7 episodes

In this series of Episodes, we shall try to understand and explore some of the inroads we take without notice. These roads look good and safer. We also know that due to the existence of sin and evil, we all are inherently prone to face difficulties. Consider what the Bible has to offer to us in the form of Guidance, Road map, True North, and journey mercies.
Remember that we are not alone in this trail of life journey. May Lord God bless you.

The Trail of a Traveler Gladwin Jaykar

    • Religion & Spirituality

In this series of Episodes, we shall try to understand and explore some of the inroads we take without notice. These roads look good and safer. We also know that due to the existence of sin and evil, we all are inherently prone to face difficulties. Consider what the Bible has to offer to us in the form of Guidance, Road map, True North, and journey mercies.
Remember that we are not alone in this trail of life journey. May Lord God bless you.

    Episode 1 Journeying through the regions of unforeseen dangers.

    Episode 1 Journeying through the regions of unforeseen dangers.

    2Cor.11 26 

    The Trail of Travelers

    Apostle Paul says: “In Journeying often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by heathen, in perils in the city, IN PERILS IN THE WILDERNESS, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;” 


    The Christian Life is a long journey. It is full of various challenges and risks. We all face troubles and difficulties in life of some sort. A number of times we need to take a path of life risks. None of us like pain and perils. But they are at times unavoidable. 

    The Holy Book Bible which we Christians believe to be the revealed Word of God is full of incidents and stories of such risks. 

    The first Robbery and Loot is recorded in the Book of Genesis chapter 14. The cousin of Abraham was LOT. He chose to live in the city of Sodom. It so happened that the

    “Enemy took all the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their possessions, and went their way. They took Lot, the son of Abraham’s brother, who was dwelling in Sodom, and his possessions, and went their way.” (Gen.14:11-12) 

    Paul says: “Let no man beguile you of your rewards…” (Col.2:18) 

    The word BEGUILE is in Greek: “KATABRABEUO.” (Strong/g/2603) It means a follower or a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ runs in a contest. He has certainly come near to the finish line. But for some reasons, he missed the track he was given to run and still ran to finish ahead of many. 

    The Umpire had to deprive him or her of the Award which was supposed to be his or her. The decision went against him or her because of changing the track knowingly or unknowingly. Missing or changing of the track was illegal as per the rules of the contest and was bound to lose the Reward. 

    But in Christian life, if we get another chance-grace- to run again, let us learn NOT TO change the TRAIL / TRACK / LINES / BOUNDARIES of the Track given to us. We can win the contest and be honored with a reward again. 

    It is important to know how Jehovah God restored the honor of His people in the form of His appointed King David. God is willing to restore our LOOT. We the followers of Lord Jesus Christ are moving towards our end destination. We know, we are climbing the Road to Calvary. It is a lonely walk with heavy burdens and numbing pain. LOOK to Jesus ,(Heb.3:1,12:2) Find grace and strength to complete the journey.

    Never give up the walk even if it is difficult as Mountaineering. Let us hold courage. THE WAY OF THE CROSS IS THE WAY OF CHRIST JESUS. It is difficult and Risky, but it is the correct Way we have chosen to tread on.

    In this 3rd series of Episodes, we shall try to understand and explore some of the inroads we take without notice. These roads look good and safer. We also know that due to the existence of sin and evil, we all are inherently prone to face difficulties. Consider what the Bible has to offer to us in the form of Guidance, Road map, True North, and journey mercies. Remember that we are not alone in this trail of life journey. May Lord God bless you. 

    • 9 min
    Episode 2 The HOPE is Stronger than Mountains

    Episode 2 The HOPE is Stronger than Mountains

    The Trail of a Traveler

    It is my pleasure to share my thoughts with you all in this new series. I have named it as The Trail of a Traveler-the Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

    We are on our way to Eternal destination. We may believe the existence of GOD or not but we all end our journey of life when we die here on earth. We may not agree on many issues about the Life after Death. There are many such philosophical or religious thinking existing today. Mankind continues to move with the cycle of birth and death. We all express our happiness and feel broken at the death of our loved ones. The nature has the rule of reproduction and we continue to live and die generation after generation by that rule. The life is full of mixed experiences. Most of the time we have to face unbearable difficulties during the journey. The trail of life becomes sometime harder and harder to walk on further. But it is what expected. A disciple of Lord Jesus Christ follows a Trail of someone who had already walked ahead of him or her. The Trail becomes more difficult and steepens as he/she approaches the peak of the climb. But he/she tries best to climb over because it’s the desired destination. How do we keep moving forward when we follow the Trail? “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run (Trail) with patience the race that is set before us.”(Heb.12:1) “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”(Heb.12:2) It is important to understand the purpose of our existence and then learn how to achieve what we had been asked for and then we were dreaming about. 

    The Story of Padmashree (4th highest Indian Civilian Award holder) Mrs. Arunima Sinha: She is a brave Indian woman. She had been a 7 times national volley Ball player. One day while travelling by a train, some train robbers caught her and threw her out of the running train. The fall caused her left leg damaged only to be amputated below knee. Her right leg and spinal cord also had fractures which were repaired later.

