1h 5 min

Episode 3 - RIP Geronimo - 20/08/2021 Left at Home

    • Política

Disclaimer: In today’s episode, we had an unanticipated and lengthy discussion about the situation in Afghanistan and the United States’ 20 year military campaign in the country. While we try and stay light on the particularly gruesome details, it was difficult to avoid. We do hope you are able to listen and that you enjoy the episode, but in case you would rather skirt this section of our conversation, it begins at approx. 35:40 and ends at approx. 55:40 (CW: war, torture, rape). 

This week, following one of John’s trademark Clegg-pilled meltdowns, the boys discuss transphobic ghosts, Labour’s assault on South American wildlife and how we’re smarter and cooler than Dominic Raab, and so are you! There’s also a little quiz in store. 

Some resources for supporting trans led organisations, groups and actions: https://transrightsuk.carrd.co/

Andrew Quilty’s piece in The Intercept last year, describing some of the US’s covert, CIA-led death squad operations in Afghanistan in the late phase of the war: https://theintercept.com/2020/12/18/afghanistan-cia-militia-01-strike-force/

Sahir’s Alpaca Corner: 

Geronimo, striking a pose: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/450D/production/_119877671_hi069295453.jpg

The eyes do still sparkle: https://images.theconversation.com/files/416321/original/file-20210816-27-wfasje.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&rect=0%2C0%2C2995%2C1998&q=45&auto=format&w=926&fit=clip

Offering a rare smile in these dark times: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/cf48672926597741d3227ca04208568fddc00dd8/0_100_3000_1800/master/3000.jpg?width=445&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=d54c3f5749498c239404fd675758eed9 

LEFT AT HOME is Sahir Hussain (@Sahir_HT) and John Clifford (@JohnTwoots). Follow us on Twitter for more updates at @LeftatHomePod.

Disclaimer: In today’s episode, we had an unanticipated and lengthy discussion about the situation in Afghanistan and the United States’ 20 year military campaign in the country. While we try and stay light on the particularly gruesome details, it was difficult to avoid. We do hope you are able to listen and that you enjoy the episode, but in case you would rather skirt this section of our conversation, it begins at approx. 35:40 and ends at approx. 55:40 (CW: war, torture, rape). 

This week, following one of John’s trademark Clegg-pilled meltdowns, the boys discuss transphobic ghosts, Labour’s assault on South American wildlife and how we’re smarter and cooler than Dominic Raab, and so are you! There’s also a little quiz in store. 

Some resources for supporting trans led organisations, groups and actions: https://transrightsuk.carrd.co/

Andrew Quilty’s piece in The Intercept last year, describing some of the US’s covert, CIA-led death squad operations in Afghanistan in the late phase of the war: https://theintercept.com/2020/12/18/afghanistan-cia-militia-01-strike-force/

Sahir’s Alpaca Corner: 

Geronimo, striking a pose: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/450D/production/_119877671_hi069295453.jpg

The eyes do still sparkle: https://images.theconversation.com/files/416321/original/file-20210816-27-wfasje.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&rect=0%2C0%2C2995%2C1998&q=45&auto=format&w=926&fit=clip

Offering a rare smile in these dark times: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/cf48672926597741d3227ca04208568fddc00dd8/0_100_3000_1800/master/3000.jpg?width=445&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=d54c3f5749498c239404fd675758eed9 

LEFT AT HOME is Sahir Hussain (@Sahir_HT) and John Clifford (@JohnTwoots). Follow us on Twitter for more updates at @LeftatHomePod.

1h 5 min