46 sec

Episode 55 - Jim's Poem Peter Stanway's Podcast

    • Christianity

Trainees Poems
One of the Five Elements in The Way Christian Ministries’ Training for Life course (http://www.thewaycm.com/tfl.html) aims to release the creativity from within us. It was placed there when God made us in His own image.
Three trainees, Jim, his wife June and Tommy all tried their hand at writing poetry. Here’s what they did.....

Jim's Poem

An ordinary prayer meeting
Or so you think
How long have you been coming here?
Not long I think
Then let’s begin
Norman start in your normal way
Men lay your hands on Jim
And see what I will do

See Jim how I slay you
See Jim how I make you drunk
See Jim how I give you a new language
So that you may praise me
See how you can pray in these groans
So I can pray through you

Give me all the glory
For what I have done for you
You will not forget this
You will remember all your life
And you will give me praise

Trainees Poems
One of the Five Elements in The Way Christian Ministries’ Training for Life course (http://www.thewaycm.com/tfl.html) aims to release the creativity from within us. It was placed there when God made us in His own image.
Three trainees, Jim, his wife June and Tommy all tried their hand at writing poetry. Here’s what they did.....

Jim's Poem

An ordinary prayer meeting
Or so you think
How long have you been coming here?
Not long I think
Then let’s begin
Norman start in your normal way
Men lay your hands on Jim
And see what I will do

See Jim how I slay you
See Jim how I make you drunk
See Jim how I give you a new language
So that you may praise me
See how you can pray in these groans
So I can pray through you

Give me all the glory
For what I have done for you
You will not forget this
You will remember all your life
And you will give me praise

46 sec