34 episodes

Welcome to Oho Ake Books podcast. This is a portal for me to delve into everything about my conscious spiritual awakening processes and how these relate to the books that I have written. I talk about anecdotal experiences, writing processes, the books I have written and my continuing spiritual awakening. Raw, vulnerable, and authentic, I don't pull any punches. I bring the realness of the real...

Oho Ake Books... it's not what you think‪.‬ Pharaeus Lysander

    • Religion & Spirituality

Welcome to Oho Ake Books podcast. This is a portal for me to delve into everything about my conscious spiritual awakening processes and how these relate to the books that I have written. I talk about anecdotal experiences, writing processes, the books I have written and my continuing spiritual awakening. Raw, vulnerable, and authentic, I don't pull any punches. I bring the realness of the real...

    Alice Goes to Wonderland! Down into the Rabbit Warren!

    Alice Goes to Wonderland! Down into the Rabbit Warren!

    What does the Eighth Sphere, patents for nanotech in experimental gene therapy, WEF futurists predictions of biology and technology interfacing with Artificial Intelligence by 2030, and the Mystery School gnosis of the solar system planets as schools have in common? 

    Listen and find out! 

    This could well be my last podcast... ENJOY! 

    • 41 min
    Multidimensional Chess. How the game of CONTROL is played on Earth.

    Multidimensional Chess. How the game of CONTROL is played on Earth.

    The non-human forces that control the simulation we perceive as 'reality' have a multidimensional perspective. They compartmentalise the game so that their hybrid, sycophants and puppets all get to know smidgens of the true nature of the game, often giving them each different roles to play. The further you go from the capstone of the pyramid of control, the less you know about the true nature of the game. David Icke so succinctly made this clear back in the 1990's. 

    Today, the game is being played on many levels in order to confuse and misdirect the populace into chaos. Out of this chaos comes the order of the masters of the game. In this podcast I describe how the chess game being played are multi-tiered, and that if one game is lost, there are many others being played simultaneously in order to achieve the desired outcome. 

    • 23 min
    Dark Journalist. The truth runs deep...

    Dark Journalist. The truth runs deep...

    In 2018 a work colleague introduced me to Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt). My world has never been the same since. If there was a missing puzzle to my conscious awakening experience, my understanding of the machinations of the global deep state around events, hidden technology, mystery schools, the UFO file, history and so much more, I found it. Dark Journalist is a tour de force whose research and guests he has on his youtube channel have propelled my conscious awakening process into the stratosphere. Like David Icke, his recall on facts, names, historical events and the people is astonishing. 

    It is thanks to Dark Journalist that I have been introduced to the work of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Elana Freeland whose research was integral in the writing content of the novel I started writing in 2019/2020, Rigmarole, with Dick Swabb. In this podcast I share the deep insights brought about by the work of Dark Journalist, his research and his incredible three hour videocasts that are always mind blowers! 


    • 35 min
    Multidimensional Life. Dreams within dreams? You tell me...

    Multidimensional Life. Dreams within dreams? You tell me...

    My understanding of multidimensional living has gone bananas since 2020 and my writing of the book A Dance called Dwarka. I have had multidimensional experiences all my life, but haven't had the wisdom to acknowledge them. My possession experience in Dunedin and the aftermath when I wrote two text books full of horror/macabre short stories, channelling my consciousness from another level of existence in the form of Buford Somerset, set the tone for what was to come for me. I didn't know what was happening, nor did I understand the nature of why it happened till 2020/2021. 

    Recently I have had the feeling that dreams aren't creations of our subconscious minds, but actually our awareness in other bodies, parallel universes. When our bodies go into stasis, rest, rejuvenation, our conscious minds shut down and our consciousness 'awakens' to its multidimensional nature (in my perspective). In this podcast I ask some deep questions about this startling insight, was Edgar Allan Poe on the money? 

    'All that we see and seem is but a dream within a dream.' 

    • 35 min
    Revelations of an Idiot! The World is MAD!

    Revelations of an Idiot! The World is MAD!

    If you have listened to my podcasts, then you knew that this was coming. As deep and real as I have gotten in bearing my creative processes, my conscious awakening, and allowing the readers of my books, followers of my content a chance to know more about me in order to understand why I'm an idiot of historical proportions, I had to take it a step further. God is a comedian playing to an audience to afraid to laugh - Voltaire. This saying from this extraordinary man is tattooed on chest, virtually over my heart. 

    I needed to let my inner muppet out and I did, BIG TIME. In this self-depreciating, humorous and insightful podcast (and video) you will see/hear a clown at work, offering some nuggets of truth, some realisations at work, and tales crafted with observations that may well apply to anyone who dares listen. 

    This is going to be a regular gig for me... stay tuned for future episodes of a conscious awakening creative imaginist dressed like he's just walked in the door from Burning Man...

    • 44 min
    Multidimensional Love Forever!

    Multidimensional Love Forever!

    In 2021 after having the back of my heart opened life began to look very different for me. I began to see the exploitive nature of some people I was following on youtube, I had bought a course that they stipulated would with the correct adherence create the lifestyle I wanted in order to have my time back, become successful and have enormous abundance come into my life. What they didn't sell in their marketing pitch was that you have to exploit the most vulnerable in the conscious awakening community to have that lifestyle. 

    I realised that my work was simply enough. Expressing and understanding the multidimensional nature of my work meant that I was honouring those forces that wanted to manifest in this frequency band, and by doing that, I was having enormous personal growth. It was a stunning achievement for me, and in essence, my creative process became more about trusting my choices to create rather than creating a 'digital nomadic' lifestyle and abundance that came from scrupulous means. 

    This an honest and real look into my discovery of multidimensional life. 

    • 40 min

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