacF4MAnE9cMG82GhOug  https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2020/10/09/embracing-a-flexible-workplace/  https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/openshift/  https://aws.amazon.com/new/?whats-new-content-all.sort-by=item.additionalFields.postDateTime&whats-new-content-all.sort-order=desc  https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/buildpacks  https://buildpacks.io/  https://www.digitalocean.com/blog/introducing-digitalocean-app-platform-reimagining-paas-to-make-it-simpler-for-you-to-build-deploy-and-scale-apps  https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterbendorsamuel/2020/10/09/ibm-splits-into-two-companies/#2c5f3bbb56e6

    • 35 λεπ.
    NullNews-Critical Nvidia patch! CloudFlare's birthday?! New(ish) Time series database?

    NullNews-Critical Nvidia patch! CloudFlare's birthday?! New(ish) Time series database?

    Join my discord! https://discord.gg/SaJFQ8V  

    Nvidia security bulletin: I should have noted that the patches for the these security issues is out for their Tesla cards! it's just GTX cards that are still effected without a patch! https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5075  

    TFRS: https://www.tensorflow.org/recommenders  

    Cloudflare API Shild: https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-api-shield/  

    Swift system: https://swift.org/blog/swift-system/  

    Amazon Timestream: https://aws.amazon.com/timestream/ 

     Menger https://ai.googleblog.com/2020/10/massively-large-scale-distributed.html  

    The future of storage, keeping TAR relevant. 


    Cortex: https://github.com/cortexproject/cortex  

    ============== timeline ============== 

    0:00 - Intro 

    0:27 - Security 

    3:30 - Open Source 

    9:09 - Cloud News 

    17:32 - Technology 

    24:37 - Shoutouts

    • 26 λεπ.
    Tech News week ending Sep 26!

    Tech News week ending Sep 26!

    Join my discord NOW! and drop my links to your favorite projects so I can give them a shoutout! https://discord.gg/SaJFQ8V  


    https://www.kali.org/news/win-kex-version-2-0/ https://docs.determined.ai/latest/topic-guides/determined-on-kubernetes.html





    GCP compute engine monitoring: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/management-tools/compute-engine-gets-better-monitoring-and-logging  

    WhyLabs: https://github.com/whylabs  Digital Ocean's "Building an API Gateway to Get Out of the Monoliths" talk: 


    Checkout Keel: https://github.com/keel-hq/keel  

    ================= Time Line ================= 

    0:00 - intro 

    0:25 - security 

    4:34 - kubernetes 

    5:57 - Cloud 

    13:00 - Technology 

    20:00 - OSS project shout-outs 

    20:55 - Channel updates and outro!

    • 21 λεπ.
    Tech news Sep 20

    Tech news Sep 20

    All the tech news you need to know!

    the video form can be found here:


    • 30 λεπ.


    Everything from security to an opensource PaaS for kubernetes! Get you latest tech/cloud news weekly.

    • 23 λεπ.

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