27 Min.


    • Design


Empirical cultural studies and studies of history of art in Tübingen and Berlin.

Since the end of his studies he is working as an exhibition curator, among others for „Berlin, Berlin“ (1987), „Hauptstadt. Zentren, Residenzen, Metropolen in der deutschen Geschichte“ (Capital. Centres, residences, metropolises in German history) (1989), „Darwin und Darwinismus“ (Darwin and Darwinism) (1994), „Sieben Hügel“ (seven hills) (2000), new permanent exhibition at the “Deutsches Hygiene-Museum” (German museum for hygiene) (2005), „Die Roboter kommen! Mensch – Maschine – Kommunikation“ (The robots are coming! Man – Machine – Communication) (2007/09, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Amsterdam), lastly „Koscher & Co. über Essen und Religion“ (Kosher & Co. Food and religion) (Jewish Museum Berlin 2009/10).

Numerous publications on topics related to cultural history and museology. Lives in Berlin and Gotha.



Empirical cultural studies and studies of history of art in Tübingen and Berlin.

Since the end of his studies he is working as an exhibition curator, among others for „Berlin, Berlin“ (1987), „Hauptstadt. Zentren, Residenzen, Metropolen in der deutschen Geschichte“ (Capital. Centres, residences, metropolises in German history) (1989), „Darwin und Darwinismus“ (Darwin and Darwinism) (1994), „Sieben Hügel“ (seven hills) (2000), new permanent exhibition at the “Deutsches Hygiene-Museum” (German museum for hygiene) (2005), „Die Roboter kommen! Mensch – Maschine – Kommunikation“ (The robots are coming! Man – Machine – Communication) (2007/09, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Amsterdam), lastly „Koscher & Co. über Essen und Religion“ (Kosher & Co. Food and religion) (Jewish Museum Berlin 2009/10).

Numerous publications on topics related to cultural history and museology. Lives in Berlin and Gotha.


27 Min.

Mehr von University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

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