25 episodes

What does the Curriculum for Wales mean for early years children and nursery groups? In this new series of short podcasts, Nia Parry speaks to Curriculum Specialist, Vanessa Powell, as well as Cylchoedd Meithrin staff to understand how Mudiad Meithrin is using the five development pathways of the curriculum to help the development of preschool children.

Beth mae’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn ei olygu i blant y blynyddoedd cynnar a chylchoedd meithrin? Yn y gyfres newydd hon o bodlediadau byr, mae Nia Parry yn siarad â'r Arbenigwr Cwricwlwm, Vanessa Powell, yn ogystal â staff Cylchoedd Meithrin, i ddeall sut mae’r Mudiad Meithrin yn defnyddio’r pum llwybr datblygu'r cwricwlwm i helpu datblygiad plant cyn oed ysgol.

Baby Steps Into The Curriculum Mudiad Meithrin

    • Education

What does the Curriculum for Wales mean for early years children and nursery groups? In this new series of short podcasts, Nia Parry speaks to Curriculum Specialist, Vanessa Powell, as well as Cylchoedd Meithrin staff to understand how Mudiad Meithrin is using the five development pathways of the curriculum to help the development of preschool children.

Beth mae’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn ei olygu i blant y blynyddoedd cynnar a chylchoedd meithrin? Yn y gyfres newydd hon o bodlediadau byr, mae Nia Parry yn siarad â'r Arbenigwr Cwricwlwm, Vanessa Powell, yn ogystal â staff Cylchoedd Meithrin, i ddeall sut mae’r Mudiad Meithrin yn defnyddio’r pum llwybr datblygu'r cwricwlwm i helpu datblygiad plant cyn oed ysgol.

    Keeping children moving through physical development

    Keeping children moving through physical development

    Physical development - encouraging children to develop their motor skills, coordination and balance - is an important part of the Curriculum for Wales.

    Wendy Davies, the leader of Ffrindiau Bach Tegryn in Aberporth, discusses the importance of keeping the children moving but also being creative with how they move, in order to develop muscles and motor-skills. We learn how taking children out to explore their local area helps to cover multiple developmental pathways at once.

    • 9 min
    Cadw plant i symud trwy ddatblygiad corfforol

    Cadw plant i symud trwy ddatblygiad corfforol

    Mae datblygiad corfforol - annog plant i ddatblygu eu sgiliau echddygol, cydsymud a chydbwysedd - yn rhan bwysig o Gwricwlwm Cymru.

    Mae Wendy Davies, arweinydd Ffrindiau Bach Tegryn yn Aberporth yn trafod pwysigrwydd cadw’r plant i symud ond hefyd bod yn greadigol ynghylch sut maen nhw’n symud, er mwyn datblygu cyhyrau a sgiliau echddygol. Clywn ni sut mae mynd â phlant allan i archwilio eu hardal leol yn helpu i gwmpasu llwybrau datblygu lluosog ar yr un pryd.

    • 8 min
    Creating a sense of belonging

    Creating a sense of belonging

    Belonging is a sense of happiness and feeling accepted in the environment you’re in. It is important to children’s development and is another developmental pathway in the Curriculum for Wales.

    Hannah Rowley, a deputy leader from Cylch Meithrin Nant Dyrys in Treorchy, introduces us to belonging in a playgroup setting. We’ll hear how local trips to hairdressers, charity shops and into the wider community are some of the ways Hannah and team use to create a sense of belonging for children.

    • 7 min
    Creu ymdeimlad o berthyn

    Creu ymdeimlad o berthyn

    Mae perthyn yn deimlad o hapusrwydd a theimlad eich bod yn cael eich derbyn yn eich cynefin. Mae'n bwysig i ddatblygiad plant ac mae'n llwybr datblygiadol arall yng Nghwricwlwm Cymru.

    Mae Hannah Rowley, dirprwy arweinydd Cylch Meithrin Nant Dyrys yn Nhreorci, yn ein cyflwyno i berthyn o fewn y Cylch Meithrin. Cawn glywed sut mae teithiau lleol i siopau trin gwallt, siopau elusen ac i’r gymuned ehangach yn rhai o’r ffyrdd y mae Hannah a’r tîm yn eu defnyddio i greu ymdeimlad o berthyn i blant.

    • 9 min
    Permission to explore

    Permission to explore

    Children’s curiosity about the world around them helps to shape their development. The exploration step of the Curriculum for Wales focuses on this developmental pathway.

    Jaqueline Hooban, a Cylch Meithrin leader in Llanbedr, discusses exploration and how it differs in each Cylch. We’ll hear how techniques like role-play, using sandpits and even going out into the community help children to learn at their own pace.

    • 11 min
    Caniatâd i archwilio

    Caniatâd i archwilio

    Mae chwilfrydedd plant am y byd o'u cwmpas yn helpu i lunio eu datblygiad. Mae cam archwilio Cwricwlwm Cymru yn canolbwyntio ar y llwybr datblygiadol hwn.

    Jaqueline Hooban, arweinydd Cylch Meithrin Llanbedr, sy'n trafod archwilio a sut mae'n wahanol ym mhob Cylch. Byddwn ni'n clywed sut mae technegau fel chwarae rôl, defnyddio pyllau tywod a hyd yn oed mynd allan i'r gymuned yn helpu plant i ddysgu ar eu cyflymdra eu hunain.

    • 8 min

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