6 Min.

🚇 Transport in spanish ✈‪️‬ Learn American Spanish

    • Sprachen lernen

🚖Today I bring a new basic vocabulary list for you. Let's lern "medios de transporte" in spanish. I say the word first in english, and then in spanish so you can learn as well as improve your pronunciation.🚎*** To get the WRITTEN VOCABULARY LIST enter in → https://learn-american-spanish.webnode.mx/l/transport/

🚖Today I bring a new basic vocabulary list for you. Let's lern "medios de transporte" in spanish. I say the word first in english, and then in spanish so you can learn as well as improve your pronunciation.🚎*** To get the WRITTEN VOCABULARY LIST enter in → https://learn-american-spanish.webnode.mx/l/transport/

6 Min.