Stories Connecting Dots with Markus Andrezak

Markus Andrezak
Stories Connecting Dots with Markus Andrezak

There is no single truth, but many, I this show we try to discover stories that explain how people and companies successfully deal with change and emerging business opportunities.

  1. Ep. 30 - Janna Bestow - ProdPad, building a Product Management Tool

    6 JAN

    Ep. 30 - Janna Bestow - ProdPad, building a Product Management Tool

    The star of this episode is Janna Bastow. You might know Janna from her role in setting up “Mind The Product” or as one of the business owners of the company running ProdPad, a specalized, really cool tool supporting smart work of Product Managers and Owners. But there’s always more to the story of a person showing outcomes like these. In the episode, we follow Janna making her way from Canada to the UK. There she finds her self in a product management role, trying to figure out what that actually means. The role is not hat clear yet on our industry. Trying to figure that out, Janna is calling for action. She organizes community events for product people in a similar situations, which ultimately is the root of building the Mind The Product community. The rest of that is history. It grew to more than a community basically becoming a product minded media house. At that stage, Janna decided to seek the next challenge and follow and idea she had for some time: Building a tool that really focuses on the work of product people and only devoted to this. None of the tools on the market went far enough. So, together with Simon Cast, she went at it. Knowing the complex and multi faceted work of a Product Manager, she built the tool she would have liked to have when she started off. The tool is different in that it draws from all kinds of data sources that already exist in your environment and builds on those. You can build and configure very individual views. One main point is that all data which you base your decisions on can be seen and shared and thus, discussions can be based on that date. E.g. discussions on features in a spring and how why they are important or not can be based on the underlying data from customer interviews over inpur from support, any existing research data or stakeholder input. All is simply revealed without having to invest work. Another example is how PMs are supported in creating roadmaps based on existing data. A fun side story is how Janna was always depressed that she is obviously the only PM never being able to deliver on her roadmap “promises”. Until she realized in her conversations in the meetups that led to “Mind The Product” that actually no PM ever delivers on these promises. Roadmaps were simply too static. She picked up on the “Now, Next, Later” concept and implemented in ProdPad to huge success and that is one of the main sources of “Now, Next, Later” being so huge these days. Of course, being loaded with data, the current topic of Janna and ProdPod is how can we enhance the tool with the right level and UseCases of AI? The aim is getting rid of the boring work and digging through statistics in the background and giving you hints, rather than doing the work that humans do best. Janna invites you to try the tool and suggest use cases for AI that would help you in your everyday PM life. See the links below for trial and contact information. For me, the underlying backstory of this episode is how the role of the PM was hugely under-defined even ca. 15 years ago while now being hugely over defined. The problem over the last 15 years has switched from having too little information to now having information overflow, but still clarity is hard to find. It’s still not a clear cut role. But maybe that’s just the nature of the game. Thanks a ton, Janna for this open exchange about your personal journey. You don’t know me as a huge fan of tools, but I am impressed by the unique way that ProdPad is doing things well and different. It helps you define your own PM workflow or that of your organization. The way you configure the tool is the documentation of that flow at the same time. Also, it can help in managing up as well as in managing your stakeholders and help lead the right discussions by always exposing the right data for the discussion. It always helps to make sense of your assets and prevents you form simply filling out a “form” by asking the right questions. Thanks Janna for this great conversation! I can only invite you to have a look into ProdPad and see for yourself. Follow and / or contact Janna on LinkedIn: How to access a ProdPad Demo: ProdPad on their stance on AI: 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:12 Janna’s Background 00:08:06 Erste Schritte im Produktmanagement 00:18:09 Social Web: From Meetups to Mind The Product 00:29:14 Mind the Product: Growth 00:34:06 Start-Up surprises and embracing serendipity 00:40:47 Initial triggers of ProdPad 00:55:21 Eureka and Now, Next, Later 00:57:07 Exposure and Daring 01:00:53 Continuous Feedback and validation 01:03:58 What Problem are you trying to solve? 01:07:11 Supporting Transparency and Collaboration in Product Management 01:10:06 Potential of AI in Prod Management and ProdPad 01:14:11 Invitation to help with AI in ProdPad 01:18:10 What's next in Product Management? 01:26:09 Outro

