Cameo Radio

The Real Life Network
Cameo Radio

We cover interesting developments and happenings from the grass roots to the blue sky far and wide. From here in our very own Campus. Also for your entertainment radio skits and plays.

  1. 38 Serial Justice


    38 Serial Justice

    0038 Serial Transcript and Citations Welcome back to Cameo Radio. This short introduces a new lens with which to focus on some glaring societal issues and potential solution-based thinking. Today's episode features the CBC podcast "Serial" which serves to introduce the topic of Justice reform and accountability leading future exploration and insight.If you have not had a chance to listen to Serial on CBC, I suggest you take the time to do so, it’s worth the while. Serial Season 1 focuses on the 1999 murder of high school senior Hae Min Lee and the subsequent conviction of her ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed. I'll share how "Serial" revisits the investigation, by peeling back layers of this complex case inevitably helping to bring an innocent man to the acquittal he rightfully deserved. Serial brings awareness in a manner similar to how my podcast has helped to unveil my personal and professional challenges after also having come in contact within the justice system.  Sarah Koenig, the host of Serial, navigates the murky details of Adnan's legal proceedings, discovering evidence that never made it to trial, key witness testimony, was omitted.Sarah pieces together the story after a long duration of time. Highlighting discussions with legal experts, and individuals that were involved in 1999. The similarities in process between Adnan’s case and many others draw parallels and similarities to mine. Just as Adnon's case contained evidence that would have proved his innocence and spared him twenty years of grief, so does mine. The omission of material fact by a potentially biassed detective gave way for a prosecutor's theoretical model of guilt. Overtime and once examined this theoretical model had no validity at all. There should never be a question of validity regarding Theory over facts In a criminal proceeding. The mere potential of theoretical scenarios leading to convictions raises some rather pressing concerns - consider this: anyone tried has to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt not just within a balance of probabilities - in this - theories could never be considered substance in a legal matter - only fact considered.  "Serial" has spurred public discourse around the reliability and fairness of the criminal justice system. Reflecting on this issue I find myself working more in advocacy and towards restorative justice through cultural and systemic reform, education and meaningful engagement with people - this avenue has emerged as a very real responsibility. The podcast Serial along with my own experiences serve as a stark reminder that systemic shortcomings, prejudice, stereotyping and racial profiling could happen to anyone resulting in inaccurate, unfair and erroneous problems that do not meet the mandate of justice..  “In a time of such overwhelming ignorance of this critical information, the fact that I dounderstand it, places me in a position of moral obligation to speak this information to others, in an attempt to help them to understand it, and live it, as well.” - Mark Passio (Thesis on Natural Law) In exploring racial profiling "Serial" uncovers the links between Adnan’s Pakistani background and Muslim faith. This background was used to corroborate the prosecutors theoretical reality, leading to Adnan’s conviction despite his actual innocence (Adnan Syed, Subject). The themes of stereotyping and prosecution through theoretical models - remain highly relevant today as a shortcoming of the justice system.As if Adnan’s case was not enough of a glimpse into a major problem just look-up American Japanese 1942 (Wikipedia Contributors). Realising the history and the fact that unchecked these issues persist today - I invite you to consider how quickly your imaginary rights could disappear when you need them the most.