25 episodes

An invitation to a journey of self-discovery to break into the layers of preconceived ideas, learned patterns and fear-based beliefs that hold us back from finding our most authentic self. The path leads inwards, gently drawing us to our essence when we Undress Our Soul.
Dayanna offers a variety of life coaching services that will nurture your spirit, help you overcome personal challenges, and allow you to achieve your individual life goals—catering to your unique needs to unlock your full potential.

Undressing The Soul with Dayanna Valenciano Dayanna Valenciano

    • Education

An invitation to a journey of self-discovery to break into the layers of preconceived ideas, learned patterns and fear-based beliefs that hold us back from finding our most authentic self. The path leads inwards, gently drawing us to our essence when we Undress Our Soul.
Dayanna offers a variety of life coaching services that will nurture your spirit, help you overcome personal challenges, and allow you to achieve your individual life goals—catering to your unique needs to unlock your full potential.

    Empowerment or Conformity? When Being Ourselves Becomes a Rebellion

    Empowerment or Conformity? When Being Ourselves Becomes a Rebellion

    Recently, I was uninvited from a women's empowerment group for speaking against injustices like white supremacy, colonialism, and the genocide happening in G@z@!

    This echoes a childhood incident where joy was silenced by a teacher's tape over my mouth and sent to a corner for a timeout for being too loud.

    It's a stark reminder: empowerment isn't about feeding egos or fitting into molds, where we would undoubtedly disown every part of our being for the sake of being accepted. True empowerment should be about embracing each woman's unique journey and aspirations rather than conforming to the belief of doing things one way, "the accepted way," or a one-size-fits-all definition.

    It's about engaging in uncomfortable conversations, facing our shadows, and acknowledging the parts of us that hold us back even when it's tough. Our authenticity is our strength and our rebellion.

    Empowerment is self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love. It's about breaking free from patriarchal patterns that hold us back while healing our inner child.

    If you are feeling like the odd one, welcome to the club!!

    You were born to BE UNQUELY YOU!

    Be unapologetically yourself by breaking free from society's expectations and speaking up, standing up, and not just fitting in.

    Our voices are powerful tools in reshaping narratives and advocating for a world where every person's pain and struggle are acknowledged and addressed; now more than ever, our unified voices are needed to free Palestine!

    Our authenticity is our rebellion.

    #EmpoweredVoices #AuthenticSelf #breakthemould


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dayanna-valenciano/message

    • 17 min
    Empathy Unveiled: Dismantling Patriarchy, Amplifying Voices, and Building a Compassionate World

    Empathy Unveiled: Dismantling Patriarchy, Amplifying Voices, and Building a Compassionate World

    In this insightful episode, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and societal reflection. Dayanna shares a profound realization about appreciating life's simple joys, emphasizing gratitude for basic necessities like shelter, food, and connectivity. How I've chosen to become a megaphone, amplifying voices long silenced, exposing societal fallacies, and revealing a stark truth.

    The narrative delves into a personal transformation, where I confront the darkness of a world hiding uncomfortable truths. The metaphor of David facing Goliath emerges, challenging preconceived notions and encouraging women to break the silence imposed upon them.

    A pivotal moment involving a spiritual leader sheds light on the lack of empathy in influential spaces, particularly within systems that perpetuate inequality. Dayanna, is dedicated to dismantling patriarchal norms, uses this encounter as motivation to advocate for universal empathy. The conversation underscores the importance of dismantling ingrained biases and fighting against attitudes that belittle women.

    The podcast serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle for a world where empathy is not selective and women's voices are heard and respected. Despite the challenges, I find hope in the awakening of collective consciousness, envisioning a future where universal empathy transcends boundaries.

    The call to action is clear: strive for a compassionate and equitable world where the collective voice against injustice resonates stronger than ever.

    #EmpathyForAll #StandUpSpeakUp #DismantlePatriarchy #GlobalCompassion


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dayanna-valenciano/message

    • 12 min
    Silenced Wings: The Battle for Self-Expression

    Silenced Wings: The Battle for Self-Expression

    I was five years old, running down my kindergarten school hallway with other classmates after going to the bathroom.🤪

    I remembered the joy, laughter, and children's screams running back to our class. But when I entered the room, I remember feeling it was small and dark, probably because of the emotions it evoked as a child. 🥹

    Our teacher was waiting for us — I don't remember her face, her clothes, or the details on the wall of a typical kindergarten classroom.