    1h 28m
  2. Ep. 28: Holger Nils Pohl - "The Wrong Planet“


    Ep. 28: Holger Nils Pohl - "The Wrong Planet“

    Hey, we haven’t heard in a while. I am happy to be back. In all kinds of ways. If you have questions where I was, ask.  But let’s cut to the chase! This pod is all about Holger and his new book on autism. It is written from first hand experience with all empathy you can imagine. It's also a short entertaining read for the whole family. Especially for families not familiar or ever having been in touch with autism.  So, before you do anything else, I urge you to visit Holger's Kickstarter Campaign for the book! Also, please spread the word!!! If you want to know more, stay here and listen to the pod. I have watched Holger's work since many years, but we never met. Finally, we met at a a conference in Cologne this spring and we spent a lot of time discussing. Holger is a person, I felt attached to right away but not only Holger as a person but also his work and thinking.  I learned straight away that he did what I always promised, at least to myself, which is to write a book. Not only one, but the current count is - we are not quite sure, at ten.  For my personal view, Holger’s latest book is his most important one. It is called „The Wrong Planet“. It tells the story of an alien on an unexpected journey to planet earth, having a crashed landing and having a couple of encounters to species unknown to him: ducks, a bear, a beaver an otter and a frog.  Ofc, all of this is a metaphor for  the experiences of people living with Asperger Autism. It is written from a person knowning the experience first hand. More in the episode. Lots more. The book is a very short and easily digestible book for the whole family, old and young, and also or even more interesting to anyone not living with Asperger autism. Beyond that it is ofc leading to thoughts of a more general and deeper understanding of diversity in general. The English version is a kickstarter project available from June 11 2024. All relevant info is available under There will also be super interesting pledges excerpt just the book. Go there, get the info, be informed and potentially buy! If you want the German edition, you are lucky, you can directly buy it from Holger und his webpage under books. Ofc we cover all the other work that Holger is doing and you also might already know him from his work in innovation and visualization or any of his collaborations with Alex Osterwalder, Sohrab Salimi and many more. Also, the conversation goes a long way on getting started, staying in pace, productivety and getting done as well as the value of visualization - which is Holger's actual profession. Last not least, his latest non fiction book „Creating Clarity“ is awesome and you can just do it like me and direct order from Holger and get it shipped signed and super instantly. A really nice product experience. Go For it. But now: LetÄs listen to the man himself.  Again: Check out Holger’s kickstarter project „The Wrong Planet“ from June 11 2024 on https:// Or check out the already existing German version of the book on his web page under books. Thanks for listening, thanks to Holger for his time and see / hear all of you soon.   Chapters 4:10 - Intro to „The Wrong Planet“   9:10 - Craft and Detail make a story work for young and old   16:30 - Backstory and Motivation for "The Wrong Planet"   20:15 - Why a fiction book?   24:20 - Kickstarter and more info 30:30 - Info on autism 32:20 - Getting a diagnosis 41:00 - All of Holger’s Books 48:10 - How Holger manages Productivity 1:06:20 - The concept Of Now 1:14:55 - Models as Fiction 1:16:00 - All of Holger’s other work 1:22:10 - On getting started

