10 min

Ep. 133: The problem with having a decent income from your business Solopreneur Success Path | Have A Profitable Online Business

    • Entrepreneurship


In this episode, your host delves into the critical aspect of income goals in the entrepreneurial journey. Tom Clairmont underscores the importance of having clear income objectives to not only measure progress but also to prevent complacency.

He emphasizes that setting income goals isn't an act of greed or selfishness but rather a necessary mindset for solopreneurs. Success hinges on consistently pushing forward, and this proactive approach can make all the difference in an ever-changing business landscape.

Tom acknowledges the allure of a stable income once a business is established, recognizing it as a significant achievement. However, he urges caution, highlighting a potential pitfall. Suppose a solopreneur relies heavily on a single substantial client for their stable income. In that case, they might face a precarious situation if that client's circumstances change, jeopardizing their financial stability.

Tom's message is clear: don't become complacent with a stable income; keep striving for growth. He encourages listeners not to rest on their laurels but to maintain their drive and urgency to secure new clients continually.

To avoid the vulnerability of relying on a single client, Tom suggests considering the possibility of hiring a virtual assistant. Delegating lower-level tasks can free up time for solopreneurs to focus on higher-level strategic activities that propel their business forward. Tom shares his own experience working with a virtual assistant to maximize efficiency and expand his business.

Tom emphasizes that growth should be a multi-faceted endeavor, not just financial but also emotional, health-related, and overall well-being. He encourages solopreneurs to constantly review, modify, and improve their goals while remaining in a state of continuous learning.

Despite the potential challenges in finding the right virtual assistant, Tom underscores its worth in terms of relieving the solopreneur from tasks that hinder growth. He believes that this investment is instrumental in maintaining momentum and achieving consistent progress.

In conclusion, Tom leaves his audience with a powerful message: to avoid self-sabotage and keep moving forward, solopreneurs must be conscious of maintaining momentum and constant growth, even during periods of financial success. This episode serves as a reminder that success is not only financial but also holistic, encompassing various aspects of life.


Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content


In this episode, your host delves into the critical aspect of income goals in the entrepreneurial journey. Tom Clairmont underscores the importance of having clear income objectives to not only measure progress but also to prevent complacency.

He emphasizes that setting income goals isn't an act of greed or selfishness but rather a necessary mindset for solopreneurs. Success hinges on consistently pushing forward, and this proactive approach can make all the difference in an ever-changing business landscape.

Tom acknowledges the allure of a stable income once a business is established, recognizing it as a significant achievement. However, he urges caution, highlighting a potential pitfall. Suppose a solopreneur relies heavily on a single substantial client for their stable income. In that case, they might face a precarious situation if that client's circumstances change, jeopardizing their financial stability.

Tom's message is clear: don't become complacent with a stable income; keep striving for growth. He encourages listeners not to rest on their laurels but to maintain their drive and urgency to secure new clients continually.

To avoid the vulnerability of relying on a single client, Tom suggests considering the possibility of hiring a virtual assistant. Delegating lower-level tasks can free up time for solopreneurs to focus on higher-level strategic activities that propel their business forward. Tom shares his own experience working with a virtual assistant to maximize efficiency and expand his business.

Tom emphasizes that growth should be a multi-faceted endeavor, not just financial but also emotional, health-related, and overall well-being. He encourages solopreneurs to constantly review, modify, and improve their goals while remaining in a state of continuous learning.

Despite the potential challenges in finding the right virtual assistant, Tom underscores its worth in terms of relieving the solopreneur from tasks that hinder growth. He believes that this investment is instrumental in maintaining momentum and achieving consistent progress.

In conclusion, Tom leaves his audience with a powerful message: to avoid self-sabotage and keep moving forward, solopreneurs must be conscious of maintaining momentum and constant growth, even during periods of financial success. This episode serves as a reminder that success is not only financial but also holistic, encompassing various aspects of life.


Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content

10 min