5 min

In Other News For January 6th, 2023 Jon Bowne Politix

    • Filosofía

Editors Note-I recorded this episode away from my studio as a test to see if I can do these in the field. I will work on audio quality and content next. Just wanted to make sure that I can record and upload from anywhere. Thanks! back to normal on Monday. Thanks for listening!

Welcome to the In Other News podcast at dailynewscollective.com. The poor man’s Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn’t want the average citizen to devour.

The 2nd anniversary of January 6th and the litmus test by the emerging totalitarian corporotocracy has proven that the propaganda and suppression is at the very least treading water. There has been no pushback as to the missing 14,000 hours of surveillance footage the January 6th committee refuses to reveal to the public.

Initial footage already shows antifa groups being the first to enter the Capitol. As well as people inside communicating with whoever had locked the doors to open them. The names Ray Epps, Megan Paradise,Luke Phillips, John Sullivan. All of which who could paint a completely different picture that leads up to Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre insistence that no national guard be present according to Donald Trump’s request. The patriots, who saw the Capitol as their representative public space, because it is, and not as an exclusive Country Club. Are still languishing in jail. Some of them beaten repeatedly.

While their 6th Amendment Right is ignored as if they were incarcerated in Guantanamo. The overall demonization of these people by backstabbing politicians and the media including most of FOX News. The founders wouldn’t have been appalled by the events of January 6th. They encouraged them. It is our duty as Americans to get to the bottom of a broken election system. And when no one will listen.

The Declaration Of Independence, that old ragged document the establishment flinches at, instructs the American people to get some answers. That’s no opinion. It’s simply an uncomfortable fact the petty tyrants with temporary power despise. The continuing lies about police officers that died on that day. When none did. The disregard of Ashli Babbitt and the arrest of her Mother as she honored her daughter.The overall intent by the establishment to politicize and propagandize the event as a warning to all Americans.

And the neglect of the telling of the whole story. The real story. The rioting, the murders, the torching of small family businesses, attacks on police officers of all levels, and the White House itself by an army of leftist Marxists whipped into a frenzy for over a year after George Floyd was used as a catalyst by the establishment to seed revolution in Trump’s America.

It’s a sad day that now honors total hypocrisy. We should reclaim it in Ashli Babbitt’s name. We should all go down and March peacefully where Ashli's mother was arrested.

Problem is, Will yet another trap be hiding in the bushes on the lawn of one of the many marble bureaucracies in the District of Criminals? Will the FBI infiltrate that protest as well?

The right to protest with no restrictions clearly belongs to one class of people in America. And it ain’t most of us.

Those of us that love this Country. Those of us that follow the laws that were established and afforded us as our birthright. We are the enemy. Because the establishment. Without a shred of doubt are precisely the people the...

Editors Note-I recorded this episode away from my studio as a test to see if I can do these in the field. I will work on audio quality and content next. Just wanted to make sure that I can record and upload from anywhere. Thanks! back to normal on Monday. Thanks for listening!

Welcome to the In Other News podcast at dailynewscollective.com. The poor man’s Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn’t want the average citizen to devour.

The 2nd anniversary of January 6th and the litmus test by the emerging totalitarian corporotocracy has proven that the propaganda and suppression is at the very least treading water. There has been no pushback as to the missing 14,000 hours of surveillance footage the January 6th committee refuses to reveal to the public.

Initial footage already shows antifa groups being the first to enter the Capitol. As well as people inside communicating with whoever had locked the doors to open them. The names Ray Epps, Megan Paradise,Luke Phillips, John Sullivan. All of which who could paint a completely different picture that leads up to Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre insistence that no national guard be present according to Donald Trump’s request. The patriots, who saw the Capitol as their representative public space, because it is, and not as an exclusive Country Club. Are still languishing in jail. Some of them beaten repeatedly.

While their 6th Amendment Right is ignored as if they were incarcerated in Guantanamo. The overall demonization of these people by backstabbing politicians and the media including most of FOX News. The founders wouldn’t have been appalled by the events of January 6th. They encouraged them. It is our duty as Americans to get to the bottom of a broken election system. And when no one will listen.

The Declaration Of Independence, that old ragged document the establishment flinches at, instructs the American people to get some answers. That’s no opinion. It’s simply an uncomfortable fact the petty tyrants with temporary power despise. The continuing lies about police officers that died on that day. When none did. The disregard of Ashli Babbitt and the arrest of her Mother as she honored her daughter.The overall intent by the establishment to politicize and propagandize the event as a warning to all Americans.

And the neglect of the telling of the whole story. The real story. The rioting, the murders, the torching of small family businesses, attacks on police officers of all levels, and the White House itself by an army of leftist Marxists whipped into a frenzy for over a year after George Floyd was used as a catalyst by the establishment to seed revolution in Trump’s America.

It’s a sad day that now honors total hypocrisy. We should reclaim it in Ashli Babbitt’s name. We should all go down and March peacefully where Ashli's mother was arrested.

Problem is, Will yet another trap be hiding in the bushes on the lawn of one of the many marble bureaucracies in the District of Criminals? Will the FBI infiltrate that protest as well?

The right to protest with no restrictions clearly belongs to one class of people in America. And it ain’t most of us.

Those of us that love this Country. Those of us that follow the laws that were established and afforded us as our birthright. We are the enemy. Because the establishment. Without a shred of doubt are precisely the people the...

5 min