    1h 34m
  3. Luke Hohmann - FirstRoot - Participatory Budgeting in Schools


    Luke Hohmann - FirstRoot - Participatory Budgeting in Schools

    "Calm down, take a deep breath and just talk to me“   Luke Hohmann’s new mission: Participatory Budgeting in Schools Luke Hohmann founded FirstRoot to advance participatory budgeting in schools. Let me get straight to the point: You can invest in this company in this early stage. You can also support the cause by talking about or by simply using the free software and talking about it in your kids’ school.  Luke Hohmann and me go back a long time. I met him ca. 12 years ago in one of his trainings and was fortunate enough to co-train and facilitate with him. He wrote an early book „Beyond Software Architecture“ which to me is one of the best books on software Architecture (sic!) and was ahead of its time. He then got deep into Serious Games with his Innovation Games trainings and a great book on it. Also ahead of its time. From there he was on a constant path towards which had to end in what he does now. Through his Innovation Games, he made it to participatory budgeting in communities, in the Enterprise and other important places. Also, he built an enterprise SaaS company to further bring his ideas deeper into Companies and also enable distributed Serious Games. Now, he founded FirstRoot, bringing participatory budgeting to schools. (You will realize over the course of the pod, that we couldn’t constrain ourselves - we wouldn’t be Luke and Markus, then - from drawing all kinds of parallels to Quality of Software, agile, Portfolio Planning, Architecture, Comics for Story Mapping and what have you.) The underlying problem that Luke is tackling with FirstRoot is inequality of chances by social background, financial illiteracy (lack of education on that topic in school in general) and economic disparity. First Root is having its part in solving that problem by offering a five step process in facilitating Participatory Budgeting to pupils around the globe, based on a software solution. Steps are: Planning Gather Ideas Refine Ideas to proposals Voting (there will always be more ideas than we can afford - „a truism in life“ Projects in implematation In the pod Luke thoroughly leads us through an example to show us how it works and which impact it has. I put the core of the idea at the beginning of the cast. Again: If you believe in this story, you can also invest for as little as a couple of hundred dollars alongside of people like Alex Osterwalder, Lysa Adkins and many more. You also help by just using the software and bring it into schools. Just follow the „Invest“ link on

    1h 35m
  4. Strategie Machen!


    Strategie Machen!

    Strategie Machen! Henning Wolf hat mich im Hotelzimmer bei einer Konferenz interviewt. Es geht um mein Thema Nummer eins, neben Produkt: Strategie Machen! Wir erklären, was an Strategie kaputt ist und wie man es fixen kann. Wir erklären, was die drei relevanten Ebenen in Strategie sind und wie man sie wieder koppeln kann, um alles zu reparieren. Denn es ist das Koppeln dieser drei Ebenen, was Strategie repariert. Die drei Ebenen sind: Marker: unsere Identität, ausgedrückt über unseren Antrieb, langfristige Ziele. Alles was ausdrückt, wer uns was wir sind und was wir in der Gesellschaft bewirken wollen. Unsere Identität eben. Optionen: Das ist alles, was wir als nächstes tun könnten. Alle Möglichkeiten, die wir haben. Da wir nicht alles machen können, was wir gerne machen würden, entscheidet die beste Auswahl, die Qualität unserer Entscheidungen und Committments darüber, wie es uns geht. Arbeit: Arbeit soll fliessen und es muss passend viel Arbeit auf gute Optionen angewandt werden. Arbeit auf schlechten Optionen ist nutzlos. Viel Arbeit auf guten Optionen bringt viel. Dies erklärt auch warum Output wichtiger sein kann als gedacht ;) Arbeit realisiert Optionen, Optionen verwirklichen unsere Marker. Umgekehrt helfen Marker Optionen zu bewerten (und abzuleiten) und Optionen helfen Arbeit abzuleiten. Wichtig ist, die stabilisierende Natur und langfristige Wirkung von Markern zu verstehen und akzeptieren. Ebenso ist es wichtig, die mittelfristige Wirkung und die Notwendigkeit von längerfristigen Optionen zu verstehen. nur Arbeit soll fliessen, nur hier gelten Flow-Gesetze und ähnliches. Mechanismen von Arbeit auf die anderen Ebenen zu transportieren, zerstört diese Ebenen. Deshalb ist Business Agilität mit ähnlichen Mechanismen auf diesen Ebenen auch oberflächlich gedacht und toxisch. Viel Spaß bei dieser Folge. Vielen Dank an Henning Wolf für die Zusammenarbeit und die Geduld beim Fragen unter widrigen Bedingungen im Hotel bei einer Konferenz!