    All I remember is the energy going through my body as I stood before her and my class, feeling as if I was the only one there.😔

    She had cut out a piece of tape, placed it over my mouth, and instructed me to stand against a corner for "my bad behavior." 😡

    And so the little girl who was happy, bubbly, curious, and creative had her self-expression wings cut out in an instant!

    That told me it was not ok to BE myself AND to dime my light 💡 for others to be comfortable around me!

    So I hid! 🫣

    For a long time!…

    Until I had it and chose to chisel away the walls I had built around me!

    The reason I am sharing this story with you is because often, in our personal or professional life, people will be uncomfortable with who we are because of:

    👉 Being too much when you were being your happy self

    👉 too loud when you are using your voice

    👉 too opinionated when you are sharing your ideas

    👉 Arrogant when you are assertive

    👉 Rude when you were stating your truth and setting boundaries!

    👉Overthinking or dimming your light so it doesn't blind others!

    At some point in your life, perhaps your wings were cut off too by family, friends, bosses, people in "leadership" positions, or society!

    And you go through life trying to fit 🧩 to other people's expectations until you abandon who you really are entirely!

    Today and hereon, Give yourself permission to spread your wings and be yourself!

    🌟 Embrace Your Essence: Let Your Light Shine! 🌟

    Let's begin the conversation about the magic of self-expression and fully embracing who we are at our core. 🌟✨

    Life's too short to hide behind masks or pretend to be anyone other than ourselves. 🎭 It's time to break free from those self-imposed limitations and let our authentic selves shine through!

    💃 Whether you're a quirky artist, a fierce dreamer, a wild adventurer, or anything in between – OWN it because that's what makes you INCREDIBLE! 🚀

    Remember, each one of us is a unique masterpiece, a one-of-a-kind blend of passions, quirks, and dreams. 🎨📚 So, let's celebrate our individuality and let our true colors burst forth like a vibrant painting on the canvas of life! 🎉

    💖 Rock those funky outfits that reflect your personality.

    💬 Speak your mind and share your unique ideas with the world.

    🎶 Dance like nobody's watching to your favorite tunes (I do it all the time)!

    🌼 Chase your dreams relentlessly and fearlessly.

    Let's create a world where authenticity reigns supreme and where we're free to express ourselves without hesitation.

    🌍✨ So, my beautiful friends, let's unite in this journey of self-discovery, self-love, and unapologetic self-expression! Let's remind ourselves and others that it's absolutely okay to be ourselves – in fact, it's the most beautiful thing we can be! 🌟

    Spread those good vibes, share your stories, and encourage others to let their inner light shine too! 🌞 Because we inspire others to do the same when we embrace our essence.

    🌈✨ Let's light up this world with our authenticity!

    #EmbraceYourEssence #BeYourself #SelfExpressionMagic #AuthenticityMatters #inwardjourney


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dayanna-valenciano/message

    • 14 min
    The Collapse of Your Old Self

    The Collapse of Your Old Self

    Sometimes, life forces us to confront ourselves and the neglect we may have shown toward our own well-being.

    Through surrendering to the process of radical self-discovery and embracing uncertainty, you may experience a collapse of your old self and an expansion into a new version of YOU.

    Or is it?

    You learned to appreciate BEING in the NOW and connect to your body to awaken a deeper consciousness. You begin to accept the "I don't know" as a pathway to learning, transforming, and expanding your being.

    Eckhart Tolle explains it beautifully: "If you really want to know your mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection, so look at the emotion, or rather FEEL it in your body. If there is an apparent conflict between them, the thought will be the lie, the emotion will be the truth. Not the ultimate truth of who you are, but the relative truth of your state of mind at that time."

    In essence, That is Kelly Robinson's remarkable story.

    About a year ago, she had asked me to accompany her through her Inward Journey. She wanted to go all in. She was committed to rediscovering her SELF...

    Kelly's life story inspires you to recognize the importance of self-care, self-awareness, and embracing uncertainty in life's journey to become a more authentic and fulfilled human.

    It also emphasizes the significance of acknowledging and addressing one's own needs and desires rather than constantly putting others first!

    The death of the "good girl" who always puts herself last!

    To now give herself permission to BE, to go places, and prioritize her needs and wants

    In her own words...

