37 min

Why and how mistakes grow your business Challenging the norm: His and Hers look at life and business

    • Entrepreneurship

When are too many mistakes too many in business?


In this podcast, we discuss mistakes, looking at them from a personal and business perspective and why it’s important that we allow ourselves to make mistakes and how that can drive success in your business.


We look at the difference between a mistake and failure and why that’s important to your business growth mindset.


So, in the full episode, we talk about:


Mistakes and what that really means
Giving ourselves permission to make mistakes
How failure is about identity and mistakes are about an action
Being curious about mistakes is key to learning
Don’t wait to be perfect


In this episode, we share perspectives and tips about using mistakes as a tool for growth and progress and to take away the stigma that mistakes are all bad.


Listen and watch on Spotify: 

Listen on Apple: 


If you’ve found this video valuable, please like and subscribe to the podcast!


Challenging the Norm: His and Hers Look at Life and Business is a podcast aimed at solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and business owners who want to experience success in their own way. Who are stuck in information overload and, because of this, are losing sight of what matters most to them, and sometimes results in jumping on the next bandwagon or shiny object.


Paul and Lindsey wrestle with the topics that matter and reality-check the latest trends in business, using.


With over fifty years of experience in business and life, Lindsey and Paul have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience by living an entrepreneurial life. They’ve read the books, watched the videos, invested in themselves and their businesses, made mistakes, and have the T-shirts to prove it.

His and hers, yin and yang - they wrestle with the topics that matter and reality check the latest trends in business so you don't have to.


Paul works with business owners, showing them how they can take the stress out of transforming teams into performance powerhouses that love what they do. https://www.paulksnell.com/


While Lindsey offers business coaching that empowers ambitious women to create financial abundance and a time-rich lifestyle without sacrificing their joy. https://lindseyburden.com/


When are too many mistakes too many in business?


In this podcast, we discuss mistakes, looking at them from a personal and business perspective and why it’s important that we allow ourselves to make mistakes and how that can drive success in your business.


We look at the difference between a mistake and failure and why that’s important to your business growth mindset.


So, in the full episode, we talk about:


Mistakes and what that really means
Giving ourselves permission to make mistakes
How failure is about identity and mistakes are about an action
Being curious about mistakes is key to learning
Don’t wait to be perfect


In this episode, we share perspectives and tips about using mistakes as a tool for growth and progress and to take away the stigma that mistakes are all bad.


Listen and watch on Spotify: 

Listen on Apple: 


If you’ve found this video valuable, please like and subscribe to the podcast!


Challenging the Norm: His and Hers Look at Life and Business is a podcast aimed at solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and business owners who want to experience success in their own way. Who are stuck in information overload and, because of this, are losing sight of what matters most to them, and sometimes results in jumping on the next bandwagon or shiny object.


Paul and Lindsey wrestle with the topics that matter and reality-check the latest trends in business, using.


With over fifty years of experience in business and life, Lindsey and Paul have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience by living an entrepreneurial life. They’ve read the books, watched the videos, invested in themselves and their businesses, made mistakes, and have the T-shirts to prove it.

His and hers, yin and yang - they wrestle with the topics that matter and reality check the latest trends in business so you don't have to.


Paul works with business owners, showing them how they can take the stress out of transforming teams into performance powerhouses that love what they do. https://www.paulksnell.com/


While Lindsey offers business coaching that empowers ambitious women to create financial abundance and a time-rich lifestyle without sacrificing their joy. https://lindseyburden.com/


37 min