1 hr

Veterans for Peace: Veterans for Peace: VFP Members taking a stand with their feet Walking for Peace to DC Veterans for Peace Radio Hour

    • News Commentary

Members of Veterans for Peace are once again not sitting idly by while the world devolves into calamity. Members Tarak Kauff, Ellen Davidson, and Anthony Donovan join us to talk about their peace walk which originated in Maine with a destination of Washington, D.C. on July 5, 2024. We caught up with them in Pennsylvania where they had just left Philadelphia on the way to Delaware and President Biden's home, Maryland past military polluters and war industry facilities to DC where they will take a stand for Peace. So far most of the walk has been inspiring with only enough problems to let them know that work has to be done and Peace is the goal. You can still join this walk, so listen to find out how. We then finish with a great version of Take Me Home Country Roads by Playing for Change.

Members of Veterans for Peace are once again not sitting idly by while the world devolves into calamity. Members Tarak Kauff, Ellen Davidson, and Anthony Donovan join us to talk about their peace walk which originated in Maine with a destination of Washington, D.C. on July 5, 2024. We caught up with them in Pennsylvania where they had just left Philadelphia on the way to Delaware and President Biden's home, Maryland past military polluters and war industry facilities to DC where they will take a stand for Peace. So far most of the walk has been inspiring with only enough problems to let them know that work has to be done and Peace is the goal. You can still join this walk, so listen to find out how. We then finish with a great version of Take Me Home Country Roads by Playing for Change.

1 hr