… No ..? -  that can’t happen to me? … If you find yourself thinking or feeling the rejection of this concept - I again invite you to consider the possibility that it’s true..Feature Content - When comparing the concept of justice and the expectation the public holds of it, against the detailed accounts of individuals and the reality of its activities, a stark contrast becomes very apparent.if this contrast doesn't scare the hell out of you - you must not be aware of it?People just like you count on the justice system yet are nescience or worse ignorant and have no idea about it or seldom ask, how effectively is it functioning? Is it meeting its mark? Are the outcomes of Justice in today's system addressing crime effectively or is it simply carrying out an old narrative of victim versus offender while showing few signs of positive impact? Will it be there for me when I need it - or will I find out once it’s too late? In the aftermath of my own experience with the justice system - which is nowhere near over, I find myself coming to terms with a very real responsibility. This responsibility is highlighted to me and continuously defined by people's need for help - their experiences and the lack of accountability by the justice system for the egregious impacts it has had on their lives. Adnan’s Syed, now 42, has been released and his conviction overturned. (Adnan Syed, Subject.)  Regardless, he has spent more than two decades behind bars.  In working with people I have come to understand their detailed accounts, stories and experiences. The subtle and also aggressive nuance of their interactions with the justice system - the unwarranted invasion into their lives and the harm it has caused. The similarities become obvious as do the solutions. My exploration continues to reveal answers and solutions that I must demand be studied and considered by those who are accountable to the proper tenants of justice of which we all are.The sharing of experience and willingness to listen are very important - this natural process should always inform development, legislation and social progress. Although people's process can and should inform development they often are often lost. The system today has generated a lot of undeserved trauma for people, this trauma in turn reduces the functional capacity of people making it exceptionally difficult for individuals to do anything constructive with their accounts let alone clearly articulate to those who wish to know - or little-loan to help.  In summarising the ongoing discussion, it remains apparent that people who are able to make change or motivate change must, on behalf of those who cannot. Change is spurred through the personal accounts of individuals - such as those shared on serial. It is my hope in listening to this that you ask yourself where have you seen an unaddressed problem? Where have you discovered a little Gap or shortcoming that could be easily solved, what could you do to address it and might you be guilty of something for having not? For remaining ignorant or worse - complicit.The answers to these questions often take the form of stories and actions that increase awareness and positively influence the world we all live in, so why not?. Tune in for future episodes where we will continue to explore issues and topics that drive public understanding and societal change.   “People often say, 'change happens in the heart' or 'change happens in the mind,' which is true, but lastly it happens in the guts. If you have the "guts" to do something, you have developed the courage to do something. We must develop all three, heart, mind, and guts; we must care enough to know, and then finally convert that knowledge into action. Because taking action is the most important step towards creating change in the physical realm.” - Michael Gleeson (Thesis on Natural Law) Work Cited  “Adnan Syed, Subject of Serial Podcast, Is Released and Conviction Overturned.” CBC, 20 Sept. 2022, Accessed 23 May 2024. Wikipedia Contributors. “Internment of Japanese Americans.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 May 2024, Accessed 25 May 2024. “Thesis on Natural Law by Mike Gleeson - Englis.” Studocu, Studocu, 2018, Accessed 25 May 2024. Bonus Tracks for subscribers! Three old skits from the Not So Real Life then, Make It Sparkle By BasePharm followed by, Bring It On Home By Cody G. and finally, Chris Whitley - Phone Call From LeavenwortH - performed by Jake Doherty This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    27 Min.
  2. 24.09.2023