    After overcoming this traumatic experience, she chose the mountain climbing. She underwent training and exercises with artificial leg. She decided to climb all the top peaks of the mountains of the world. She had climbed 7 mountain tops like: Everest in Asia, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe, Kosciuszko in Australia, Aconcangua in Argentina, Carstensz Pyramid in Indonesia, and Vinson in Antartica by January 2019. The difficulties made her stronger to perform the best of her abilities. Climbing the trail without legs was very difficult. Arunima’s hope was stronger than Mountains.

    In the New Testament, The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews says: “That two immutable things in which it was impossible for god to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.”(Heb.6:18) Let your Hope be stronger than any mountain trail which comes across your journey. The trail shows us the way in which someone had already gone before. Heb.6:18

    The Trails of our destinations might be difficult to move on. Stay hopeful and strong in your Trail of life. But Know that The HOPE is Stronger than Mountains. 

    • 9 min
    Episode 3 Courage is important than comfort.

    Episode 3 Courage is important than comfort.

    The Trail of a Traveler

    Abraham didn’t develop the attitude of revenge when Lot chose the best of the land. When Lot was caught up in trouble, Abraham went for his rescue. 

    Some points for consideration: “Enemy took all the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their possessions, and went their way. They took Lot, the son of Abraham’s brother, who was dwelling in Sodom, and his possessions, and went their way.” Gen.14:11-12

    A. Courage and Rescue with Compassion: Helping others in disagreement of opinion. 

    When Abraham asked Lot to find his way to settle the disagreements, Lot chose the best of the portion of the land. Abraham didn’t oppose his decision. Lot was happy with his dreams about the future, but Abraham was happy with the promises of God about the future. Lot decided to depend on the produce of the earth, but Abraham looked beyond the immediate blessings. Abraham was courageous and compassionate. He rescued Lot who chose to desert his uncle whom God had called. He knew that God was going make Abraham father of nations, but he set his eyes on temporal benefits of the temporal city. (Heb.10:35-36) On the other hand Abraham was “looking for a city which has Foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God.”(Heb.11:10) 

    B. Materials and Human beings both were looted: The wrong Trail is not safe. 

    Lot never realized that the trail down to Sodom was unsafe and bound for future destruction. Abraham saved the city of Sodom with people and possessions. It is sad to see that they forgot the truth of impending judgment. They began a wayward living and Lot sat among them. The place was not safe for him but he did not have the courage like Abraham to return on the trail of his uncle. Abraham was safe as long as he treaded the trail God has left for him. It is quite interesting to note here that the Materials and Human beings both were part of the LOOT. Along with his possessions, they LOOTED LOT. The enemies will try to attack the prosperous people and take away the precious things and important people together. Lot was an important person of his city Judiciary and a rich man by the time. Lot stopped moving further and got settled, but Abraham moved on. Being stationary on the wrong trail was a disastrous decision. It is necessary that we must learn to follow the leader if he has gone ahead of us on trail. Trust him. 

    C. Courage and Obedience: 

    Abraham brought back all the loot and people defeating the enemies. He returned back all that belonged to Lot. (Gen.14:15-16 ) On the return, Abraham met the priest of the Most High God. He gave tenth of the loot he got as a tithe to Melchizedek. Lot also got his property and riches back freely, but it seems that he didn’t offer anything to Melchizedek. (Gen.14:17-20) The king of Sodom requested Abraham to keep the bounty and riches with him. Abraham rejected it saying: “I have life up mine hand unto the Lord ,the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth, that I will not take from a thread to a shoe latchet, and I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, I have made Abraham rich.” (Gen.14:22-23) Abraham continued his trails of the hills. He looked to the future plan of God. He became Courageous, Compassionate and Obedient. He lived in tents and encouraged his family to have hope in what God had said. Abraham never gave up on his journey. In spite of many troubles and family hurdles, he remained true to his God given trail till he died. God named him His Friend. His Trail turned into Friendship with God. 

    • 10 min
    Episode 4 Traps on the Trails may lead towards impending Disaster

    Episode 4 Traps on the Trails may lead towards impending Disaster

    The Trail Of a Traveler

    We can’t walk or tread the stiff heights with unbearable loads on our shoulders. However, the climbing the heights with some load requires sufficient skill, strength and stamina. 

    Balaam: A Mesopotamian Diviner. His name means: Lord of People. (Easton’s Dictionary) 

    He had some knowledge of Yahweh. He used that knowledge for personal gain by Blessing and Cursing people. He was invited to curse the Israelites, he failed to do that. The Way of Balaam allowed Israelites to err from their journey Trail. 

    WAY of Balaam:  This Balaam is recorded 57 times in the Bible. He was a prophet from (Nb.25:1-9) Mesopotamia. (Dt.23:4) He planned a seduction. His path was reckless. His seduction led to tempt the Israelites into sexual relationships and pagan rituals. One Error of Balaam confused the Trail of others. It ended up in plague killing 24,000 Israelites. 

