56 min

No More Business As Usual The Age of Transitions

    • Philosophy

An unexpected hero arises to take on our old enemies, the Neocons. Not the hero we expected, but most likely, the hero we deserve. 
Topics include: Future of Humanity Institute closing, Oxford, transhumanism, Nick Bostrom, Anders Sandberg, WTA, h+, eugenics, Silicon Valley billionaires, Simulation Hypothesis, racist emails, dysgenics, artificial intelligence, progressive version of transhumanism, fringe ideologies and groups, IEET, Martine Rothblatt, EA, Longtermism, national economic systems, technological development, Neoliberals, Neocons, establishment in crisis, Erik Prince, Blackwater, Xe, Bush Administration, War on Terror, MIC, Indo-Pacific military theater, pivot away from Middle East, defense spending, Reagan, Cold War, post communist Russia, focus on private sector to save governmental failure, Eric Schmidt, national security shift, Boeing, whistleblowers’ deaths, basic corruption, focus on profits over all else, financialization, wealth gap increasing, money isn’t real, lack of economic philosophy, no accountability, dismantling of legitimate protest, Israel, student protests, banning campus protests, 2024 presidential election, AGI, major governments want to steer their own new world order, space vs the desert

An unexpected hero arises to take on our old enemies, the Neocons. Not the hero we expected, but most likely, the hero we deserve. 
Topics include: Future of Humanity Institute closing, Oxford, transhumanism, Nick Bostrom, Anders Sandberg, WTA, h+, eugenics, Silicon Valley billionaires, Simulation Hypothesis, racist emails, dysgenics, artificial intelligence, progressive version of transhumanism, fringe ideologies and groups, IEET, Martine Rothblatt, EA, Longtermism, national economic systems, technological development, Neoliberals, Neocons, establishment in crisis, Erik Prince, Blackwater, Xe, Bush Administration, War on Terror, MIC, Indo-Pacific military theater, pivot away from Middle East, defense spending, Reagan, Cold War, post communist Russia, focus on private sector to save governmental failure, Eric Schmidt, national security shift, Boeing, whistleblowers’ deaths, basic corruption, focus on profits over all else, financialization, wealth gap increasing, money isn’t real, lack of economic philosophy, no accountability, dismantling of legitimate protest, Israel, student protests, banning campus protests, 2024 presidential election, AGI, major governments want to steer their own new world order, space vs the desert

56 min