22 episoder

At The Psychology of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour Podcast we do things a little differently. While other crime podcasts examine cases, we examine the “mechanics” behind criminal and antisocial behaviour. While cases will certainly be discussed, these will not be the central focus of our show. Rather than talking about what someone did, we will tell you why. Our audience is therefore anyone who is interested in a deep-dive into why criminals and victims do what they do.

So join our hosts, Criminologist Dr. Wayne Petherick and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Grant Sinnamon for our weekly episodes.

You can become a podcast patron by going to http://psychcrim.podbean.com and clicking the Become a Patron button.

The Psychology of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour WP

    • Videnskab

At The Psychology of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour Podcast we do things a little differently. While other crime podcasts examine cases, we examine the “mechanics” behind criminal and antisocial behaviour. While cases will certainly be discussed, these will not be the central focus of our show. Rather than talking about what someone did, we will tell you why. Our audience is therefore anyone who is interested in a deep-dive into why criminals and victims do what they do.

So join our hosts, Criminologist Dr. Wayne Petherick and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Grant Sinnamon for our weekly episodes.

You can become a podcast patron by going to http://psychcrim.podbean.com and clicking the Become a Patron button.

    Episode 17 Teen Crime 2 Part 3 Social Bond Theory

    Episode 17 Teen Crime 2 Part 3 Social Bond Theory

    Welcome back to Youth Crime Part 2, Part 3. This episode is the third installment of our comprehensive series on youth crime. We recommend listening to the previous episodes, but this one can stand alone as well. We aim to delve deep into the topic, breaking it down into digestible pieces for your convenience, whether you’re commuting, exercising, or just looking for a short, insightful listen.

    Understanding Hershey’s Social Bond Theory

    In this episode, we explore Hershey’s Social Bond Theory, a crucial model in criminology. This theory emphasizes the significance of social relationships and how these connections influence individual behavior. Hershey’s theory is highly regarded in the field for several reasons, which we will discuss in detail.

    Key Components of Hershey’s Social Bond Theory

    Hershey’s Social Bond Theory is built on four main elements:

    1. Attachment: This refers to the emotional and social ties an individual has with others. Strong attachments to family, friends, and community can deter individuals from engaging in criminal activities.
    2. Commitment: The level of investment an individual has in conventional activities, such as education and career. Higher commitment reduces the likelihood of deviant behavior.
    3. Involvement: Participation in socially accepted activities limits the time available for deviance. Engagement in community and extracurricular activities serves as a preventive measure.
    4. Belief: The acceptance of social norms and laws. Strong beliefs in the system and its rules can discourage criminal behavior.

    The Practical Application of Social Bond Theory

    From a practical standpoint, Hershey’s theory offers valuable insights into crime prevention and intervention strategies. By fostering strong social bonds and creating supportive environments, communities can reduce youth crime rates.

    Genetic Predisposition and Social Influence

    As Grant mentioned in our previous episodes, there is a genetic predisposition to certain behaviors. However, the influence of social relationships can play a significant role in either mitigating or exacerbating these tendencies. Understanding the interplay between genetics and social environment is crucial in addressing youth crime effectively.


    Hershey’s Social Bond Theory provides a robust framework for understanding the social factors that contribute to youth crime. By emphasizing the importance of social bonds and connections, this theory highlights the potential for preventive measures that strengthen community ties and support systems. As we continue to explore youth crime, this model serves as a foundational tool for both criminologists and policymakers aiming to create safer, more cohesive communities.

    Stay tuned for more in-depth discussions in our upcoming episodes. Whether you’re a student of criminology, a professional in the field, or just someone interested in understanding the complexities of youth crime, we hope this series provides valuable insights and practical knowledge.

    • 31 min.
    Episode 17 Teen Crime 2 Part 2 Social Bond Theory

    Episode 17 Teen Crime 2 Part 2 Social Bond Theory

    In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of Hershey’s Social Bond Theory, focusing specifically on its four core components. By exploring these elements, we aim to provide a deeper understanding of how they apply in real-world scenarios, starting with the crucial component of attachment.

    The Importance of Attachment

    Attachment, as a fundamental aspect of Hershey’s Social Bond Theory, underscores the significance of our relationships with family and friends. It’s not merely a social construct but is deeply rooted in our genetic makeup. Recent decades of research have illuminated that human beings are inherently programmed to form connections with others, highlighting the profound role of attachment in our lives.

    Genetic Foundation of Social Bonds

    Human beings are designed to connect. This isn’t just a superficial social bond but a deeply ingrained genetic predisposition. Our evolutionary background has equipped us with the necessity to build and maintain relationships, which are essential for our survival and well-being. This genetic foundation underscores the importance of understanding attachment beyond just a social or psychological perspective.

