53 Min.

24. Hidden Emperor Part 6: The Storming of the Secret of the Storming of Morikage Castle Garbage of the Five Rings

    • Hobbys

24. Hidden Emperor Part 6: The Storming of the Secret of the Storming of Morikage Castle

Amelia and Jude attempt to discuss the finding of the Hidden Emperor, but don’t actually get there because they spend the entire episode just reading the cast list of the Storming (or maybe it’s Secret?) of Morikage Castle.

Recorded: 12/09/2019

24. Hidden Emperor Part 6: The Storming of the Secret of the Storming of Morikage Castle

Amelia and Jude attempt to discuss the finding of the Hidden Emperor, but don’t actually get there because they spend the entire episode just reading the cast list of the Storming (or maybe it’s Secret?) of Morikage Castle.

Recorded: 12/09/2019

53 Min.