    1 hr
  5. Dan Vacanti - Outputs over Outcomes?


    Dan Vacanti - Outputs over Outcomes?

    Dan Vacanti - Rightsizing I met Dan years and years ago in my active time in the Kanban community. Dan was part of the very beginning of Kanban in 2007! Since then he’s been deep into Lean and Agile. Dan authored two books, "Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability“ and "When will it be done?“. He is also the founder of Actionable Agile. Dan always had his independent thought. Most of all, he is a builder of bridges. He worked hard with on integrating the good ideas of Scrum and Kanban. Also, he organises the conference LeanAgile US which just happened from 25 -27 Feb 2019 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Possibly most noteworthy, Dan's twitter Avatar is not the usual egg provided by twitter, but a self made picture of an egg.  Here excerpts of our conversation as a loose transcript. don't take it word by word, please! Show Notes:  The underlying idea for all of us is to maximise customer value. Cost of Delay is a tool suggested as basis for ranking, prioritising and sequencing on a more objective base rather than gut feel. Hopefully based on basic economic fundamentals.  An extension of that is WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First), which is defined by CD3= CoD / Duration. This is meant to give a shortcut to give an answer to which number does this item have in the sequence of things to be done.  But here's the caveat: It is critical enough to get the number for duration right (how long does this take to be done? - The Estimate!). But the even more critical question is: "how do we even get the number for the value of the thing we are building?"  This is where my research started, but "Let me be honest with you, and this is just me talking, nothing I found was practical or applicable in my world.“ "More importantly, I felt there we’re a whole bunch of assumptions going into this CoD number that didn’t reflect reality.“  "Let’s focus this discussion on the area of complex product development work. And we try to get that number even before start working on something. Which, by definition, is when we have the highest amount of uncertainty. And this is what struck me: How can this CoD number give us the right answer? And that’s were I started my investigation.“  Customers will always be able to ask things from us faster than we will be able to deliver them.  There are fundamental assumptions in CoD to be in place for that to make sense.  When there is uncertainty involved, we need a probabilistic approach. That means, we have to work with ranges. That means we have to think about CoD as a distribution across that range. The same is true for the duration.  Those two assumptions are not fatal. There are mathematical tools like Monte Carlo simulation that help us to come up with an answer.  BUT: If you are in a world, where you no the numbers, then CoD/D = CD3 gives you the right number. If you do not know these numbers, once you deliver the thing, these numbers could be completely different.  So now CoD can change and as well duration can change. When you now run a Monte Carlo simulation, you will realise that this is not the best tool once uncertainty sets in.  The best answer in this world is to do things by random sequencing. What matters is: right sizing items. What that means is, we need to break things up to a size where they reasonable flow through our system. So, CoD doesn’t make a difference. Duration doesn’t make a difference. What makes a difference is right sizing your items.  This flies in the face of what’s lately been said in agile, where there is a lot of talk about outcomes over output. And what we found out is that it’s actually the other way around: It’s output over outcomes. It’s the output that generates the outcome. A metaphor here is gambling, where you would place as many small bets as possible to generate outcome.  „We’re coming back to a fundamental principle of Lean, which is that value is defined by the customer.“ What is the smallest thing that we could feedback on from the customer?  Links: Dan Vacanti on Twitter ActionableAgile, Dan's company ActionableAgile Analytics, the tool that Dan's company builds and sells Lean Agile US, Dan's conference, each February  Books: "Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability" by Dan  "When will it be done?" by Dan

    1h 12m
out of 5
13 Ratings


There is no single truth, but many, I this show we try to discover stories that explain how people and companies successfully deal with change and emerging business opportunities.

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