28 Min.

Exploring the World of My Anxious Dog Wag Out Loud

    • Haus- und Wildtiere

Hello everyone, this is Krista with Episode #184 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Many of you know that last year, I started working with Dr. Judy Morgan and the Naturally Healthy Pets team. And to be honest, I can no longer do that job and run the Wag Out Loud business. So I've decided that my last Wag Out Loud episode will release at the end of the year. And it's been such a great learning experience for me, and I'm so proud of all the great content that I've shared over the last four and a half years. But if any of you are interested in taking over the pawdcast, please let me know. It would be great for someone else as passionate about canine health and wellness to carry on the legacy. And I have everything in place that I could easily teach you the ropes.

When it comes to your dog's health, one of the biggest areas overlooked is the mouth. Did you know that dental disease is the number one health issue that dogs face with over 80% of them having it by the age of three? So not only can our pups suffer from swollen gums, bad breath, loose teeth, actual tissue destruction and bone loss. But the bad bacteria that overtake their mouth can seep into their bloodstream and affect the heart, the liver and the kidneys. And yes, it could even be deadly. So fortunately, dental disease is manageable and preventable. So why not take care of your dog's teeth at home by brushing their teeth daily with a pet formulated toothpaste?

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Sarah Jones is the visionary creator behind the #dogsinyellow national awareness day on 20th March, dedicated to raising awareness for dogs that need space. Her passion for canine well-being and safety for her own dog Bella has inspired a nationwide movement, educating dog owners and the public about respecting a dog's need for personal space.

Welcome dog lovers! We have something new to learn today as I'm joined by my special guest, Sarah Jones, and we're going to be chatting about exploring the world of my anxious dog and boy do a lot of us have anxious dogs. Sarah, thanks so much for being with us today.

Thank you for inviting me.

Well, could you introduce yourself and share with us how you became so passionate about canine anxiety.

My name is Sarah Jones, and I'm the Founder of My Anxious Dog. And I got into the world of yellow because of my anxious dog Bella. And the problems and the issues that I had, I needed something to help me while out in public with her anxiety and fears.

And you've created something amazing which we're going to get into. I know that you sent me some background information. And I was really shocked that more than 70% of dogs suffer from anxiety or fear. And that was according to a study by the University of Helsinki. And a more recent report from PDSA PAW, back in 2022 of last year showed that a lot of owners have a lack of understanding of the needs of their pets. So we're seeing more issues, especially around behavioral problems. And that could be linked to lack of socialization. And especially during the pandemic, when we were two years with our dogs, did not leave our sides and then went back to the normal world and they were left alone. So why don't you chat more about your dog, Bella, and how you did get into this, as you said the world of yellow?

My Anxious Puppy Bella

Well, I had Bella from a puppy. She was eight weeks old. She's a cocker spaniel. Very pretty little puppy. And yeah, I've never never experienced anything quite like having an anxious puppy at all. At the time, when we went to see her from the breeder, she'd had a traumatic birth. And one of the puppies

Hello everyone, this is Krista with Episode #184 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Many of you know that last year, I started working with Dr. Judy Morgan and the Naturally Healthy Pets team. And to be honest, I can no longer do that job and run the Wag Out Loud business. So I've decided that my last Wag Out Loud episode will release at the end of the year. And it's been such a great learning experience for me, and I'm so proud of all the great content that I've shared over the last four and a half years. But if any of you are interested in taking over the pawdcast, please let me know. It would be great for someone else as passionate about canine health and wellness to carry on the legacy. And I have everything in place that I could easily teach you the ropes.

When it comes to your dog's health, one of the biggest areas overlooked is the mouth. Did you know that dental disease is the number one health issue that dogs face with over 80% of them having it by the age of three? So not only can our pups suffer from swollen gums, bad breath, loose teeth, actual tissue destruction and bone loss. But the bad bacteria that overtake their mouth can seep into their bloodstream and affect the heart, the liver and the kidneys. And yes, it could even be deadly. So fortunately, dental disease is manageable and preventable. So why not take care of your dog's teeth at home by brushing their teeth daily with a pet formulated toothpaste?

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Sarah Jones is the visionary creator behind the #dogsinyellow national awareness day on 20th March, dedicated to raising awareness for dogs that need space. Her passion for canine well-being and safety for her own dog Bella has inspired a nationwide movement, educating dog owners and the public about respecting a dog's need for personal space.

Welcome dog lovers! We have something new to learn today as I'm joined by my special guest, Sarah Jones, and we're going to be chatting about exploring the world of my anxious dog and boy do a lot of us have anxious dogs. Sarah, thanks so much for being with us today.

Thank you for inviting me.

Well, could you introduce yourself and share with us how you became so passionate about canine anxiety.

My name is Sarah Jones, and I'm the Founder of My Anxious Dog. And I got into the world of yellow because of my anxious dog Bella. And the problems and the issues that I had, I needed something to help me while out in public with her anxiety and fears.

And you've created something amazing which we're going to get into. I know that you sent me some background information. And I was really shocked that more than 70% of dogs suffer from anxiety or fear. And that was according to a study by the University of Helsinki. And a more recent report from PDSA PAW, back in 2022 of last year showed that a lot of owners have a lack of understanding of the needs of their pets. So we're seeing more issues, especially around behavioral problems. And that could be linked to lack of socialization. And especially during the pandemic, when we were two years with our dogs, did not leave our sides and then went back to the normal world and they were left alone. So why don't you chat more about your dog, Bella, and how you did get into this, as you said the world of yellow?

My Anxious Puppy Bella

Well, I had Bella from a puppy. She was eight weeks old. She's a cocker spaniel. Very pretty little puppy. And yeah, I've never never experienced anything quite like having an anxious puppy at all. At the time, when we went to see her from the breeder, she'd had a traumatic birth. And one of the puppies

28 Min.