    It was a choice of Balaam to promote relationships. Balaam taught that falsehood for money and illicit sexual relationships. The spirit of compromising made people trust that lie. They couldn’t find their trail back. They were killed by a plague. 

    Apostle Jude: “Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.”We have dangers of Way of Balaam to Error of Balaam to Doctrine of Balaam. These Ways led Israelites to err from the Truth and journey Trail. 

    There are delusions on trails at time to divert our walk into a Trap. We need to be careful and aware of certain signs and designs of curves and bends leading to a Trap. Avoid the Trap and run for a safety. Heb 5:2: "Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity." Balaam, Balac the king, Korah and Cain are an example for us. Jud 1:11: "Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gain saying of Korah." Cunningness and Covetousness led them to Money, Sex, Rebellion and Murder. The Way of Balaam took 1,450 years to develop and entered the life of the Church craftily. We are warned by the Apostles who had walked the Trail before us. 2Pet 2:2, 15: "And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of." "Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;" A Story of a wise Rabbit: 

    Once a wolf invited animals for visiting a sick lion. The lion was resting in a Den. The wolf would send animals inside the Den of Lion and enjoy the left over flesh and bones. The turn for the Rabbit came. He was cautious. AS he came nearer, he began to detect the foot prints of animals. All foot prints were directed towards the Den of the Lion but no foot print of the returning animal was detected. The Rabbit detected the Trap earlier and also was clever to mark the foot prints of animals. He knew that the moment he enters, he is not going to return from the Den. The moment Rabbit saw that foot print directing to the Den, he ran away from the wolf. Know that Wisdom is better than strength. Eph.5:15-“walk very carefully as wise do.” 

    Beware of the Traps on the Trails of your journey. 

    • 9 min
    Episode 5 Wisdom is stronger than strength.

    Episode 5 Wisdom is stronger than strength.

    The Trail Of a Traveler

    Every Trail requires Both Wisdom and Strength. What is the Biblical Wisdom shared by the Wisest King of his Time?

    Find wisdom and understanding: These generate happiness to a hopeless person. Prov 3:13: "Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding." Wisdom is the principal thing: Make it a point to make it a Priority for any action. Prov 4:7: "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." Wisdom is better than rubies: It is a Pink Red precious Gem stone formed from mineral of Aluminium Oxide. One Carat may cost USD: 1,000,000:00! (www.gemsociety.com) Prov 8:11: "For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it." Get wisdom than gold or silver:  Prov 16:16: "How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!" Wisdom helps to understand the way Prov 14:8: "The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit." Expect a reward: Prov 24:14: "So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off." 


    We can’t walk or tread the stiff heights with unbearable loads on our shoulders. However, the climbing the heights with some load requires sufficient strength and stamina. There is interesting story of the slave Aesop who lived in Greece. (BC.6C): On a long journey, his master charged to pick up Sack loads and move towards the destination. Aesop chose the big heavy Sack of loaves. Every one made fun of him. But by and by the loaves were eaten from his Sack. Few days later he walked empty handed. He was wise to make decisions and also obedient to his master in carrying the load over his back. Others carried the load till they reached destination. 

    • 10 min
    Episode 6 The WINDS are THE DOCTRINES of Christian Life. Know

    Episode 6 The WINDS are THE DOCTRINES of Christian Life. Know

    The Trail Of a Traveler

    Winds become stronger on the heights. You need strong grips and foot holds on the Trail you take. We can’t ride the stormy waves all the time. Eph.4:14

    WAY: Jam 1:8: "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." 

    Double minded: two souls or selves. Unsure of the Purpose or Opinion. The Result is: instability. In all his ways: unable to progress to complete the distance of the road/path. 

    Jam 5:20: "Let him know, that he which converts the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." 

    Converts from the ERROR: to return back from Wandering in Delusion to Reality. Save a soul from death: To deliver or protect the Wanderer from dead end. Multitude of sins: providing a cover from willful trespass. 

    2Pet 2:2: "And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 

    Pernicious ways: Developing a conduct shocking to public (Continental) decency by filthy sensuality. It becomes outrageous Way of truth: a shocking public conduct becomes a Pernicious against way of truth. 

    2Pet 2:15: "Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;" 

    Right way: It is a Straight Way, Not the Crooked Way. A bend on it isn’t end of it. Gone astray: Attractions deluded them and caused them to lose path by deception. Wages of unrighteousness leads people into walking in the way of unrighteousness. Right way is the Way of Truth and Wages of unrighteousness leads people astray from the Way of Truth. 

    Nah 1:3: "The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked; the LORD has his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." 

    The LORD: YAHWEH. The Self Existent Eternal GOD of Israel. Swayambhoo. great in power: How great? Matchless in power of His own. See the following: has his way in the whirlwind: Hurricane strikes with forming circles of Storm.  in the storm: Tempest strike straight. the clouds are the dust of his feet. The cover of Heavens with thunderclouds. Acquit the wicked-Not at all: emptying or cleaning of anything which covered the feet making the traveler lose the foot hold 

    • 9 min

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