11 min

Today in the news: Comics Venture, Turkey Trade Slip, SWIFT Study, Rental Surge, Special Regions' Offshore Embrace Учим английский по новостям

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News 1:
The Korean company MStoryLink began looking for a partner to create a joint venture with him in Russia. The company wants to develop the “My Comics” platform with licensed Asian comics, but it cannot do this on its own and fight piracy, since it does not have sufficient knowledge about the market.

News 2:
At the end of 11 months of 2023, trade turnover between Russia and Turkey amounted to $48.5 billion, which is $11 billion less than the same period in 2022, said Russian Consul General in Istanbul Andrei Buravov, but added: the decrease does not negate the “presence of serious potential” for the development of trade relations between the two countries. He also noted that Russian companies are increasingly opening branches in Turkey.

News 3:
The Foreign Ministry said that the Russian government is studying the possibility of creating an alternative SWIFT payment and settlement infrastructure - because “this will form the financial and economic basis of a multipolar world.”

News 4:
From February 2023 to February 2024, the average cost of short-term rental apartments in the largest Russian cities increased by 11% - to 4,660 rubles per night. One of the key factors influencing prices is the growth of tourist travel.

News 5:
Corporate law, which governs special administrative regions on the Kaliningrad Oktyabrsky Island and on Russky Island in Primorye, “adopts the best practices of offshore jurisdictions such as Hong Kong and the Island of Jersey,” said First Deputy Minister of Economic Development Ilya Torosov. The pace of business relocation to such areas is growing.

Тринадцатый выпуск сезона №2. Слушайте и прокачивайте свой английский.
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News 1:
The Korean company MStoryLink began looking for a partner to create a joint venture with him in Russia. The company wants to develop the “My Comics” platform with licensed Asian comics, but it cannot do this on its own and fight piracy, since it does not have sufficient knowledge about the market.

News 2:
At the end of 11 months of 2023, trade turnover between Russia and Turkey amounted to $48.5 billion, which is $11 billion less than the same period in 2022, said Russian Consul General in Istanbul Andrei Buravov, but added: the decrease does not negate the “presence of serious potential” for the development of trade relations between the two countries. He also noted that Russian companies are increasingly opening branches in Turkey.

News 3:
The Foreign Ministry said that the Russian government is studying the possibility of creating an alternative SWIFT payment and settlement infrastructure - because “this will form the financial and economic basis of a multipolar world.”

News 4:
From February 2023 to February 2024, the average cost of short-term rental apartments in the largest Russian cities increased by 11% - to 4,660 rubles per night. One of the key factors influencing prices is the growth of tourist travel.

News 5:
Corporate law, which governs special administrative regions on the Kaliningrad Oktyabrsky Island and on Russky Island in Primorye, “adopts the best practices of offshore jurisdictions such as Hong Kong and the Island of Jersey,” said First Deputy Minister of Economic Development Ilya Torosov. The pace of business relocation to such areas is growing.

11 min