36 min

The Vikings Podcast #304: Scarred The Vikings Podcast

    • TV Reviews

WOW! The Wanderer has changed Kattegat and its citizens forever! 
Ragnar and the Vikings have won Mercia, Ecbert begs Lagertha and Athelstan to stay in Wessex, Calf recruits Ragnar’s old enemies and The Wanderer takes Ivar’s pain away, but at what cost?
Find out on another great episode of Vikings!
On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap episode 4, Scarred. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.
The victorious Wessex/Viking forces return to Wessex but there is rancour in the Viking camp–Floki is angry over the alliance with Ecbert and resentful the influence that he feels Athelstan has over Ragnar. Princess Kwenthrith makes some calculating political moves following the battle at the Hill of the Ash in Mercia. Visitors from the past arrive in Hederby, at Kalf’s invitation.
In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
OdinUrinotherapyOlaf, Grand Prince of Kiev
Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

WOW! The Wanderer has changed Kattegat and its citizens forever! 
Ragnar and the Vikings have won Mercia, Ecbert begs Lagertha and Athelstan to stay in Wessex, Calf recruits Ragnar’s old enemies and The Wanderer takes Ivar’s pain away, but at what cost?
Find out on another great episode of Vikings!
On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap episode 4, Scarred. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.
The victorious Wessex/Viking forces return to Wessex but there is rancour in the Viking camp–Floki is angry over the alliance with Ecbert and resentful the influence that he feels Athelstan has over Ragnar. Princess Kwenthrith makes some calculating political moves following the battle at the Hill of the Ash in Mercia. Visitors from the past arrive in Hederby, at Kalf’s invitation.
In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
OdinUrinotherapyOlaf, Grand Prince of Kiev
Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

36 min