24 Min.

109. Codependents and Narcissists, the Ultimate Attraction The Rise Up Thriving Podcast

    • Mentale Gesundheit

In this episode, we explore codependency and how those traits attract someone with narcissistic tendencies.
This dynamic duo, of sorts, can create the perfect storm.
"The codependents will get their validation and fill their cup by feeling needed. So they will feel a sense of importance and feel like they are needed by their narcissistic partner because they are the one going over the top. They are the ones [always] taking care of [everything]. They are the ones self-sacrificing and they're minimizing their worth because they believe that their worth is based on their ability to care for and take care of others."
Does this resonate for you?
What would support you most on this journey of healing after narcissistic abuse?
Let's Connect!

In this episode, we explore codependency and how those traits attract someone with narcissistic tendencies.
This dynamic duo, of sorts, can create the perfect storm.
"The codependents will get their validation and fill their cup by feeling needed. So they will feel a sense of importance and feel like they are needed by their narcissistic partner because they are the one going over the top. They are the ones [always] taking care of [everything]. They are the ones self-sacrificing and they're minimizing their worth because they believe that their worth is based on their ability to care for and take care of others."
Does this resonate for you?
What would support you most on this journey of healing after narcissistic abuse?
Let's Connect!

24 Min.