    0036 BC Craft Road Trip Five-Star Sampler & The Cannabis Countdown

    In this episode: Exciting new product involving an informational and educational dive into BC craft cannabis \featuring various locations around the Province Brief description:Five micro-cultivators banding together to market their strains in one unique variety package that highlights the farmers and their farms, and the innovative ways they are producing cannabis in a conscientious wayEpisode summary:Introducing the public to the product, and teasing out future episodes showcasing the Master Growers involved Brief summary: Cannabis.Countdown is the creative drive behind this concept, having nurtured the idea since legalization to gather together a variety of strains to sample and explore, with the goal being to solve current legal and marketing restrictions that inhibit brands from properly distinguishing themselves Papajoe’s Cannabis Are you part of the industry? join up with these people and resources or just find out more - get on the show with your journey and mesage as well. Follow us on Twitter / X on You tube Thank you for reading The Real Life Network. This post is public so feel free to share it. The Five Stars #1 – Papa Joes Organics (Nana Butter), Sooke BlueWith an ocean backyard in Sooke, B.C., Papa Joes Organics grows cannabis using advanced greenhouse technologies and sustainable cultivation methods to nourish each plant from seed to flower without any pesticides or chemicals.  Life-long Master Grower Papa Joe skillfully grows, mills and processes craft cannabis all under one roof in a natural setting.   #2 – Black Fin Extracts (Organic Watermelon), Cowichan Valley BlackLocated in the heart of the Cowichan Valley, Black Fin Extracts is dedicated to ensuring that craft cannabis is fueled by craft cultivators and that BC's best known bud stays processed in the beautiful province of B.C.   #3 – Backwoods BC Bud (Juicy Fruit), Prince George PinkIn the wild and woodsy centre of our Province, Tara Kirkpatrick (President of B.C. Craft Farmers Co-Op) has been a farmer for over twenty years, gravitating organically from vegetables to cannabis on her 160-acre family farm in Prince George, using all natural processes.  #4 – Living Cannabis (Lemon Sugar Kush), Armstrong YellowAt the tip of the sunny Okanagan, Living Cannabis uses a holistic, regenerative approach to cultivate plants in organically-managed living soil.  Full of beneficial microbes, fungi, worms and everything else you find in a thriving ecosystem is integrated with a five-species cover crop to support and nourish the plants from seed to flower.   #5 – Black Kettle Farms (Triangle Kush), Langley GreenAs an artisan micro cultivator in the luscious green Fraser Valley, Master Grower “Surfer Mike” Holub uses decades of unparalleled expertise to grow high-end craft cannabis at award-winning family-run Black Kettle Farms in Langley. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    26 Min.
  3. 17.07.2023

    0035 Going, going, gone ... Rogue

    Updated Audio.This one really fell into place a day after recording - the next CFM Report is on point and it’s looking like this is leading into some wild stories uncovering and witnessing the systemic corruption. There is a belligerence to Oath’s that’s swept the Northern portion of North America. Thank you for reading The Real Life Network. This post is public so feel free to share it. Episode summary: What is going rogue? Rules, oaths , codes. Elementary, Highschool, University/College, Work, Shopping, Marriage, Mortgage, Nuclear Family… Nuclear Family Fallout!! the dominant culture. Rinse, Repeat. The promise of “the dream” and everyone is there to help you live your best life right? Police officers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges, mayors, church leaders. They’ve all taken Oaths and have sworn to abide by their word, take Doctors and the Hippocratic Oath “Do No Harm”. That’s what they do right? Going Rogue - what is it what does it lead to? Realizing the “Ugly Truth” Challenges into the Disillusionment of “the dream” and what happens when people do not follow any code? How to”dream a new dream” … can we restore the world for a sleeping mass who have not yet seen that their reality is in fact just a shared dream? Questions : Who's responsible for potholes, the contractor hired to fix them or the Ministry of Transportation which is Legislated? Was social dynamics lead to guaranteed outcomes? Healthy, secure societies - committed to ensuring “the dream” is based in Truth (positive polarity) rather than Fiction (negative polarity) can function. But truth isn’t FLUFFY. EXAMPLES : Men's worker camps - Traumatized people pushing themselves into isolation typically living rural leading to healing ( leads to reintegration to society) or Hillbilly syndrome ( insulated echo circle) Social - systemic & personal Mid point show - Cue the Bag Pipes - “Going Brogue” Accountability vs. the comfort zone - Sweeping it under the rug, burying the issues vs open conflict and resolution What people face for it What happened (context of guests and stories)Open conflict Buried conflict - What happens to remedy - The Village & Woman's Strike (feminine - negative - receptive polarity). SAYING NO MORE. Meaning it. Men (masculine - positive - directive polarity) hard choice. What are the social challenges. The sleeping mass of shoppers? Don't want to know. How can society can adapt and grow to address such a MASSIVE cultural challenge? The individual choice, the self-determination and responsibility of maintaining internal freedom - the freedom to Act as opposed to React to make choices. Coming to learn that a Rite is a passage of learning, can be functionally facilitated by community through Ritual as opposed to having to learn the hard lessons over and over and over... That is a healthy, functional culture. A Rite is my responsibility and through it I will learn what is YES and what is NO and not comply when I know it is “wrong” or a NO. You might lose your job but no one was hurt - Nuremberg defense, obfuscation, denial, removal of personal choice. I was just following orders, I'm just doing my job - might get promoted but lose any standard of ethics or morality The metaphysical Woman's (feminine/negative/chaos) “Strike” for the Reformation of the Tribe / Village by Men (masculine/positive/order). Put the Patriarch … “the World as we know it” in the Dog House - Is there an alternative, what is to be built? Where do we start? What currently exists / has existed. What worked well, what didn’t. What could exist our is beyond developed - What we can easily concieve. Eight forms of Capital!Hybrid models - bridges for our consciousness … to help bring the New World to the sleeping masses in a way of understanding. Gardening + landscaping = permaculture Architecture+ ecology = arcology  Just how far could Hybrid Models take us in a short period of time? Where is it going from our

