30 episodes

In today's busy world, women tend to get so busy with taking care of others. Although taking care of our loved ones is very fulfilling, sometimes we must also take care of ourselves. Jennifer and I would like to provide you with a podcast that would encourage and inspire you and hopefully give you the strength to carry on with your calling of daughters of the most High God! By focusing on the Love of God and His blessings, we can see His love and wisdom "In the Little Things" of our every day lives! So take a listen and allow God to love you, today, as He always had! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

In the Little Things Annabelle Ardent

    • Religion & Spirituality

In today's busy world, women tend to get so busy with taking care of others. Although taking care of our loved ones is very fulfilling, sometimes we must also take care of ourselves. Jennifer and I would like to provide you with a podcast that would encourage and inspire you and hopefully give you the strength to carry on with your calling of daughters of the most High God! By focusing on the Love of God and His blessings, we can see His love and wisdom "In the Little Things" of our every day lives! So take a listen and allow God to love you, today, as He always had! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

    Podcast 31: "Goodness In Spite Of"

    Podcast 31: "Goodness In Spite Of"

    Welcome to this week’s  “In the Little things” Podcast.  We hope you’ve had a great week!  We love coming to you each week and lifting you up with God's word and encouragement to see the “little” and “big” blessings that we are given in God's grace. We know this life can SEEM lonely, scary, and even sad at times but we want to encourage you and let you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! This week we come with Gail's “True Story” of God's goodness! So take a deep breath as you listen now as Gail shares a true story of is week experience of God's goodness!


    (Psalm 23:6) “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord.”

    (Galatians 6:10) “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

    (Jeremiah 29:11) “ For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans of hope and future.”

    Application:  Being a good person is in the eye and mind of the person who has to make the right decisions everyday. It isn't easy to be good all the time. Adam and Eve shows us how fallible we truly can be, however we have been given his Holy Spirit and His Holy Word to be able to  override our tendency to disobey or make bad decisions. Just like Gail could have naturally and perhaps justly retaliated the meanness of the customer service representative, she chose , with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to be kind and good towards her and obeyed the Holy Spirits prompting so that she could be the light of God, to her. To apply God's instructions in the His Word and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, we can  be GOOD!

    Challenge: If there has ever been a time to shine the light of God in the deep darkness of the world, IT IS NOW! This week's challenge is to be God's light to a world that is desperately searching for HIM! Seek God's goodness in every engagement we come across at the grocery store, school, parking lots, roads, and wherever we are and whomever we are with.

    Devotional Insight: This journey is what you make it to be. We have freewill to follow the world's definition of “Goodness” or what God's definition of goodness is. Throughout the bible, God displays His goodness, from beginning to the end. Jesus also displays his goodness to all people, even those who reject him. Being good does not always mean you will be accepted  or even liked, but sometimes quite the opposite. Being Good does mean that God our Father will be pleased. So the question is … Who are you trying to please and have proud of you? God or people? God's only asks you to love another in service to HIM!

    Thank you for listening to today’s podcast. It’s often in the little things we  see  God’s love!  If you liked this podcast, I encourage to hit the “like” button.  And if you do not want to miss any,  please hit the “subscribe” button.  Feel free to share this podcast with anyone you feel would be inspired, encouraged and strengthened by it. If you would like to support Annabelle Ardent’s Ministry, please go to AnnabelleArdent.com, where you can learn more about this ministry and Annabelle.  May God bless you as you encounter Him on your journey.  We hope that you will see His love in all the little things!  Until next week, keep smiling, and remember, you ARE indeed precious!!!!  (Proverbs 3:15)


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

    • 25 min
    Podcast 30 : “ The Peace of God be With You”

    Podcast 30 : “ The Peace of God be With You”

    Welcome to this week’s  “In the Little things” podcast. Thanks for joining us again as we walk together through what seems to be a maze of life lessons. We seem to be entering a time confusion and chaos. Gail and I,simply want to walk through this labyrinth of life with you! This week Annabelle wants to share a true story with you, that is solely intended to reflect the PEACE of God during a tense moment of spiritual warfare she recently had! Hope that this strengthens your walk with Christ! True Story:   Going grocery shopping has never been so hard! 