    Nature, Nurture, and Attachment

    The discussion of attachment brings us to the age-old debate of nature versus nurture. However, in the context of attachment, it is a blend of both. We are born with the innate ability to form attachments, but the environment in which we grow up also plays a pivotal role. This combination of genetic predisposition and environmental influence forms the basis of our ability to connect with others.

    Real-World Applications

    Understanding attachment through the lens of Hershey’s Social Bond Theory provides valuable insights into various real-world scenarios. For instance, in educational settings, recognizing the importance of student-teacher relationships can significantly impact learning outcomes. Similarly, in the workplace, fostering strong interpersonal relationships can enhance teamwork and productivity.

    Attachment and Well-Being

    The quality of our attachments has a direct correlation with our overall well-being. Strong, healthy relationships can provide emotional support, reduce stress, and contribute to a positive mental state. Conversely, weak or negative attachments can lead to feelings of isolation and negatively impact mental health.


    In summary, attachment, as explored through Hershey’s Social Bond Theory, is a crucial component of human interaction. It is genetically ingrained in us, supported by our environments, and plays a vital role in our overall well-being. By understanding the importance of attachment, we can better appreciate the necessity of nurturing our relationships, whether in personal, educational, or professional contexts.

    As we continue to explore Hershey’s Social Bond Theory, we will further unpack the remaining components, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these elements shape our interactions and influence our lives. Stay tuned for more insights in the upcoming segments of this episode.

    • 44 min.
    Episode 17 Teen Crime 2 Part 1 Social Bond Theory

    Episode 17 Teen Crime 2 Part 1 Social Bond Theory

    Welcome back, everybody! We appreciate your continued support and are excited to bring you another engaging episode. Today, we delve into the topic of youth crime, specifically examining it through the concept of social control. This discussion will blend theoretical insights with practical perspectives, offering a comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.

    Joining me once again is my esteemed colleague, Dr. Grant Sinnamon. We have received valuable feedback from our listeners and conducted some personal research, leading us to tweak our recording format. Many of you have expressed a preference for episodes that fit within your commute time, typically around 30 to 35 minutes. This duration allows you to enjoy a complete episode during a train ride, drive home, or commute to work.

    To accommodate this preference, we will be breaking down this extensive episode into approximately three parts. Each part will be designed to fit within that ideal commute time, ensuring you can easily listen to a full episode in one sitting.

    Now, let’s dive into the heart of today’s topic: youth crime and social control. Social control refers to the mechanisms, strategies, and institutions society uses to regulate individual and group behavior, aiming to conform to the established norms and rules. Understanding youth crime through this lens involves exploring how various social control mechanisms influence the behavior of young individuals and potentially contribute to criminal activities.

    Dr. Sinnamon and I will explore several key aspects of social control in relation to youth crime:

    1. Family Influence: The role of family dynamics in shaping the behavior and values of young individuals. We will examine how parental supervision, family cohesion, and communication impact the likelihood of youth engaging in criminal activities.
    2. Educational Institutions: The significance of schools in providing social control through discipline, moral education, and fostering a sense of belonging. We will discuss the impact of school environment, teacher-student relationships, and peer influence on youth behavior.
    3. Community and Social Networks: The broader social environment, including neighborhoods, peer groups, and community organizations. We will analyze how community engagement, social capital, and support systems contribute to preventing or exacerbating youth crime.
    4. Legal and Judicial Systems: The role of law enforcement, juvenile justice systems, and legal frameworks in regulating youth behavior. We will explore how different approaches, such as rehabilitation versus punitive measures, affect recidivism rates and long-term outcomes for young offenders.
    5. Media and Technology: The influence of media, including social media, on youth behavior and perceptions of crime. We will discuss how exposure to violent content, cyberbullying, and online peer pressure can impact the likelihood of youth engaging in criminal activities.

    By examining these facets of social control, we aim to provide a holistic understanding of the factors contributing to youth crime. Our discussion will be both theoretical and practical, offering insights into effective strategies for prevention and intervention.

    Stay tuned for the upcoming parts of this episode, where we will delve deeper into each aspect of social control and its relationship with youth crime. We hope this episode will be informative and thought-provoking, shedding light on the complexities of this critical issue.

    Thank you for joining us today. We look forward to your feedback and hope you find this exploration of youth crime through the lens of social control as engaging as we do.