    "I don't know" were once the words that I tried to avoid, but now I embrace them.

    I grew up taking care of others and avoiding myself.

    People pleasing was my specialty, and I became very good at ignoring my body and my heart's desires.

    In 2022, I got the biggest wake-up call when I found out that both my wrists had been broken 25 years prior and were now collapsing as a result of an accident that I couldn't even recall.

    It seemed surreal, but I had ignored my body to the point that I didn't even pay attention to the burning in my wrists for decades.

    I was in school for hypnotherapy and was excited to be helping others heal while my own body and spirit were again put on the back burner.

    I had no idea what the future would hold, but I was certain I would emerge as a different version of myself. The character I had created was collapsing.

    It was time to take care of myself. I could no longer ignore my physical body. That message was clear.

    I would have to face the greatest physical, emotional, and spiritual trials in the process.

    I would learn more about myself in 11 months than in years.

    My path is now one of surrender and an appreciation for the words "I don't know" as life continues to unfold. In the greatest irony of all, the collapse was necessary for my expansion.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dayanna-valenciano/message

    • 1 hr 33 min
    It takes guts to make difficult decisions over conformity. That's courage. That's Self-Love!

    It takes guts to make difficult decisions over conformity. That's courage. That's Self-Love!

    When we perform work with the conviction that what we do matters, we can live intensely. Jay Shetty

    I sit in front of my computer every day to do what I love most, guiding others through life transitions so they can rediscover their self-love with clarity to be who they want to be with conviction. It required me to make difficult and, at times, painful choices myself every time I decided to face parts of me I did not want to see. 

    It reminds me of one of Glenn Doyle's podcast episodes where she said: "Things can be hard and heavy and still be right." 

    When I heard this, I cheered with my hands in the air!! Life presents us with hard and heavy choices that can be tough. And yet, it will give us the most incredible inner peace and happiness. It takes guts to make difficult decisions over conformity. That's courage.

    To voice what we want to do/say over pleasing others. That's peace.

    It is a breath of fresh air to no longer seek validation, approval, or acceptance from family and friends. That's confidence!

    We can ride the wave of life changes! Nothing can prepare us, and there will never be a perfect moment to start working on ourselves. We need to know that the moment we decide to go all-in wholeheartedly, relationships will end, and family dynamics will shift. Because your consciousness will rise, and the level of awareness will give you perspectives you did not consider before. Do it anyway. On this journey, you will meet the real and brilliant you!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dayanna-valenciano/message

    • 21 min
    How Do You Know What You?

    How Do You Know What You?

    What happens when you connect to your higher self? 

    When you recognize your inner strength and superpower, you are able to create what you desire – the life you envisioned!  

    Are you determined to get it?  

    Do you have the courage to claim it?  

    An amazing conversation with Michelle Kuei, an international speaker, certified visibility coach, certified storytelling master, and author. 

    Michelle has been featured in The Los Angeles Tribune Live series, Shoutout LA, Voyage LA Magazine, FOX, and Authority Magazine for her expertise in overcoming adversity and achieving visibility.  

    At age 11, Michelle was permanently disabled in a car accident that froze her growth at 4’ 4” and left her needing crutches to walk. By her own admission, she wasn’t just physically small – she used to live her life emotionally small. The hardest part of living with a visible disability was the shame and unworthiness she carried in her heart and mind.  So she embarked on what began as just a physical fitness journey – and evolved into a life-transformation journey when she decided to join her gym mates in their quest to climb Machu Picchu in Peru.  She hiked up the 26 miles of ascending trail, 8-10 hours daily. She had to bandage her wrists so they wouldn’t break as they took a load of her body weight with every step on her crutches.  She ultimately ascended the peak … crawling on her hands and knees at the end, to the cheers of those in her party who had been strangers at the outset of the journey.  When she came home, she was changed forever. The voices of shame and doubt about her body were gone. She was free to live life fearlessly. And to help others do the same. To guide them along their own journey to becoming fearless and limitless, to having the courage to say "yes" to their own Machu Picchu -- those challenges that too often intimidate them into inaction.  Her message, and the experiences that birthed it, are both a balm and an emboldened for leaders today. Those who need encouragement and equipping to pass along to those they lead find it daily through Elevate LifeCoaching, her speaking engagements, and her podcast.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dayanna-valenciano/message

    • 41 min

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