11 min

Today in the news: Government Plans New Airfield Financing; Skyworth Enters Russia; Chinese Bank Halts Transactions; Tourist Bus Rentals Surge; Senate Approves Army 'Fakes' Bill Учим английский по новостям

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News 1:
The Ministry of Transport is working on a new mechanism for financing the reconstruction of regional airfields in 2025-2030. Air hubs want to be divided into two groups with different approaches to the financing scheme. To finance the first one - small airfields - a special fund should appear, which will be filled from fees to the State Corporation for Air Traffic Management. The second group will include larger harbors that are managed by private investors.

News 2:
One of the largest Chinese manufacturers of household appliances, Skyworth, will officially enter Russia. The company sent proposals for the placement of its products in Russian networks, and also agreed on the contract production of televisions at the Belarusian Horizon.

News 3:
The Chinese Chouzhou Commercial Bank, which Russian importers used as the main settlement center, notified clients that it was suspending transactions with Russia. Transactions were stopped not only using SWIFT, but also with the Russian SPFS and the Chinese CIPS.

News 4:
The cost of renting tourist buses this season has increased from 30% to two times. The rise in prices is associated, in particular, with higher fuel prices, the burden of parallel imports of spare parts, higher fuel prices and higher wages due to inflation. The lack of buses leads to higher prices for tours, especially one-day ones.

News 5:
The Federation Council unanimously approved a bill on confiscation of property for “fakes” about the Russian army. The senators noted that the document does not violate the constitutional rights of Russians.

Двенадцатый выпуск сезона №2. Слушайте и прокачивайте свой английский.
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News 1:
The Ministry of Transport is working on a new mechanism for financing the reconstruction of regional airfields in 2025-2030. Air hubs want to be divided into two groups with different approaches to the financing scheme. To finance the first one - small airfields - a special fund should appear, which will be filled from fees to the State Corporation for Air Traffic Management. The second group will include larger harbors that are managed by private investors.

News 2:
One of the largest Chinese manufacturers of household appliances, Skyworth, will officially enter Russia. The company sent proposals for the placement of its products in Russian networks, and also agreed on the contract production of televisions at the Belarusian Horizon.

News 3:
The Chinese Chouzhou Commercial Bank, which Russian importers used as the main settlement center, notified clients that it was suspending transactions with Russia. Transactions were stopped not only using SWIFT, but also with the Russian SPFS and the Chinese CIPS.

News 4:
The cost of renting tourist buses this season has increased from 30% to two times. The rise in prices is associated, in particular, with higher fuel prices, the burden of parallel imports of spare parts, higher fuel prices and higher wages due to inflation. The lack of buses leads to higher prices for tours, especially one-day ones.

News 5:
The Federation Council unanimously approved a bill on confiscation of property for “fakes” about the Russian army. The senators noted that the document does not violate the constitutional rights of Russians.

11 min