    • 28 min.
    Episode 16 Criminal Profiling

    Episode 16 Criminal Profiling

    “Coming to you off the back of the serial crime episode, we’re gonna talk about a related topic now for this episode. Again, something that can be a little bit fun, very interesting to talk about. Many of the listeners have probably heard something about it, if not heard a lot about it, watched a lot of TV shows, seen a couple of Netflix shows, movies where it’s covered, Silence of the Lambs, all this kind of thing.
    The topic is Criminal Profiling, and we’re gonna have a bit of a dive into that today for the next 45 minutes or so.
    Absolutely, and welcome back, everybody. Before we kick off, as we usually do, just to start the ball rolling, I’d like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land that we’re on here, on the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland today, and acknowledge the elders’ past, present and emerging, and their relationship to the land and the waterways.
    Welcome one and all.
    Here we are. So we just had a bit of fun. We’re recording a couple of episodes today, and we’ve just had a bit of fun recording Serial Crime.
    And this is the, I guess, the[…]”

    • 1 t. 3 min.
    Episode 15 Serial Crime

    Episode 15 Serial Crime

    Welcome back, listeners! We’re thrilled to have you join us today. Over the next few weeks, we’re excited to release a couple of new episodes that we believe will captivate your interest. We’re diving into two intriguing topics: Serial Crime and Criminal Profiling. Additionally, Grant will expand on our previous episode on Youth Crime, which has garnered immense popularity due to the sheer number of downloads.

    Today, however, we shift our focus to Serial Crime. This episode promises to delve into the intricate psychology behind serial offenses, exploring the patterns, motivations, and behaviors of serial offenders. We aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of this complex topic, shedding light on the psychological factors that drive individuals to commit such heinous crimes.

    In addition to Serial Crime, we’ll also be delving into Criminal Profiling. This segment will offer insights into the methods and techniques used by experts to profile criminals, aiding in their identification and apprehension. Criminal profiling is a fascinating field that combines psychology, criminology, and investigative techniques to create profiles that can help solve crimes and bring perpetrators to justice.

    But that’s not all! Grant will revisit the topic of Youth Crime, addressing its current relevance and impact. Youth Crime continues to be a pressing issue, and we believe it’s crucial to explore it further, considering the widespread media attention it receives. By examining the psychological and social factors contributing to youth crime, we hope to foster a deeper understanding and potentially offer solutions to mitigate this growing concern.

    Stay tuned for these upcoming episodes as we dive deep into these captivating subjects. Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights and thought-provoking discussions that enhance your understanding of criminal and antisocial behavior. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to sharing these exciting episodes with you soon.

    • 54 min.
    Episode 14 The Full Moon and Crime

    Episode 14 The Full Moon and Crime

    Full Moon and Crime: An Exploration of Myths and Facts

    In this timely podcast episode, we delve into the intriguing topic of the full moon’s influence on human behavior, particularly crime rates. As the full moon approaches this week, it’s an opportune moment to explore this age-old belief and see if there’s any truth behind the myths.

    Planning the Episode
    The idea for this episode was inspired by a personal experience. While planning a camping trip for the upcoming weekend, I checked a weather app to see what the forecast had in store. To my surprise, I noticed that a full moon was set to appear towards the end of the week. This revelation sparked the thought to discuss the full moon’s connection to crime, a topic I’ve long been curious about.

    The Full Moon’s Influence
    Throughout history, the full moon has been associated with various unusual behaviors. The term ”lunacy” itself stems from the Latin word ”luna,” meaning moon, and historically referred to the madness believed to be triggered by the full moon. Stories of werewolves and other supernatural occurrences further fuel these beliefs.

    But what about the connection between the full moon and crime rates? Some people claim that crime spikes during a full moon. This podcast aims to explore whether there’s any scientific evidence to support these claims or if they are merely myths perpetuated over time.

    Examining the Evidence
    To understand the full moon’s potential impact on crime, we look at various studies and expert opinions. Some research suggests a correlation between the lunar cycle and increased incidents of crime and emergency room visits. However, other studies dispute these findings, arguing that the perceived increase in crime during a full moon is coincidental or a result of confirmation bias.

    Anecdotal Insights
    Beyond scientific studies, we also consider anecdotal evidence and personal stories. Law enforcement officers and healthcare professionals often report observing more erratic behavior and incidents during a full moon. These accounts add an interesting layer to the discussion, highlighting the complex relationship between human psychology and natural phenomena.

    Releasing the Episode
    Given the timely nature of this topic, we’ve decided to release this episode on the night of the full moon, which falls on Thursday. This aligns perfectly with our discussion and adds an atmospheric touch for our listeners. By tuning in under the light of the full moon, listeners can immerse themselves in the topic and perhaps observe any unusual occurrences in their surroundings.

    The belief that the full moon influences crime and human behavior is a fascinating blend of myth, history, and science. Whether or not the full moon actually affects crime rates, it’s clear that it holds a significant place in human culture and consciousness. This episode aims to shed light on the topic, providing listeners with a balanced view of the evidence and encouraging them to draw their own conclusions.

    Don’t miss this special episode, releasing this Thursday under the full moon. Join us as we explore the mysteries and realities of the lunar effect on crime and human behavior. Listen, reflect, and perhaps, watch the full moon’s glow with a new perspective.

    • 31 min.

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