    (John 14:27 ) “ Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts to be troubled and do not be afraid!”(Phil 4:7) And the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! (Col 3:15) Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, your were called to peace. And to be thankful! (Ephesians 6: 11-18) The Armor Of God!  (Hebrews  12:14) Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord”  (Psalm 29:11)THE LORD gives strength to his people; THE LORD blesses his people with PEACE!

    Application:  It may seem that I (Annabelle) may come across like I have it altogether or even arrogant. Please do not take my boldness and courage in Christ as arrogance. During my journey, I have to really rely on God for everything!! We are all handled difficulties in this life but it is through the PEACE of GOD that we can overcome the evil of this world. We have to listen to the Holy Spirit's instructions and put on the Armor that God has provided us with in His promised and powerful Word! We must remember with and be ready His Word and have it in our minds and hearts, prepared to do spiritual battle.. For GOD ALREADY WON THE WAR and we are on the winning team JESUS!  Don't just have faith but be doers of the Word!  “APPLY IT!”

    Devotional Insight: As we walk in this hostile earthly world, it gets darker and darker. I don't want to discourage you… Quite the opposite, I want to encourage YOU because God has and will  never  abandon you!  You are a CHILD OF THE GOD MOST HIGH, the LORD OF LORDS and KING OF KINGS!!! TRUST HIM!!!  He is not only with you but will give you everything you need to have to obtain True PEACE! “Faith in God is not just a feeling, emotion, decision, or concept… It's the action verb  that accesses all of God's blessings… including His True PEACE!

    Challenge: So this week's challenge is to genuinely be in God's Word and memorize as much as you can so that when evil, lies, deception or attacks come your way…. You can repel those fiery darts. Be ready by Putting on the Armor Of God: Awesome Bible Study: https://connectchurchjax.org/media/series/r5z34zj/the-armor-of-god-priscilla-shirer

    “ Lord God,  Thank you for always walking with us and fortifying us in the chaos of this world. May we always put You first in every situation we face! We know that you have a purpose in everything and Your Holy Word will equip us for every battle! It's in Your powerful name, Jesus, we pray, Amen!”        (Comments to: ANNABELLEARDENT.COM)


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

    • 23 min
    Episode 29: "Kindness Goes Further Than We Know"

    Episode 29: "Kindness Goes Further Than We Know"

    Welcome to this week’s  “In the Little things” podcast. Does it seem like lately there has been such tension globally, locally, and individually? I know that times are always shifting and things are always changing, but if you really look hard you can always find kindness, in even the hardest and most difficult of days!  Listen as we share a True Life Story!

    Sometimes it can be something as little as being quick to listen  and slow to speak. One can  listen without fixing anything but instead allowing God to reach someone in His perfect timing! Always being kind and seeing God's love overcome any and all obstacles that get in the way!


    (James 1:19) “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen and slow to speak.”

    (Ecclesiastes 3:7) “There is a time for tears and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak.”

    (1 Thessalonians chapter 2) “We speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who test our hearts.”

    (Colossians 3:12) “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

    Application:  We all need kind words, kind gestures, and compassion. Whenever you feel that there is someone struggling with something, be kind and seek God's plan in that situation. Often times, it is not easy because our nature is to judge or make comparisons. But if you stay close to God, He will show you how kindness is the medicine that can lead to spiritual healing of one another! So always seek kind words of encouragement and it will go a long way.

    Devotional Insight:

    As we walk in this hostile earthly world, it gets harder to see kindness around us. We can sometimes get lost in the bad habits or bad choices this world offers, but we have the word of God, the bible, to teach us, guide us and speak to us!  Without staying close to God and reading His word, we can all make mistakes and sin. So, whenever you see someone struggling, always be kind, gentle, and have compassion because we never know what it is they are going through and the love and kindness of God is not exclusive but inclusive, that is to say for all of us!

