8 min

Feedback from 6 June podcasting workshop Mary's podcasts

    • Personal Journals

On 6 June 2008, Aberystwyth University held a podcasting workshop organised by Antonio Barriga Rubio. It was open to AU and external staff, and primarily aimed at language teachers. Carol Comer from University of Chester, Antonio, and I delivered various parts of the session. At the end of the workshop I collected feedback from some willing participants. There was a palpable buzz in the room, as I think you can tell from the tone of the feedback.

We look forward to holding more workshops for AU staff on podcasting, blogs, and Wikis in the coming year.

On 6 June 2008, Aberystwyth University held a podcasting workshop organised by Antonio Barriga Rubio. It was open to AU and external staff, and primarily aimed at language teachers. Carol Comer from University of Chester, Antonio, and I delivered various parts of the session. At the end of the workshop I collected feedback from some willing participants. There was a palpable buzz in the room, as I think you can tell from the tone of the feedback.

We look forward to holding more workshops for AU staff on podcasting, blogs, and Wikis in the coming year.

8 min