36 Min.

Competitive comparison pages that break expectations | Federico Jorge Dance Battle: The Competitive Intelligence Podcast

    • Marketing

Competitive comparison landing pages. Maybe you have them, maybe they're in your plan for this year. Either way, customers are searching for information about your products versus the alternatives. Are you a part of that conversation or are you letting your competitors shape the narrative? Federico Jorge is the founder of stack against a highly specialized agency focused on comparison pages for SaaS companies.

Competitive Intelligence Certified | https://certified.productmarketingalliance.com/p/competitive-intelligence-certified

Competitive comparison landing pages. Maybe you have them, maybe they're in your plan for this year. Either way, customers are searching for information about your products versus the alternatives. Are you a part of that conversation or are you letting your competitors shape the narrative? Federico Jorge is the founder of stack against a highly specialized agency focused on comparison pages for SaaS companies.

Competitive Intelligence Certified | https://certified.productmarketingalliance.com/p/competitive-intelligence-certified

36 Min.