    Challenge: So this week's challenge is to genuinely be kind to others. Look outside our boxes and see where God's love and kindness can change the spaces that you are in… at the office, the grocery store, the activities you are engaged in and the people around you! For instance, I love it when I come to a door and the person ahead of me, holds the door open for me. It makes my day, when my husband does the dishes, “just because” or my son smiles and gets me a pillow. KINDNESS is soothing, healing, and comforting! A Gift from Our Faithful Father!

    Guided Prayer: Lord God,  Thank you, that You give us Your favor. You always want to pour your love and kindness on us, your children. You always are with us and if we seek You in everything, we will find you are with us through the kindness of others. Let our lives be more filled with Your kindness, so that others will discover Your amazing love for them! Use us for Your glory,  in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen!


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

    • 29 min
    Podcast 27 "Let It Go"

    Podcast 27 "Let It Go"

    Welcome to this week’s  “In the Little things” podcast.  We often get comfortable where we are in our lives, but as we mature and learn outside our comfort zones, we must learn to let go of our “old ways”. Sometimes that is easier said than done because, as you may already know, we are creatures of habit!  Listen as Annabelle shares to her True Story of the truths she has learned from her childhood and is able to continue to learn that we must let some things go in order to grow and mature into the person that we are intended to be and grow closer in our walk with  Christ Jesus.


    (Romans 7:6 ) “But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.”

    (Ephesians 4:22 ) “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires.”

    (Matthew 6:21) “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!”

    (Lamentations  3:22-23) “Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!”

    Application:  Sometimes we must be willing to take a step back and look at our lives from outside our comfort zone.  Many times we find that God has taken people out of where they are to bring them to where He knows they should be. Often times, we must be willing for God to mature us and mold us. We must be willing to change our ways of doing things, to be able to see what He wants for us is way better! Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you towards His maturity and faithfulness by letting go of “our own way” of doing things.

    Devotional Insight:

    Everyday is a new day. It's a new start and a “redo” in our walk with the Lord. As God extends grace to us each morning, we can learn to  look outside ourselves and see where we can grow closer to God. By taking a step back and evaluating our situations, we can begin to notice how it impacts our loved ones and their walk with God.Challenge: So this week's challenge is to trust God with everything your maturity in Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what it is God wants to show you! And be willing to follow the Holy Spirit's leading no matter if it takes you out of what has been your “comfort zone”. Do not become stale in your walk with the Lord, but instead re-evaluate your way of doing things that you may feel are tugging on your heart or the hearts of those around you. Be open to change for the betterment of YOU and your walk with the Lord. Ask God to help you see Him clearly during the process of maturity! For God loves you and will always be with you!  He is always gracious and faithful!!

    Guided Prayer: Lord God,  Thank you, that You have given us “new beginnings” and renewed hearts! Let us seek growth that brings us closer to you and spiritual maturity.  Let us put away the “old self” and put on our “new mature self” so that we can live abundantly in Your Truths!Let our lives be more filled with Your renewed blessings as we let go of the old and hold on fast to the new revelations of Your love for us! It's in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen!


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

    • 17 min
    Podcast 26: "It's All in the Name!"

    Podcast 26: "It's All in the Name!"

    Welcome to this week’s  “In the Little things” podcast. We often overlook very important things just because we are not aware o there importance. As we meet people and learn their names, we often find out that the name was chosen because it represents a characteristic of the person, or it's chosen because of the importance of a relationship to the parents. Usually a name can remind someone of someone else they endear.  But what about the last name? Listen as Annabelle and I share a story about the discovery of particular last names...


    (Acts 4:12) “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other NAME under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved!”

    (John 14:6) “Jesus answered,'' I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me!”

    (Isaiah 9:6) “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

    (Proverbs 18:10) “The NAME of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe!”

