1 Min.

TIP 2055 – Super Heros In PJ’s Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

    • Mentale Gesundheit

Listen to today's podcast...
What superhero reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 20 per cent, overcomes gridlock faster than a speeding train, and leaps over distraction barriers in a single bound?
Hint: Often seen wearing pajamas while on the job…It’s not a bird. Nor a solar plane…It’s the Telecommuter!
So, here I sit in my pj`s working at my computer.  No stress spent on deciding what to wear to the office.
I appreciate the flexible work arrangements that I have.  It strengthens my resiliency while running a successful business.  Some days I work all day and into the evening.  On other days, I may find myself helping out a family member or pulling the weeds from my gardens.  This flexibility gives me the balance that I want and need.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!      Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Flexible Work Arrangements Week:
Companies that aim to provide a flexible working options encourage a healthy work-life balance, build resiliency and retain key workers. Develop a flex work policy that outlines what best practices they are expected to adhere to.
As an employee, if you are interested in flexible work arrangements, consider how this might positively or negatively impact your job, your family, your employer, your team members.
There are many adjustments that need to be made both by the employer and by the employee to make flexible work arrangements work.  Good communication and problem-solving skills are the foundation to working out any kinks.
So here`s to all superheroes working in their pj`s – May it be a productive day!
Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace’ Check out my top 10 tips under Resources and Courses at worksmartlivesmart.com
#mentalhealth #hr

Listen to today's podcast...
What superhero reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 20 per cent, overcomes gridlock faster than a speeding train, and leaps over distraction barriers in a single bound?
Hint: Often seen wearing pajamas while on the job…It’s not a bird. Nor a solar plane…It’s the Telecommuter!
So, here I sit in my pj`s working at my computer.  No stress spent on deciding what to wear to the office.
I appreciate the flexible work arrangements that I have.  It strengthens my resiliency while running a successful business.  Some days I work all day and into the evening.  On other days, I may find myself helping out a family member or pulling the weeds from my gardens.  This flexibility gives me the balance that I want and need.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!      Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Flexible Work Arrangements Week:
Companies that aim to provide a flexible working options encourage a healthy work-life balance, build resiliency and retain key workers. Develop a flex work policy that outlines what best practices they are expected to adhere to.
As an employee, if you are interested in flexible work arrangements, consider how this might positively or negatively impact your job, your family, your employer, your team members.
There are many adjustments that need to be made both by the employer and by the employee to make flexible work arrangements work.  Good communication and problem-solving skills are the foundation to working out any kinks.
So here`s to all superheroes working in their pj`s – May it be a productive day!
Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace’ Check out my top 10 tips under Resources and Courses at worksmartlivesmart.com
#mentalhealth #hr

1 Min.