11 Min.

How to Improve Email Marketing Metrics for Your Online Store Getsitecontrol Insider

    • Marketing

You may spend countless hours every week working hard to build your email list. But have you ever stopped to think about how your campaigns perform?You can have the largest list in your space, but if your email marketing metrics aren’t performing as they should, you may have to rethink everything you do, from your list-building efforts to your campaigns.From this episode, you’ll learn what email metrics you should track and how to improve them.Tune in!Useful links:7 Ways to get more email sub...

You may spend countless hours every week working hard to build your email list. But have you ever stopped to think about how your campaigns perform?You can have the largest list in your space, but if your email marketing metrics aren’t performing as they should, you may have to rethink everything you do, from your list-building efforts to your campaigns.From this episode, you’ll learn what email metrics you should track and how to improve them.Tune in!Useful links:7 Ways to get more email sub...

11 Min.