    53 Min.
  4. 09.04.2023

    0033 ChanAtown What Happened at Spruce Hill Resort & Spa

    In this episode - 0033 ChanAtown, we delve into some fascinating discoveries of the not so real life.  What's really going on at Spruce Hill Resort & Spa in the 108 Mile Ranch of British Columbia? Did we just finish running a five-star restaurant Post Covid in the Cariboo or were we actually conducting a 5-month feasibility study around community resources? Either way we certainly learned some fascinating things. We uncovered monumental amounts of dishonesty and crime and subversion. Stay tuned for a follow up episode that comes out of this.  The local community, for a long time, has had its concerns about the ownership of the resort. We went in there to try to help support the communal facility by working with its owner. There is a ski hill, tube park, swimming pool, weight room and a large number of guest accommodations and Chalets. The unfortunate reality is this has all been run into the ground and is still open to the public despite portions of it being closed by health order.  What is a resort without any facilities at all? The situation is very perplexing; however we did uncover a number of things, one of which being that the owner Mr Chan has no interest in making any money... Matter of fact he loses $100,000 a month and has lost millions along the way. Not to mention he has over 20 lawsuits against him and does not pay any of his bills unless he absolutely has to. We brought in the offer of capital grants (and or at least the attempt to give him capital grants and job creation programs) to bring the infrastructure back up to par, he didn't want it. After witnessing RCMP raids, seeing RCMP based out of the resort and watching their tanks roll up the driveway we realized something was very wrong. In this episode we share a general overview of what we learned and some of our very perplexing interactions with the owner. Long story short we had to shut down the Rolling Hills Restaurant but now we're looking for a better way to help the community and a better way to bring food from the local farms to the community in value-added ways. As a side note, there's a lot of talk that goes on in the world and we don't mind telling the story. The reality of our actions is that we are taking action and you get to hear about it here on Cameo Radio. Big shout out to Mr Kin Wa Chan for telling us the rest of the story. It's still confusing but, have a listen for yourself, sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. There is definitely a lot more behind this story. We hope to be able to put that together for you in the near future. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    15 Min.
  5. 03.10.2022

    0031 Part Three - A Stroll Through the Victimhood Mini Series

    In this episode we look into the tools and tactics used by the RCMP. What does it really look like on the ground? We speak to some of the psychological tactics and some of the big glaring differences between what we see in the movies and the reality today. We test to see if there is in fact law and we tell some really interesting stories that have been passed along to us to share. Check out this awesome episode to find out more about how officers make w**k these days I mean, rank.. as usual there's some humor and some laughter involved but there's also some very serious topics covered. We talked about some of the mentors, tests and allies on this pursuit for truth. We also talk about the trajectory that law enforcement is going in this country. We used the word law fairly usually because as you will see in this episode we give some startling examples of how there is no law; it's been replaced by process.   The Blog - Truth in Law Find out what law really is.. I bet you didn’t know.   Episode 19 - Security and Emergency Systems What’s the rest of the story with policing in BC Canada?   If you Like Cameo Radio, Please Donate or subscribe to the RLN to help keep these going! Find more on The RLN These Productions are made possible by the generous donations of listeners like you! Keep Cameo Radio add free and on line - donate today! Check out Cameo Radio on The RLN  Check out our TikTok, don't forget to like and subscribe and remember this network is for you. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    32 Min.
  6. 06.08.2022

