28 min

Learning, a Biological Ability TBA21 on st_age

    • Umění

‘Learning, a Biological Ability’ is a podcast that borrows its title from Munir Fasheh´s ideas on education. Hosted by Dani Burrows the podcast expands on the work ‘Barruntaremos’ by Asunción Molinos Gordo who invited collaborators Munir Fasheh, Reef Fakhouri and Dina Bataineh to share their ideas on how personal stories are powerful departure points for exploring sources of knowledge, harnessing the diversity of wisdom to emancipate learning and foster personal wellness, our communities and our planet.

‘Learning, a Biological Ability’ is a podcast that borrows its title from Munir Fasheh´s ideas on education. Hosted by Dani Burrows the podcast expands on the work ‘Barruntaremos’ by Asunción Molinos Gordo who invited collaborators Munir Fasheh, Reef Fakhouri and Dina Bataineh to share their ideas on how personal stories are powerful departure points for exploring sources of knowledge, harnessing the diversity of wisdom to emancipate learning and foster personal wellness, our communities and our planet.

28 min

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