15 Min.

Book 1: How to Take Smart Notes (2017) - Sönke Ahrens OOGA BOOKA

    • Bücher

How to Take Smart Notes (2017) by Sönke Ahrens explains the rules and ideas behind the zettelkasten note taking system. 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/id/book/show/34507927-how-to-take-smart-notes

Great: Really cool note taking system, rethinks the way we learn and keep information. Must read if you are planning on writing/creating.

Not so great: Kinda vague about the technique in certain aspects; can get repetitive in a few parts.

Verdict: 8.5/10

Next book: The Upstream Doctors (2013) by Rishi Manchanda

How to Take Smart Notes (2017) by Sönke Ahrens explains the rules and ideas behind the zettelkasten note taking system. 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/id/book/show/34507927-how-to-take-smart-notes

Great: Really cool note taking system, rethinks the way we learn and keep information. Must read if you are planning on writing/creating.

Not so great: Kinda vague about the technique in certain aspects; can get repetitive in a few parts.

Verdict: 8.5/10

Next book: The Upstream Doctors (2013) by Rishi Manchanda

15 Min.