    Application:  Often when we meet someone, we try to remember that persons name. We try to associate that name with an experience. Even in the case of figuring out where they are from or who they may be; based off their name. The application here, would be to pay close attention to the importance of a person's name, so that they can see the intentional love of God in You. A name may seem very little of importance sometimes, but try to use a persons name, whenever you can and see how it really matters to that person and can truly impact a person's spirit.

    Devotional Insight:  Everyday  is an opportunity to get to know someone knew and reach them for the Kingdom. Using their name in the moment of interaction has a huge impact on them, but also applying a person's name in prayer is powerful! Always try to bring a person, by name, to the throne of God and you will find that the power of prayer will blow your socks off, years later when you run into that person again and find out their back story! What a privilege that God has given us  to be part of their story!!

    Challenge: So this week's challenge is to really focus on the actual names of the people you encounter this week. Form a prayer list with their names. Trust God knows exactly what their needs are and know that you have a purpose in investing in those around you that you encounter, meet, or get to share your life with! Ask God to reveal the importance of Who He is in your life, so that in these revelations, He can become known to you in an intimate and personal way! Focus on the names of God this week and He will show you who He really is! “Mighty One, God of Gods, Powerful, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Strong One, With Us, Provider, Sovereign, All Knowing, Everywhere, Was, Is, and Is to Come!  And so on….”   

    Guided Prayer: Lord God,  Thank you, that You have given us “a name with purpose and value” in Christ Jesus! Let us seek your truth and wisdom to live up to whom we are meant to be in You! Let us pray for those we encounter each day and let us be mindful of our name being in Your Book of Life! Thank you for Your saving grace!It's in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen!


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

    • 23 min
    Podcast 25: Less is More

    Podcast 25: Less is More

    Welcome to this week’s  “In the Little things” podcast. We live in a time where we have so much stuff. Usually during the Spring season I do “Spring cleaning” and get rid of a lot of around the house. I go room to room and see what can be donated. This year, I started a little later than usual because of the days being so cool and nice… quite honestly I enjoyed the outdoors before it got hotter.  Listen now as we share a True Life Story of real life struggle and what God is showing us through it all!


    (Proverbs  15:16) “Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith.”

    (Ecclesiastes 4:6) “Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.”

    (John 3:30) “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

    (Matthew 6:21) “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!”

    (Matthew 6:26) “Look at the birds of he air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your Father in heaven Feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they?”

    (Philippians 4:19) “But my God shall supply all your  needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!”

    Application:  We live in an era that screams “ more, buy more...it is better” After all.. that is called marketing. If something is going to cause you to be distracted, unhappy, or frustrated… get rid of it or just do not buy it. I now chose to live simply because it is hard to maintain clean, however for there to be more time to enjoy life, less stuff allows me more freedom to enjoy life!More time to be in God's word, in His creation, and with family and friends!

    Devotional Insight: Be careful where you put all your energy. For me it was put on building a home of memories and stuff, instead of living free from the burden of stuff. Allow God to increase in you and you decrease so that you can enjoy life; a life of abundant blessings of love and not of material stuff. God will take care of ALL your needs and you will never be without. Just like He promises in the book of Matthew, God will provide for you and your family!

    Challenge: So this week's challenge is to trust God with everything you need. Do not be a collector of things but instead ask yourself “ Do I really need this or is this just a 'want to have this?'. Sometimes less is more when you think of how much time and effort it takes to maintain a home with so much stuff. Allow yourself to enjoy what you have and get rid of the things in your life that you really don't need.   Ask God for the things you need and He is always gracious and faithful!!

    Guided Prayer: Lord God,  Thank you, that we do not need to worry about anything we need. You promise us that you will provide us with everything! So let us rest assured that You know what we need and what we do not need. Let our lives be more filled with Your blessings and may we empty the things that distract us from You! It's in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen!


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annabelle-ardent/support

    • 27 min

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