Tony Martin’s SIZZLETOWN

pots n pans productions
Tony Martin’s SIZZLETOWN

Welcome to SIZZLETOWN, the award-winning ‘late-night call-in podcast’, hosted by comedian and broadcaster Tony Martin, with Matt Dower on the ‘pots n pans’. All the callers and guests are played by Martin, via the elaborate editing and sound design of fellow ‘Get This’ veteran Dower. What starts as a fairly straightforward concept (with just three sound effects) becomes steadily more complex, with full-blown musical numbers, multi-caller forums and a talking cat. WARNING: Frequent foul language, and concepts both adult and juvenile.


Welcome to SIZZLETOWN, the award-winning ‘late-night call-in podcast’, hosted by comedian and broadcaster Tony Martin, with Matt Dower on the ‘pots n pans’. All the callers and guests are played by Martin, via the elaborate editing and sound design of fellow ‘Get This’ veteran Dower. What starts as a fairly straightforward concept (with just three sound effects) becomes steadily more complex, with full-blown musical numbers, multi-caller forums and a talking cat. WARNING: Frequent foul language, and concepts both adult and juvenile.


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