36 Min.

Foods to avoid when pregnant, with dietitian Lana Hirth Pregnancy, Birth and Recovery: FitNest Mama

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In this episode today, Lana answers some common questions that arise during pregnancy, including:Foods to avoid when pregnantWhat not to eat when pregnantCan you eat feta when pregnant?What foods are important to eat during pregnancyKey nutrients for pregnant mumsNutritional supplements for pregnancy Lana Hirth is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist and founder of Hello Nutrition. Lana helps women enhance their nutrition with the power of good food to live life to t...

In this episode today, Lana answers some common questions that arise during pregnancy, including:Foods to avoid when pregnantWhat not to eat when pregnantCan you eat feta when pregnant?What foods are important to eat during pregnancyKey nutrients for pregnant mumsNutritional supplements for pregnancy Lana Hirth is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist and founder of Hello Nutrition. Lana helps women enhance their nutrition with the power of good food to live life to t...

36 Min.