• Spiele

Happy Holidays, and if you're into the whole Christmas thing, Merry Christmas! If not, Merry Saturnalia/Dies Natalis Invicti Solis/Hannukah/video games binge/Festivus or whatever it is you're celebrating. We're celebrating with a podcast! We're going to get caught up with another "Listener Feedback" podcast episode, to get caught up on some of the amazing content we've received from both our listeners. We also introduced a new Gadget of the Podcast in this episode, bringing the total of all gadgets to seven!

Happy Holidays, and if you're into the whole Christmas thing, Merry Christmas! If not, Merry Saturnalia/Dies Natalis Invicti Solis/Hannukah/video games binge/Festivus or whatever it is you're celebrating. We're celebrating with a podcast! We're going to get caught up with another "Listener Feedback" podcast episode, to get caught up on some of the amazing content we've received from both our listeners. We also introduced a new Gadget of the Podcast in this episode, bringing the total of all gadgets to seven!