27 min

ADHD and Compassion Switch Comebacks • EYAC #09 Embrace Your ADHD Chaos

    • Mental Health

Meet Ceri Sandford, the ADHD Compassion Coach. This episode was written to support you with the switch from criticism to compassion. It won't happen overnight, but if you start to challenge your inner-critic comments!!
Disclaimer: You're welcome to listen in 1.5 speed. Don't worry, I do it too xx
Tune in, subscribe, share with a friend to hear all about:
Our inner-critic's motivation Questions to challenge the critic How to flick the compassion switch Comebacks for your inner-critic comments:

"You will fail, like all the other times."
"You just drag everyone down."
"Your best isn't good enough."
"You are shit."
"You're unreliable/irresponsible."
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"No-one is going to buy your product."
"They don't mean that compliment." Pssst. Early birds can join Embrace Your ADHD Chaos 12-Week Group Program before June 17 for a bonus 1:1 coaching session!! For the gems who want to join me for a mixture of self-paced and live group coaching calls where you can learn to mute your inner-critic!! https://www.cerisandford.com/eyc 
If you would like to work with Ceri, you can download her ridiculously compassionate audio track to support you with unmasking. Reach out to Ceri on Instagram or TikTok to share if you loved this episode. ALSO - if you leave a review, you're the best listener on the planet.
Support @lifelikecharlie by ordering your own tune here.

Meet Ceri Sandford, the ADHD Compassion Coach. This episode was written to support you with the switch from criticism to compassion. It won't happen overnight, but if you start to challenge your inner-critic comments!!
Disclaimer: You're welcome to listen in 1.5 speed. Don't worry, I do it too xx
Tune in, subscribe, share with a friend to hear all about:
Our inner-critic's motivation Questions to challenge the critic How to flick the compassion switch Comebacks for your inner-critic comments:

"You will fail, like all the other times."
"You just drag everyone down."
"Your best isn't good enough."
"You are shit."
"You're unreliable/irresponsible."
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"No-one is going to buy your product."
"They don't mean that compliment." Pssst. Early birds can join Embrace Your ADHD Chaos 12-Week Group Program before June 17 for a bonus 1:1 coaching session!! For the gems who want to join me for a mixture of self-paced and live group coaching calls where you can learn to mute your inner-critic!! https://www.cerisandford.com/eyc 
If you would like to work with Ceri, you can download her ridiculously compassionate audio track to support you with unmasking. Reach out to Ceri on Instagram or TikTok to share if you loved this episode. ALSO - if you leave a review, you're the best listener on the planet.
Support @lifelikecharlie by ordering your own tune here.

27 min