1 Std. 6 Min.

Doug Henning Muppeturgy: A "The Muppet Show" Rewatch Podcast

    • Backstage

Do you believe in magic? How about poofy 70s hair and giant mustaches? Sparkly pink overalls? Cronenbergian nightmares? Rabbis? You will after the Doug Henning episode! The master of illusion (and a question mark) joins the Muppets for some tricks and some schtick, and Fozzie tries to get in on the act with Tribble-esque results. We get in on Norma Rae, All That Jazz, Bugs Bunny, tissue puppetry, and so much more! Listen now…unless it’s all an illuuuuuuuuuuusiooooooooonnnnnnnn… https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/doug-henning

Do you believe in magic? How about poofy 70s hair and giant mustaches? Sparkly pink overalls? Cronenbergian nightmares? Rabbis? You will after the Doug Henning episode! The master of illusion (and a question mark) joins the Muppets for some tricks and some schtick, and Fozzie tries to get in on the act with Tribble-esque results. We get in on Norma Rae, All That Jazz, Bugs Bunny, tissue puppetry, and so much more! Listen now…unless it’s all an illuuuuuuuuuuusiooooooooonnnnnnnn… https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/doug-henning

1 Std. 6 Min.