2013-4th Qt HOLINESS-flash

2013-4th Qt HOLINESS-flash Podcast

HOLINESS * Sunday * Mornings • October-December 2013 • Auditorium * Week 1 (October 6th) Holy, Holy, Holy * Week 2 (October 13th) Holy Justice * Week 3 (October 20th) Holy Love * Week 4 (October 27th) The New Self * Week 5 (November 10th) "You Shall Be Holy, For I Am Holy"* Week 6 (November 17th) The Pattern of Piety * Week 7 (November 24th) An Unholy World *Week 8 (December 1st) The Anatomy of Holiness* Week 9 (December 8th) The Motivation for Holiness* Week 10 (December 15th) Holy Warfare* Week 11 (December 22nd) The Peace and Joy of Holiness* Week 12 (December 29th) Bringing Holiness to Completion in the Fear of God


  1. 23/12/2013

    131222 The Peace and Joy of Holiness

    SUNDAY MORNING (December 22nd) - HOLINESS * The Peace and Joy of Holiness * For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peaceand joy in the Holy Spirit. (Rom 14:17) There can be no doubt from his revelation to mankind that God intends the Christian life to be alife of joy, not drudgery. The idea that holiness will be inseparably tied to a miserable life is anabsolute lie. In fact,just the opposite is true. Only those who walk in holiness experience true joy. How does a self-centered, godless approach to life PROMISE"joy," but ultimately lead toemptiness and the absence of true joy? On the flipside, consider the words of Jesus in john 15:10-11. "If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love,just as I have kept my Father'scommandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may bein you, and that your joy may be full." When Jesus spoke of his joy, what did he have in mind? Practically speaking, how can the joy of Jesus be "in" me? How will this lead to joy that is "full"? Long ago, David wrote of God in Psalm 16:11, "You make known to me the path of life; in yourpresence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." What can welearn from these words? The same David, after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba, pleaded with God in Psalm51:12, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit." What can welearn from these words? In your own words, how would you summarize the relationship between holiness and joy? Inwhat way can "the joy of the LORD" be "your strength" (Neh 8:10)?

    35 min
  2. 10/12/2013

    131208 The Motivation for Holiness

    SUNDAY MORNING (December 8th) • HOLINESS: The Motivation for Holiness The Bible is a big, diverse, wise book, and in it you can find a variety of prescriptions to encourageobedience to God's commands. Consider some of the ways in which the Bible motivates us to pursue holiness. How would you summarize what the following statements communicate about: • Duty (Eccl12:13) - • God knows all and sees all (Eccl12:14) - • It's right (Eph 6:1) - • It's for our good (Deut 12:28) - • God's example (Eph 4:32) - • Christ's example (Eph 5:2) - • Assurance (2 Pet 1:10) - • Being effective as a Christian (2 Pet 1:8) - • Jesus' return (2 Pet 3:11-12) - • This world is not our home (1 Pet 2:11) - • To win over our neighbors (1 Pet 2:12) - • To lift up a nation (Prov 14:34) - • For the public good (Matt 5:13) - • For the sake of our prayers (1 Pet 3:7) - • The futility of sin (Matt 6:27) - • The folly of sin (Matt 7:26-27) - • The promise of grace (Matt 6:33) - • The promise of future judgment (Rom 12:19) - • The fear of future judgment (Heb 10:26-27) - • The surety of our inheritance (Heb 10:34) - • The fellowship of the saints (Heb 12:1) - • The good example of others (Heb 13:7) - • The bad example of others (1 Cor 10:6) - • We were created for good works (Eph 2:10)- • God is the master and we are his servants (Luke 17:10) - • The fear of the Lord (2 Cor 5:11) - • The love of the Lord (1 John 4:11) - • To make God manifest (t john 4:12)- • In gratitude for grace (Rom 12:1) - • for the glory of God (1 Cor 6:19-20) - • The character of God (Lev 11:44) - • The work of God (Exo 20:2-3) - • To please God (Heb 13:16) - • To avoid the devil's snares (Eph 4:26-27) - • for an eternal reward (1 Tim 6:18-19) - • Because Christ has all authority (Matt 28:18-20) - • Love for Christ (John 14:15) - • fullness of joy (John 15:10-11)- • To experience God's favor (Prov 12:2) - • Our union with Christ (Rom 6:5-6) - How does this great variety of motivations reinforce the truth of 1John 5:37 for this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.

    36 min
  3. 21/10/2013

    131020 Holy Love

    SUNDAY MORNING (October 20th) • HOLINESS Holy Love Justice is not the only manifestation of God's holiness. A complementary facet of God's justice is his love for his creation (Psa 33:4-5). While his justice is perfectly fair and sure, it is always administered in the context of his love. He loves us as a father loves his children. He is actively seeking to accomplish in us what is needed to have a loving relationship with him. We ended last week's discussion with an emphasis on the seriousness of sin. "The wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23) and "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom 3:23). God's holy love for his people can be seen in:• His grace (God giving us what we don't deserve-life)• His mercy (God not giving us what we do deserve-death)In the Old Testament, God's people were consistently reminded of these aspects of his holy love via the system of animal sacrifice. God, in his love and mercy, allowed the price of life to be paid through an innocent representative. God showed his mercy for men and women created in his image by allowing an innocent animal to pay the price of death owed by the sinner. Those men and women deserved God's holy justice (death), but they received God's mercy (life) instead.When people were careless with his expectations, God emphasized, "By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy" (Lev 10:3, NK]V). How did this system of sacrifice help human beings«regard" God as "holy"?In Leviticus 17:11, God told the descendants of Abraham: "for the life of the flesh is in the blood,and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life." Throughout old Testament history, the life of innocent animals"atoned" (paid the price) for human sins. God even instituted an annual Day of Atonement as a yearly reminder: "for on this day shall atonement be made for you to cleanse you. You shall be clean before the LORD from all your sins" (Lev 16:30). For thousands of years, in the form of an untold number of sacrificed animals, God demonstrated both his holy justice (the price of life was paid for sin) and his holy mercy (the sinner was allowed to live). This system was so important that the writer of Hebrews emphasizes, "Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins" (Heb 9:22). What, then, is the grand significance of john's revelation in john 1:6-8, 19-297How does Jesus represent the perfect intersection of holy justice and holy love? And what practical impact does that intersection have for us?

    29 min


HOLINESS * Sunday * Mornings • October-December 2013 • Auditorium * Week 1 (October 6th) Holy, Holy, Holy * Week 2 (October 13th) Holy Justice * Week 3 (October 20th) Holy Love * Week 4 (October 27th) The New Self * Week 5 (November 10th) "You Shall Be Holy, For I Am Holy"* Week 6 (November 17th) The Pattern of Piety * Week 7 (November 24th) An Unholy World *Week 8 (December 1st) The Anatomy of Holiness* Week 9 (December 8th) The Motivation for Holiness* Week 10 (December 15th) Holy Warfare* Week 11 (December 22nd) The Peace and Joy of Holiness* Week 12 (December 29th) Bringing Holiness to Completion in the Fear of God

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