    0030 Part Two - A Stroll Through the Victimhood Mini Series

    In the last episode we introduced the concept of “the victimhood” and the phenomenon of the drama triangle. We have to conceptualize it so we can “see” it and  make the point to say “there is actual abuse that happens in the world!!” … like we saw in the skit on the last part, it’s a most favorite tactic of an abuser is to deny the victim and or the victimhood On this episode;  Looking at the victimhood at the legislative level Bill C274 - Canadian Federal Legislation Nationwide changes to the criminal code.   Society from a federal level Frank Caputo and Bill c274 - an act to amend the criminal code Will Franks new model be effective in the lives of Real People? Or should it go CaPUT-o   Sets the story in motion The words of Frank  MY PRIVATE MEMBER'S BILL I tabled my first Private Member's Bill,C-274,An Act to amend the Criminal Code (detention in custody) on May 19th. This Bill would create a "presumption detention" for those who are accused of three serious, separate offenses with a maximum penalty of five years or greater.It would target those that commit serious offenses and gives judges discretion to release when there are exceptional reasons. Recent court decisions have changed the landscape of bail by making prosecution for breaches more difficult and by making detention awaiting trial exceptionally rare. Municipalities and residents of Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo have clearly asked that crime be addressed. It's time we give law enforcement the tools needed to protect victims and keep the public safe. This has had significant impacts on law enforcement and put serious strain on policing resources.Kamloops RCMP Superintendent Syd Lecky recently stated that approximately 5% of all offenders are creating 90% of their work. This is partially due to prolific offenders being able to frequently re-offend for the same crime while awaiting trial. Frank Caputo, M.P.Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo 。 Caputo's mail campaign. Is he asking for input? Or, Is he broadcasting a narrative? Frank Caputo says “the victims need to be protected to keep the public safe”. Who ARE these victims? Everyone! The dangers of incarceration on accusation.  A potential of 5 years in prison on remand.  On accusations alone… Allegedly targeting Repeat offenders awaiting trial. Persons with multiple accusations Anyone who has experienced suffering through accusations alone knows, accusations do not necessarily have to do with evidence. This political narrative obscures the truth of the situation.   What is the model? Nationwide legislation because “Kamloops demands it”   In order to “protect victims”   Why can’t Kamloops deal with the social issues leading to all this supposed crime?  This system aims to detain the accused for upto 5 years as they await trial. Canada's national conviction rate was 61% according to stats Canada 2019-2020 meaning 39% of all charges are dropped or stayed. Increase the incarceration rate, but not reduce the conviction rate of innocent people.  Is this bill based on a false narrative? What would be the motivation? Who stands to gain? Budgets for Law Enforcement increase… Budgets for Prisons increase. Use of fear tactics - coercion   It’s not obvious at first glance, that this Bill falls squarely into expanding the Victimhood. But it does!  The truth is there. But there are barriers. People’s involvement in order to listen to understand EARS TO HEAR People’s education to know EYES TO SEE people’s real experience to have wisdom  The false narrative is the easy path People don't have to be involved to have an opinion (eyes closed) People don't have to do research because it's handed to them People with first-hand experience are often vilified What happens to the people who end up being detained for up to 5 years on accusation alone?  Create MORE CRIMINALS in con-collage

    37 Min.


We cover interesting developments and happenings from the grass roots to the blue sky far and wide. From here in our very own Campus. Also for your entertainment radio skits and plays.

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