53 min

Eco-Terrorists Attack Stonehenge | Thursday, 06/20/2024 Tipping Point with Kara McKinney

    • Política

The CEO of Star News Digital Media, Michael Patrick Leahy, drops by to discuss the legal whirlwind swirling around him as he fights to obtain more pages of the trans Nashville shooter's manifesto. Plus, they/them eco-terrorists attack Stonehenge under the guise of 'Just Stop Oil,' but their aims have less to do with the climate than with Western heritage. And finally, the Democrat governors who refused to stockpile life-saving drugs like Ivermectin during COVID are now stockpiling life-taking drugs like the abortion pill.


Michael Patrick Leahy | CEO, Editor-in-Chief & Majority Owner, Star News Digital Media
Auron MacIntyre | Columnist, Blaze Media & Podcast Host, The Auron MacIntyre Show
Jeremy Carl | Author & Senior Fellow, Claremont Institute
Katie Glenn Daniel | Attorney & State Policy Director, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

The CEO of Star News Digital Media, Michael Patrick Leahy, drops by to discuss the legal whirlwind swirling around him as he fights to obtain more pages of the trans Nashville shooter's manifesto. Plus, they/them eco-terrorists attack Stonehenge under the guise of 'Just Stop Oil,' but their aims have less to do with the climate than with Western heritage. And finally, the Democrat governors who refused to stockpile life-saving drugs like Ivermectin during COVID are now stockpiling life-taking drugs like the abortion pill.


Michael Patrick Leahy | CEO, Editor-in-Chief & Majority Owner, Star News Digital Media
Auron MacIntyre | Columnist, Blaze Media & Podcast Host, The Auron MacIntyre Show
Jeremy Carl | Author & Senior Fellow, Claremont Institute
Katie Glenn Daniel | Attorney & State Policy Director, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

53 min