28 Min.

Navigating Stress & Anxiety with Meditation—with Tom Cronin- EP46 Leading Visionaries Podcast

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How do you navigate stress and anxiety?
Tom Cronin began his career as one of Australia’s leading bond and swap brokers, but his hedonistic response to stress was unsustainable.
And when the anxiety and chaos he was experiencing led to a nervous breakdown, Tom discovered meditation as a tool for stress management.
Today, Tom is the Meditation Teacher and Leadership Coach behind The Stillness Project, a global movement to inspire one billion people to sit in stillness daily.
He is also the creator of a meditation app, coauthor of The Portal: How Meditation Can Save the World and producer of award-winning documentary The Portal.
On this episode of Leading Visionaries, Tom joins Anjel to describe how finding spirituality inspired his leadership journey and explain why his addictions melted away once he started a meditation practice.
Tom shares his vision for getting transcendental meditation techniques into the world and discusses how to create a business model that sustains your ability to pursue a spiritual vision.
Listen in to understand the danger in continuing our extraction model of consciousness and learn how meditation can help you curb the stress and chaos in your life!
What You Will LearnHow finding spirituality and meditation inspired Tom’s leadership journey
How a nervous breakdown showed Tom his way of life was unsustainable
Tom’s process of dismantling his old life and making different choices
How Tom thinks about physical symptoms as the body’s way of altering us to problems
Why Tom’s addictions melted away once he started a meditation practice
Tom’s vision for getting transcendental meditation techniques into the world
The Stillness Project’s mission to inspire one billion people to meditate daily
How to create a business model that sustains your ability to pursue a spiritual vision
Why our extraction + commoditization model of consciousness is unsustainable
Connect with Tom CroninThe Stillness Project
Connect with Anjel B. Hartwell Leading Visionaries Podcast
Join the Leading Visionaries Community
Make a Donation to Support the Show
Creative Age Consulting Group
Anjel on X
Anjel on Instagram
ResourcesThe Portal
The Portal: How Meditation Can Save the World by Tom Cronin and Jacqui Fifer
Be Heard by Millions and Live Your Destiny: A Creative Age Leader’s Guide to Speak, Sell, Serve & Succeed by Anjel B. Hartwell

How do you navigate stress and anxiety?
Tom Cronin began his career as one of Australia’s leading bond and swap brokers, but his hedonistic response to stress was unsustainable.
And when the anxiety and chaos he was experiencing led to a nervous breakdown, Tom discovered meditation as a tool for stress management.
Today, Tom is the Meditation Teacher and Leadership Coach behind The Stillness Project, a global movement to inspire one billion people to sit in stillness daily.
He is also the creator of a meditation app, coauthor of The Portal: How Meditation Can Save the World and producer of award-winning documentary The Portal.
On this episode of Leading Visionaries, Tom joins Anjel to describe how finding spirituality inspired his leadership journey and explain why his addictions melted away once he started a meditation practice.
Tom shares his vision for getting transcendental meditation techniques into the world and discusses how to create a business model that sustains your ability to pursue a spiritual vision.
Listen in to understand the danger in continuing our extraction model of consciousness and learn how meditation can help you curb the stress and chaos in your life!
What You Will LearnHow finding spirituality and meditation inspired Tom’s leadership journey
How a nervous breakdown showed Tom his way of life was unsustainable
Tom’s process of dismantling his old life and making different choices
How Tom thinks about physical symptoms as the body’s way of altering us to problems
Why Tom’s addictions melted away once he started a meditation practice
Tom’s vision for getting transcendental meditation techniques into the world
The Stillness Project’s mission to inspire one billion people to meditate daily
How to create a business model that sustains your ability to pursue a spiritual vision
Why our extraction + commoditization model of consciousness is unsustainable
Connect with Tom CroninThe Stillness Project
Connect with Anjel B. Hartwell Leading Visionaries Podcast
Join the Leading Visionaries Community
Make a Donation to Support the Show
Creative Age Consulting Group
Anjel on X
Anjel on Instagram
ResourcesThe Portal
The Portal: How Meditation Can Save the World by Tom Cronin and Jacqui Fifer
Be Heard by Millions and Live Your Destiny: A Creative Age Leader’s Guide to Speak, Sell, Serve & Succeed by Anjel B. Hartwell

28 Min.