2 Min.

Source of all conflicts Vitaly Meditation

    • Dokumentation

When we remember that we are body, mind, soul…The greatest source of conflict starts on the soul level, where we don’t let each other be, it often times stems from religious & spiritual mis/understandings thinking one book or teacher or prophet is greater than the other, these ideas seep into the mind and create division and inability for different cultures and religions to cooperate when seeking economical development and success for their people, these economical struggles in turn end up as physical wars on the body level where the only seeming solution is to physically fight, kill, destroy and eliminate. The solutions are always simple. On the body level we have to do everything to not let thing end up in a physical fight. On the mind level we have to do everything to cooperate. On the soul level we have to do everything to understand each other, to forgive, to let go and let be. No matter who, what, where, how, why, when, we all want the same things, our bodies want to be healthy, our minds wants to be successful and our souls want to simply be, experience and expand our understanding and feeling of existence. As long as people from anywhere are lacking the opportunity to find health for the body, success for the mind, and happiness for the soul, very simple things, there will be conflict and wars. The only solution is always to help one another to achieve the same things that we all want, happiness, success and health, this is the only culture, religion, spirituality that everyone can agree upon, everything else is just an extra understanding or belief on your own time and place which should not affect the lives of others.

When we remember that we are body, mind, soul…The greatest source of conflict starts on the soul level, where we don’t let each other be, it often times stems from religious & spiritual mis/understandings thinking one book or teacher or prophet is greater than the other, these ideas seep into the mind and create division and inability for different cultures and religions to cooperate when seeking economical development and success for their people, these economical struggles in turn end up as physical wars on the body level where the only seeming solution is to physically fight, kill, destroy and eliminate. The solutions are always simple. On the body level we have to do everything to not let thing end up in a physical fight. On the mind level we have to do everything to cooperate. On the soul level we have to do everything to understand each other, to forgive, to let go and let be. No matter who, what, where, how, why, when, we all want the same things, our bodies want to be healthy, our minds wants to be successful and our souls want to simply be, experience and expand our understanding and feeling of existence. As long as people from anywhere are lacking the opportunity to find health for the body, success for the mind, and happiness for the soul, very simple things, there will be conflict and wars. The only solution is always to help one another to achieve the same things that we all want, happiness, success and health, this is the only culture, religion, spirituality that everyone can agree upon, everything else is just an extra understanding or belief on your own time and place which should not affect the lives of others.

2 Min.